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Two Year Anniversary Giveaway!!!

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I was just awarded my 2 year anniversary trophy. Can't believe it's been that long already! Thanks for making us this safe space @momofthegoons
Congratulations, @elykpeace, on your trophy, and Happy Anniversary!!! You are part of why this place is just so gosh dang crazy. You are a solid branch on the Vapor Asylum tree. More than that, you are a friend. Here's to Two More, for you, for @momofthegoons, for us all. And many more! :aaaaa::partyhat: :aaaaa:

This is my favourite little grotto near Fossil Bluff Wynyard, it is usually quiet there. I like using my WS Huon Pine stem as a Vapcap while there as it just seems right with all the driftwood on the beach:thumbsup:
I'd like to go whale watching, and see the seaquined whale. Only, I mean it. Every year I go, every year, no whale. Not since I got bifocals. Nothing . And the thing is, whale watching is cold. Around here it sure is. It's more parka than evening gown, I tell you. And your hair gets blown. It's windy on the shore , it's windy on the boat, and like my exhusband always says, "It's Wendy in the bedroom". He left me for Wendy. About the time I started whale watching, as I recall. Well, be that as it may, I'd like to see a whale for a change.
I'm packing bread and cheese , and taking some wine, and wearing a straples ballgown under my parka, and as I lounge on the rocks , I expect to see a gol*@#$%#@ whale. What vape will I take? My Fury, of course.
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I'd like to go whale watching, and see the seaquined whale. Only, I mean it. Every year I go, every year, no whale. Not since I got bifocals. Nothing . And the thing is, whale watching is cold. Around here it sure is. It's more parka than evening gown, I tell you. And your hair gets blown. It's windy on the shore , it's windy on the boat, and like my exhusband always says, "It's Wendy in the bedroom". He left me for Wendy. About the time I started whale watching, as I recall. Well, be that as it may, I'd like to see a whale for a change.
I'm packing bread and cheese , and taking some wine, and wearing a straples ballgown under my parka, and as I lounge on the rocks , I expect to see a gol*@#$%#@ whale. What vape will I take? My Fury, of course.
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Whale watching in CALIFORNIA is a normal function!
Last year we had many breaches.
Whale tails everywhere!

My friend who gives whale tours turn’s us on where to go?
It's a metaphor. It's a metaphor for the whole damned relationship. The entire time, he was holding me up, holding me back. I'm staring right into that sweet, little, rabbit face, and he's hiding behind a mask. I don't even know who he really was. The entire time, I was his hostage. The entire time, he's got me at gunpoint. Danger is not so handsome when it's a threat, and not a hint. Me, helpless before his boyish charms. Not seeing who he really was, when he was right there before me, showing me. I let him make me helpless. Hands in the air, head over heels, cross my heart and hope to die, in love and helpless. We were so close. So close I thought we were together. I thought we were in this together, each just playing a part. Acting out our roles. The entire time, the entire time, he was planning on leaving . He took everything. My love, his money. Yes, it was his money , but that doesn't mean it's any less gone. I still miss him. I still miss the money. He never planned to stay. Not from the beginning. Never. Never is all that's left.
I'm vaping with my Ghost vape. That's what he was, you know. Here one moment, gone the next. Like ghost vapor. Not here at all. Invisible.
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North America. One thing I've come to notice about Canada is how often ppl overlook how much beauty is out here to see. Its more affordable for citizens to book an all exclusive to a foreign island than it is to sight see our own country.

