@felvapes hypocritical would be the word.
We have a world leader in medical cannabis manufacturing here.
The Prime Minister, her anti drugs minister and their respective husbands are all benefiting financially from their involvement with GW Pharma yet it's an illegal substance and has always been touted as having no medical properties.
It's taken a recent media campaign to give the mother of a very poorly young man the right to use cannabis to alleviate his symptoms.
The wars on drugs will never be won and there will always be a thriving black market, thankfully.
At some point in time corporate greed will kick in and we will legalise.
We have a world leader in medical cannabis manufacturing here.
The Prime Minister, her anti drugs minister and their respective husbands are all benefiting financially from their involvement with GW Pharma yet it's an illegal substance and has always been touted as having no medical properties.
It's taken a recent media campaign to give the mother of a very poorly young man the right to use cannabis to alleviate his symptoms.
The wars on drugs will never be won and there will always be a thriving black market, thankfully.
At some point in time corporate greed will kick in and we will legalise.