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Lunacy Toast

Tho very entertaining (funny at the end), that is not toast, that is Grilled Bread (at least in my world...:uhoh:.)

The same way this is not a "Toasted Cheese" sandwich:
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Been doing that since the early 70's and never looked back (even before we got the nucrowave)... but you know, the far less complicated/anal actual TOAST kind of way...

we always had a jar of cinnamon brown sugar on the counter filled and ready to go... just make regular buttered TOAST in a TOASTER oven, per usual, but apply a liberal dose cinnamon brown sugar on the butter before putting it in the oven, or if you're a heathen and refrigerate your butter, put it on mid way...super easy and very little mess!

Edit: Bonus points for doing this on pita sliced into 2-3" triangles!
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Been doing that since the early 70's and never looked back (even before we got the nucrowave)... but you know, the far less complicated/anal actual TOAST kind of way...

we always had a jar of cinnamon brown sugar on the counter filled and ready to go... just make regular buttered TOAST in a TOASTER oven, per usual, but apply a liberal dose cinnamon brown sugar on the butter before putting it in the oven, or if you're a heathen and refrigerate your butter, put it on mid way...super easy and very little mess!
You can do it with honey and butter as well.... :wink:
Is this toast...I think he's toasted alright! haha


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VGoodiez 420EDC