BC Mountains. Long over due. I'd bring my shadow M, Induction heater and backup torch. Why? The Essential setup for a day's hike. To minimize weight I might leave the ih and bring a second torch! I'd climb to the peak of a mountain. Setup shop then zone out and enjoy the nature of it all.
It's a metaphor. It's a metaphor for the whole damned relationship. The entire time, he was holding me up, holding me back. I'm staring right into that sweet, little, rabbit face, and he's hiding behind a mask. I don't even know who he really was. The entire time, I was his hostage. The entire time, he's got me at gunpoint. Danger is not so handsome when it's a threat, and not a hint. Me, helpless before his boyish charms. Not seeing who he really was, when he was right there before me, showing me. I let him make me helpless. Hands in the air, head over heels, cross my heart and hope to die, in love and helpless. We were so close. So close I thought we were together. I thought we were in this together, each just playing a part. Acting out our roles. The entire time, the entire time, he was planning on leaving . He took everything. My love, his money. Yes, it was his money , but that doesn't mean it's any less gone. I still miss him. I still miss the money. He never planned to stay. Not from the beginning. Never. Never is all that's left.
I'm vaping with my Ghost vape. That's what he was, you know. Here one moment, gone the next. Like ghost vapor. Not here at all. Invisible.
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GDP ROSIN has taken my head!
PUBLIC ENEMY is my read this night so high above the pale blue dot we live on!
By the time you read this, I'll be gone. Gone to ComicCon. I know, I know, you didn't think I should go, which is why I had to go, when you think about it. No one wants to hear "No". It limits us as human beings. It limits our potential as human beings. When I hear "No", I hear you saying, I can't be great, I can't touch the sky. I can't be my best self. I can't be Super. Is that what you think of me? That I'm incapable of what so many others are able to do? They get to go to ComicCon. They get to wear the garb of heroes. Heroes! Let out of the house ! They don't have to sneak around. They don't have to pilfer and thieve from loved ones to get money for costumes. They don't have to lie and make excuses to even get out of the house, much to get tickets and go! They don't daily have to go against the True Spirit of Who they are, and what they are capable of. Capable ! As in being able to wear a cape. You think so little of me, you don't even think I'm Capable. I know I am. I know I am. I even have a cape! Does that shock you? A cape and a vape! Yes, I have a vape as well. Does that shock you? It should. It was meant to shock you. It's called the Mighty, and my back up vape is called the Sidekick. The Mighty, because that's what I am. That's how I see myself. Mighty. Capable. Capable is just a minimum. Mighty is more my potential. The Sidekick is just because, well, sometimes you have to settle in the Real World. There might not be a job opening as a Super Hero, or even a Regular Hero. No one wants to be a Sidekick, or even own a Sidekick, but there are more openings as a Sidekick, and sometimes you have to work your way up. You say that! You always say that. How else would I know? You say just take a job! Any job! And now being a Sidekick is something to look down on. Well, I won't be looked down on! I'm meant to Fly ! To Soar ! In a cape ! So by the time you read this, I'll be gone. Gone to ComicCon. So if you need me, that's where I'll be. Don't bother trying to find me. It'll be real crowded.



Oh, I've packed a Hero sandwich and a piece of fruit. Don't worry about me going hungry.
So, I'm pretty settled in my nest. It's cozy. Kind of rustic, with the twigs and everything. I'm vaping with a Sidekick lately, but starting to think I should switch to Solo, you know? It's not the flock. It's not. I love my flock. I love Bigger Bird. I just, I just have issues with Emu. He's an ass. Well, not literally. He thinks he's Cock O' The Walk, but he's not. He's just real grabby. Is it enough to make me fly the coop? I don't know. It would be so disruptive now that the pecking order has been established, you know? I've got a great job in the kitchen. Most here have the appetite of birds. They just peck at their food. There isn't much to do. Refill the feeders, then the rest of the day off. It really is a great job. First pick of tasty morsels. It's ideal. Everything is pretty perfect. Fill the feeder. Rest in the nest. Vape. Take naps. It's just Emu, and not enough of the Big Bird. I know it has to be rough being second in Command, but I'm second from the bottom in the yard, and you don't hear me complaining. Except now. And that's more grousing than anything.
How Emu sees himself

Actual picture of Emu
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My Vapors Brother Box would bring me here for a nice long heat soaked session. The VB Box would sit perilously on the edge of the tub teetering and tottering. Anticipating the VB box falling into the ooze, and a nice shock of electricity to enhance my buzz is a high in and of itself.
The large and deep tub filled with a gelatinous and unidentifiable ooze :yikes: is suitable for a nice cold bath while slowly inhaling the sweet vapor from the glass tipped mouth piece of the VB Box.


I just got my invitation. You think I've gone pale? I feel pale. Absolutely ghostly. It's ghastly! A wedding invitation to an X's wedding! And not just any X. This is the guy who just disappeared on me. We were drifting along, happy as can be, and Poof! He's gone. Not a whisper. Not a shadow of him, anywhere. I was ghosted! Then out of the blue, a wedding invitation! He's found his soulmate. They have a Spiritual connection. They want to be joined together until death them do part...wait. How's that supposed to work? They want to be joined together for all eternity. I bet she wears white. She shouldn't wear white. Everyone thinks they are entitled to wear white. There is such a thing as patterned sheets, you know. Just perfect for situations such as this. Am I going? Of course, I'm going! I just need to get into the Spirit of it all. I'll be vaping, of course. And drinking. It says spirits will be served. Open bar. Nice. Taking my Ghost vape, of course. I've already sent back my RSVP. I'm having the vegetarian option. Don't need my dinner haunting me after the reception, after all.





