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Grow First Grow

Hi there to everyone!
Growing is really a lot of fun, isn't it!? I simply love it.
As Kellya86 assured me - with pointing out the "obvious" [which I hadn't thought of until then :doh:] idea of growing it myself -
I would never buy weed again. I would grow it myself!

Exactly! :rofl:He was absolutely right.

Growing is not only a lot of fun but also incredibly satisfying. You can do so much! So far, I’ve only done a little, like making gummies after producing MCT oil extract. It’s just fantastic! :science:

As I’m thinking of moving back to Europe, I stopped growing, and... yes, I had to realize that my :weed:supply is running out. Yet, I’m still here and haven’t taken any concrete steps to move back.

I used to have so much :weed: that the chamber of my Volcano Hybrid was always overflowing. I was practically vaping tons of :weed: every day and enjoying edibles as well.

But now that my reserve is nearly gone (since I still don’t know how long it will take me to seriously decide to move back to Europe, I might as well start growing again and see what happens—this is what I did), I’ve been forced to drastically reduce my consumption. I rarely use the Volcano now because the chamber, which was always full before, seems too big. I vape more sparingly with my portable vaporizers, and as I mentioned, I’m consuming much less than I used to.

However, I’m actually enjoying this period because I’ve learned to appreciate it more again. And since I’m consuming much less, even just a small amount gets me really high! :aaaaa:

I won’t say that I prefer having so little :weed: on hand, but I just wanted to share this current experience with you.

I’ve just vaped a chamber with my Roffu, and I’m really :headbang: right now.

By the way, I have the Airvape Legacy Pro, the Xvape Fog Pro, and the Xvape Roffu.

My favorite is the Roffu!

In my opinion, it has the best performance of the three. As for the Fog, I like the discreet size, the chamber is large, but maybe too large, and I’m not fully satisfied with the performance.

The Roffu also has the best taste, in my opinion.

Have fun, everyone!

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VGoodiez 420EDC