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Meds Cannabis and Surgery - Anesthesia

Yeah and let's talk about how healing and helpful it is to use after surgery.

It's been a life saver for me. I am currently 1 week post OP on a torn knee. [Acl mcl meniscus] vaping cannabis after surgery has been so very helpful for me. I cant stand pain narcotics and was able to ditch them after 3 days. 5 days later , still feeling myself dealing with side effects of the narcotics. Canniibs helps me get comfortable enough to manage pain with only Tylenol. Also has been helping iminsley with stomach discomfort or bowels. I Cant and dont want to imagine a life without cannabis!

What Doctors Are Learning About Marijuana and Surgery​

People who use cannabis may need more anesthesia during procedures, but many remain wary of mentioning their habit​

I never mentioned my usage prior to my state going legal for the obvious reasons. But now that we are legal... there's no reason to hide it. Especially when you consider that you could potentially wake up during surgery if you don't have the proper anesthesia. Which I have several times. That has not happened since I started telling them about my usage.

Cannabis can impair anesthesia's effectiveness. So I strongly recommend telling the anesthesiologist about your usage prior to surgery unless you are in a state with archaic cannabis laws.
I also have on my medical record I use cannabis. I really wrestled with this. I didn’t want to have the Dr to blame everything on cannabis use. I have a really awesome doctor now I don’t need to worry about that. Search for an open minded personal
Scarey thought waking up during spine surgery.
I also have on my medical record I use cannabis. I really wrestled with this. I didn’t want to have the Dr to blame everything on cannabis use. I have a really awesome doctor now I don’t need to worry about that. Search for an open minded personal
Scarey thought waking up during spine surgery.
That's sounds like a horrible nightmare I wouldn't want anyone to go through!
My brother smokes cannabis. I know, ive given him vaporizers and talked to him about the benefits and he doesnt like vaporizing his bud. This past year he had surgery and they did a hip surgery at the surgical center at the orthopedics office. My brother is 75 yrs old. I told him this needs to be done at a hospital.

When they woke him up after surgery his lungs were closing up. They called an ambulance to transport him to the local hospital. It took several days of lung treatments before he could come home. My brothers orthopedic surgeon knew he smoked bud and after everything gave him a cannabis T shirt. I thought was weird. He should be lucky he’s not being sued. Not sure if he was trying to butter my brother up. My brother will not go to this doctor again. His hip still hurts.

Since Covid some surgeries aren’t done in hospitals. I think corners are cut and not out of the interest of the patients. I kinda went in another direction but you get the point. You need to be your own advocate.
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I had lumbar fusion 3 wks ago…I don’t recommend for your vacation plans. Lol

I def told the surgeon and anesthesiologist about it.

Though it might be why it took three hours for them to get me out of recovery and into a room. Haha

You wouldn’t want to wake up during surgery!

Thanks @momofthegoons for finding this thread, I kept looking. For some reason I was looking in the wrong place.
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I never mentioned my usage prior to my state going legal for the obvious reasons. But now that we are legal... there's no reason to hide it.

My state recently went legal. Just his past week, I was honest with the medical professionals about my cannabis usage. No reason hide it anymore.

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VGoodiez 420EDC