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Extraction Dabpress Rosin Plates

Would you believe me if I told you that we don't charge our customers the full price for DHL express shipping
What about the Amazon rort of only allowing 1 piece at a time so freight can be charged every time, look into that as well, please.

For now, I am looking at these (on order), sewn then ultrasonically sealed over the seams,

or these as they look pretty good and cheap(on order),
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Considering the cost of finished bags (which seem really expensive considering what they are), and the cost of the raw material to make said bags, why not just pick up a few chunks of silkscreen cloth and make them at home? Sewing isn't that hard, especially for a straight seam. It can be done without a machine, it'll just take a few minutes longer...

When I get to the press next time I'll smush some buds into a chuck of 120 micron screen and see how it works without being sewn. And then maybe flash up the wife's brand new vintage 80s model sewing machine and try sewing a few and see how that goes... Just for interests sakes, ya know?
Was thinking of possibilities of buying screen and folding bags
Sewing by hand may not be time worthy
With a machine no worries

Folding may work but depends how much is needed to create a seal without catching rosin

Bought bag convenience is attractive
But if prices are going to stay so ridiculous home made is possibly an option

Nice find @LesPlenty let us know how they perform
Even get double the bags in the pack for that price with free Post :)

I'd keep supporting dabpress if they showed us the same love back

It's not like we give them major props and free advertising with our endorsement and posts or anything...
Or in two packs I've now gone through both have had a number of "guaranteed no burst" bags burst ....
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"guaranteed no burst"

Hehe, I did not know they were guaranteed Burst Proof, I have blown quite a few!
I will let you know how the new bags go.
Hehe, I did not know they were guaranteed Burst Proof, I have blown quite a few!
I will let you know how the new bags go.
It says so on the packet....
Yes will be keen to hear how the new ones go at that price
I already paid for two packs and post that almost equals what I bought

But for future if this is the only way to buy dabpress bags I may have to look elsewhere instead of supporting the brand for bags

Still recommend the presses though

I just checked my order receipt email

I did buy three packs
It cost me $75 USD
That's $115 AUD

That's one American dollar per bag/squish and that's not counting the bags that burst
Almost $1.50 AUD per bag.....

That is a major rort
Actually quite annoyed looking at that
I didn't realise I was paying in USD at the time

Refraining from swearing ATM seeing that
I would love some compensation for such but know that no one is obligated to do so
It's my fault I didn't double check the currency
But the post cost is a different thing

I will definitely be buying elsewhere in the future if this is how we are treated as loyal customers....

Great press at competitive prices compared to other brands, they know how to make their money back post sales though wtaf
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@LesPlenty and @felvapes I do understand your frustrations at having to pay so much postage for things... especially things that don't cost much and the postage ends up equal or more.

However... let's not 'kill the messenger' and take this out on @psychonaut . It's certainly not his fault and he has explained how the freight is charged. Now... he has also said he will talk to the owner and see what can be done on smalls like this. So let's not belabor the point please?
We are looking at the options for factory shipments. The biggest concern is customer complaints for this free shipping transit time. Just a quick peek at China Post which is commonly used for these free shipments shows a delivery time that varies from 5-30+ days. Can you share your experiences importing using those value based couriers?

At the end of the day it is our hope that you save money.
What I have learned is that these little mesh bags are expensive. I just did some searching on Dabpress, ebay, amazon, etc. and basically 160mu bags are about a dollar each in the US if you are buying a 10 to 25 bag package. DP is a bit more, while on ebay you can get them a little cheaper. However, I worry about a cheaper ebay purchase where you are buying unlabelled bags from unknown sources. There are a lot of shady sellers out there.

We are looking at the options for factory shipments. Can you share your experiences importing using those value based couriers?

If I had a choice of cheaper or free shipping to the US, I would rather pay less and wait more. Sometimes urgent need might change my preference, but usually I can plan ahead for the future.

Its like with glassware. If I like the look of a certain dab rig, I'll look for a dhgate version and wait for it. If I just broke my only dab rig, I'd spend more and buy from a domestic source.

