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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

My friend has a daughter named Echo. She swears she always has to call her twice.
Too funny!

It would be the day I'd be able to get my dog to obey like that. He has a mind of his own....

Which reminds me, once again, of the time I spoke to @Vitolo when Cos was a puppy. I couldn't get him to stop barking and asked Vito for help. Vito has a history in dog training.
Anyway, he asked me to make a list of my dog's traits and send it to him; then we'd talk. I did that and the day came for our convo... Vito started out by asking me some questions about myself. By the time he got to "are you full of beans," I realized he was asking me about the traits I had put down for the dog.

And they matched mine. Need I say more? :rofl:

Apparently I don't like to be told what to do either. :dog:
Having trouble uploading pics....


I got it to work by editing this comment

It wasn't working prior
I think he just spotted @felvapes naked!:dog:

Beagle at 4:20 looks like my old mate, but better behaved!

Picture of Madri-Guy in front of the door he repeatedly painted during the Canna Flour experiment/adventure. The dog in the center, is the small dog given to us a month ago. She wanted to be with us while we baked, so M-G threw her in the front pack. Then the black dog started fussing to be held, so up he goes, then the third wants in a sling. I guess a backpack if we get a fourth?
So the center dog now has a permanent home. In total, we have 15 lbs. of dog, in three dog packages.

I like the tyre pressure monitor right at the bottom...peeking duck:disgust::hungry:

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VGoodiez 420EDC