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Lunacy Toast

Might as well smoke your weed if you gonna eat burnt toast no????....
I dont eat bread.. bread is bad.. but when i used to eat bread, brown bread toast is the best.. then cooled and slice of real butter....
When i get a sore throat, (never since quitting smoking), i make toast, no butter, let it cool, then eat bits of it without really chewing.. i feel like this helps as it scrapes its way down.. maybe it like takes some bacteria with it i dont know...
But i definitely feel toast can be medicinal...
When i get a sore throat, (never since quitting smoking), i make toast, no butter, let it cool, then eat bits of it without really chewing.. i feel like this helps as it scrapes its way down.. maybe it like takes some bacteria with it i dont know...
But i definitely feel toast can be medicinal...

I can relate to the throat toast scrape, sometimes chased by a teaspoonful of hot sauce.

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VGoodiez 420EDC