Always in search of the perfect vaporizer
Debated as to whether to start a new thread. Need help! What kinda car should I buy?
I love the car I have but it’s getting older a 2009 Mini Cooper. My mechanic said to trade it in. They are too expensive if anything major goes wrong with them.
I would like to find something a couple years old, sporty hatchback under $17000. What about a Kia Niro? I don’t like the Soul and I don’t want an SUV. I liked the Chevy Cruz with the hatchback. They are being discontinued!! This is a difficult decision for me.
I love the car I have but it’s getting older a 2009 Mini Cooper. My mechanic said to trade it in. They are too expensive if anything major goes wrong with them.
I would like to find something a couple years old, sporty hatchback under $17000. What about a Kia Niro? I don’t like the Soul and I don’t want an SUV. I liked the Chevy Cruz with the hatchback. They are being discontinued!! This is a difficult decision for me.