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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Tang looks baked @arb :lol:. Baked & guarding the stash.

Just looking at the head of that snake makes you want to stay clear.:rip:

The problem is they don't tend to move so you can step on a Death Adder. We have good anti venoms out here so it is really a matter of getting to hospital ASAP.

Here is a grade A moron annoying a king brown. I kinda wish he got bitten :idon'tknow:

Horses are assholes.
I think he's hilarious.... especially the one shot where his legs are sticking out... But I can't imagine trying to train him.

I'm actually quite afraid of horses. Didn't use to be... In fact the reason I'm afraid of them now is because of the time I tried to hug a horse. As I was walking away, he planted a good kick on my behind sending me flying. Seriously. I ate turf. You could see the hoof prints on my ass (I was wearing white pants). A few inches up and I could have been paralyzed. Fucker... I was just giving the jerk a hug...

Alcohol may have been involved....
Kicked,bit,bucked,stepped on,rolled on,rubbed off..........multiple times often all in the same day...........horses are total assholes.
Course............in all fairness they don't seem to like me much either.
The best kind of horses...are made with petrol/gas.:smoke:

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VGoodiez 420EDC