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Lunacy R.I.P

"Brothers and sisters, I want to see a sea of hands out there!
Let me see a sea of hands!
I want everyone to kick up some noise
I want to hear some revolution out there, brothers
I want to hear a little revolution
Brothers and sisters, the time has come for each and every one of you to decide whether you are going to be the problem or whether you are going to be the solution
(That's right)
You must choose brothers, you must choose
It takes five seconds, five seconds of decision, five seconds to realize your purpose here on the planet
It takes five seconds to realize that it's time to move, it's time to get down with it
Brothers, it's time to testify and I want to know, are you ready to testify?
Are you ready?
I give you a testimonial, the MC5 !!!”

--Intro to "Ramblin' Rose" on "The Kick Out the Jams” album by the MC5, 1969.

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VGoodiez 420EDC