Thanks @psychonaut for your thoughtful customer service.
What about the Amazon rort of only allowing 1 piece at a time so freight can be charged every time, look into that as well, please.

For now, I am looking at these (on order), sewn then ultrasonically sealed over the seams,
View attachment 15025
or these as they look pretty good and cheap(on order),
View attachment 15024
Are these just folded and stitched on two sides? Are the corners reinforced?
Are these just folded and stitched on two sides? Are the corners reinforced?

Mostly yes, but there are lots of bag manufacturers. Some are welded, some are stitched. And they make them from different materials with different mesh sizes. Corners are not reinforced because extra material holds rosin.

I shopped a lot and now buy Arizona press bags at roughly a buck a bag. That's what works in my set up best. 20 ton shop press.

I go through close to 200 bags a year. But that's a bunch of rosin.
Mostly yes, but there are lots of bag manufacturers. Some are welded, some are stitched. And they make them from different materials with different mesh sizes. Corners are not reinforced because extra material holds rosin.

I shopped a lot and now buy Arizona press bags at roughly a buck a bag. That's what works in my set up best. 20 ton shop press.

I go through close to 200 bags a year. But that's a bunch of rosin.
That is a bunch of rosin. I was just curious as to how hard they would be to sew. Thank you, @Shredder.
I cut the ends off my bags and fold the top and bottom so that the corners and bottom seam do not catch rosin
So I only need the side stitched

The only option to be cheaper would be to try @Killick idea and buy mesh then try to sew yourself or fold (only problem I see with this is the seam may not seal as well and seep out material

Dabpress bags would much be less than$1 per bag if the post was not so high
Post on one pack is more than the pack itself, so this is where the issue lies stopping them be cheaper than everyone else

@psychonaut as mentioned above, everything I buy from China arrives here within one week, 2 at most (maybe I waited 3 for one bong once)
It is all free postage, they all say 5-30 days but usually arrive in around 7

If I am buying big items like the press I would probably want it quickly (I was impressed at how quickly it arrived)

For small items I would be happier to have free shipping and wait a week or two at most

For now I guess I paid through the nose for three packs of bags that still burst quite a lot so it in fact costs me much more than $1 a bag
To me this is much less acceptable than a possible few extra days waiting

Maybe to make up for it I will take pics of each "guaranteed no burst" bag that bursts and ask for replacements
Even after getting replacement bags last time I had quite a few burst, just not as frequently as the first pack (I know @LesPlenty has had a few bust in his pics too without asking for replacements)
free shipping transit time.
Free shipping time for me, last bong=1 week(best so far), the one before=4 weeks (3 to 4 is normal for me, worst=6, seller took 2 weeks to send though)
I would rather pay less and wait more
I agree, that is why I went to order as soon as I finished my last pack.
I wanted to try some 90 and 120-micron bags anyway, that is another reason I purchased elsewhere.
Some of the bags that are really cheap on eBay look very nasty, child labor involved by the look of them, I went for cheap (under US$1) but not nasty.
I really would like to try DNail's seamless bags but cannot even find them on their site(being updated apparently)
I think bags are like tyres on cars, a consumable item that people usually do not go back to the dealer for when it comes to replacement time, it is a user's choice between many sellers where a personal choice will decide. between many factors.
I will get some more 160 micron bags off Dabpress (better the devil you know) once they bring in 'Slow Ship from China' rates!
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Here is the Celsius to Fareinheight chart I use if anyone needs a decent copy,


  • celsius_fahrenheit chart.pdf
    75.5 KB · Views: 315
So I just did a squish
I did 15 g
I used lower pressure to try as I've seen @psychonaut and @LesPlenty doing but kept the time and heat up

It was a bugger to pack the puck !!
My 1ton vice must have smaller jaws than yours @LesPlenty as it would not fit the ppuck maker with that much
It ended up being a kefuffle of pressing smaller amounts in the vice to compact and then having it fall apart and doing again until it was all compact enough that I could make a puck that just fit the press plates (not vice) via the body weight method

Eventually though I had a 15 g puck in bag cut and folded as usual

Press set to 105° C (220°f)

Next I put it in the press and started stopwatch

I slowly pressed and heat soaked to just as pressure starts to register on the dial
At about 1.45 approx I started to put pressure on and took it up to 2000 on the dial for approx 2.5 mins at about 4.15 on watch
Then I gave it one more small push on the pump to between 2-2400 on dial until 3mins at 4.45 on clock

I got back about 11% at 1.66g which for this bud is okay
I had been getting about 10% prior

I did a second press at 2600 for 3mins and got another 1% at .14

So 12% all up

The repress produced more oily and darker rosin as usual on higher pressure and second press

The first press was much nicer to collect than the higher pressure squishes I have been doing and was a bit nicer in colour

I definitely got a better result from the first lower pressure squish
I guess less waxes and chlorophyll etc

The bigger yield I can only put to one of three things
Either for some reason the more material worked better to let the rosin run out

Or the extra time letting heat soak at just under pressure

Or the squishing and compacting in the vice makes for a better puck and extraction of rosin

I think it was maybe the compaction most likely or even a mix of the compacted puck and the extra heat soak before full pressure

More experimentation needed

But definitely liked the results from lower pressure squishing
I used to go to 3-3500 at the end of a squish

Now I will be staying lower pressure and longer time overall (heat soak included)

I may try slightly lower temp next time but can see pressure had more to do with extras getting through my rosin more than anything

As.long as not too hot and the lower pressure the time isn't so bad, it doesn't tend to burn but keep pushing rosin out for a good while

The bag did not break or pop with the extra bud in the puck
It was the most perfect and round pick I've seen in ages

Tbh (and not harping on earlier topics) I have had a few burst recently with less bud in there - and it isn't the extra pressure I used as you hear it bust/tear early in the squish before any real pressure has been put on and see it pop out the paper

So maybe the compacted puck and/or heat soak helps here too with keeping bags in tact

I think the compacted pre press is the thing

I have heat soaked before and still had issues

More experimentation to narrow it down
Better results today though
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I think my single 20g puck had 3 separate trips to the vice, 7g in prepress, remove the big plunger and add another 7g back in the vice removed plunger fill again then back in the vice to keep the overall length between the vice jaws.

I learned this after trying my first 14g puck that I had to use a screw type clamp to get it down to vice size.

I think I will stick to 12g loads in the prepress as that size can be squashed by hand thin enough to get in between the Dabpress plates.
I think my single 20g puck had 3 separate trips to the vice, 7g in prepress, remove the big plunger and add another 7g back in the vice removed plunger fill again then back in the vice to keep the overall length between the vice jaws.

I learned this after trying my first 14g puck that I had to use a screw type clamp to get it down to vice size.

I think I will stick to 12g loads in the prepress as that size can be squashed by hand thin enough to get in between the Dabpress plates.
I think I will try the vice again though to see
I think this made a difference to my results for some reason
But yea will do smaller amounts that I can hand press to get to vice fitting size and then compact that
I have been using a vice to pre-press since my second or third pressing. I usually press two 6-7g pucks at a time and find the vice pressed pucks are so much easier to get into the press. Additionally, I only sleeve the pucks instead of a full wrap up which only takes about 3/4 inch of filter bag per puck - so I get 4 or 5 sleeves from a single bag. I keep pressure at the puck(s) to around 850 psi and have only broken one sleeve in 30+ presses.
I keep pressure at the puck(s) to around 850 psi

That is where I fucked up with the open end attempts, I will have to try again with less pressure, I usually sit around the 1000psi at puck mark.
I have no issues using body weight and 10g to make pucks that fit into the press
But the extra made it hard to get it in the vice itself

The compacting is what made a difference to results though I think however much bud is used

I have seen elsewhere that some people like to do two 7 g pucks at a time with the cut and fold method I use now

I didnt bother to try open ended bags after seeing others have spills

I might try two 7g pucks as it would sit in the vice easier to compress
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VGoodiez 420EDC