My X, Casper, and his wife for the afterlife. His afterwife, I'm afraid. Ghastly couple. Well, good for her. Until he vanishes.
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I would like o go to Galapagos Island to have a sesh with a tortoise, I would take my Air as it is slow to extract and that would keep me in pace with my new friends,
I want to go to Waffle House. I want coffee, pecan waffles, juice, and maybe some hash browns. Get it? Hash browns? No? Well, I haven't had my coffee yet. It's early. I'm taking my Arizer Extreme Q. And an extension cord. That's a bit extreme, you say? You should see what goes on at Waffle House. No one will care about a vape up on the table. I'm taking the whole deal. My @ddave mod, grinder, rig, balloon attachment, spare balloons...I'm staying to stay awhile. Every hour I'm there, Imma throw a dollar on the table for the waitress. Table rent. Not the waitress' fault I want a waffle, and have nothing else to do. They are good waffles. The pecan waffles, anyway. I always get pecan. Jeez! Would you look at that?! No way should juice be that expensive! For the cost of a glass of orange juice, I can go to the market and get an entire half gallon! That's what I'm doing. I'm waiting on the juice. I'll just buy some on the way home. I needed to go to the market anyway. No way am I paying that for a glass of juice. A small glass. Nope. Never. I'm just having coffee and a waffle. Maybe a glass of water. Maybe some hash browns. For sure, some hash browns. I want them scattered, smothered, covered, diced, peppered and capped. No, not capped. Just scattered, smothered, covered, diced and peppered. No. Wait. I don't want tomato if I'm having a waffle. Or jalapenos . Ok, just hash browns, scattered, smothered, and covered, with a pecan waffle, and a cup of coffee. And a water. Only, I might wait a bit on the hash browns. Might be here awhile, with my Extreme Q, enjoying weed and waffles. Could order the hash browns later. Get them with tomatoes, jalepenos, mushrooms, and everything, without worrying about waffle conflict. That's it. Waffles and coffee now, hash browns and coffee later. With eggs. Second breakfast.

First Imaginary Breakfast
It's a question of which came first, really. The chicken or the egg, only larger. It's not quite an obsession. It's more of a passion, really. I love eggs. I love birds. I love love birds. When other children wanted a pony, I begged for a turkey. When other young women were taking riding lessons, I was taking riding lessons of my own. There was really no one to talk to about the difficulties and the joys of being a bird jockey. Ever try to saddle an ostrich? What about needing a bird lady wardrobe, and an egg lady wardrobe? I guess the egg lady wardrobe is the egg, so that's not a problem if you have an egg, but I still wanted some chick to talk to me about everything. It was lonely. Who could tell me which was really my best self? Emu could, and when he took me took the coop5 for the weekend, and introduced me to the flock, I wasn't alone any more. And when I met Bigger Emu, I wasn't lonely any more.
I just have never felt I was born the right species. Most days, I just don't feel human. I feel fowl.
I'm going back to tell my younger selves it will all be ok. That is, if it does all turn out ok. I wouldn't want to mislead my self. I'm confused enough as it is. I'm taking my Solo II, because it's both one and two, somehow. Sort of like a chicken, and an egg.




My photo album. Passionate Obsession, or Obsessive Passion?
I would like to vape in a sub on the Great Barrier Reef, just checking out the local wildlife. I would use my Tera because that is great through water.:thumbsup:

I would very much like to go back in time, and speak to this gentleman, Sir Francis Walter, about the Evils of Smoking. He looks pretty cozy, lounging about in a wooden chair, with a nice foot stool at hand. It's all for show. How comfortable can he be? He's wearing a ruff, satin pantaloons, stockings and high heels! Take it from someone who dresses up as Sir Francis Walter fairly regularly, - comfortable he is not. Those ribbons aren't strictly decorative, they hold up his stockings. They come untied, too. They didn't have elastic to hold anything up. It was a godawful time. No plumbing , and pipes longer than a man is tall. Which is kind of cool. Not the no plumbing. That part's gross. The pipe. That thing is Epic! But think, how would you clean it? Did they also have longer than a man pipe cleaners? These questions, and more, is why I want to go back to the time of Sir Francis Walter. I want answers. But, in exchange, I'm going to bring questions. Many questions. And maybe a recliner. I can't see why I can't bring furniture. I can see maybe not a couch, or a bed bigger than a twin, but a recliner really isn't that big for as comfortable as it is. Sir Francis Walter will love it. I'm bringing my Underdog log vape, because wood looks great with a recliner, and it will fit in the cup holder. I'm also bringing some sweat pants, tennis shoes, socks, a t-shirt and a hoody. These offerings are all for my hero, Sir Francis Walter. He may have to dress up for the portrait, but he should be comfortable while relaxing at home. It would please me greatly to introduce this great man to the joys of vaping, and get him away from that foul, yet quite suprisingly attractive, pipe. That is all.
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I would very much like to go back in time, and speak to this gentleman, Sir Francis Walter, about the Evils of Smoking. He looks pretty cozy, lounging about in a wooden chair, with a nice foot stool at hand. It's all for show. How comfortable can he be? He's wearing a ruff, satin pantaloons, stockings and high heels! Take it from someone who dresses up as Sir Francis Walter fairly regularly, - comfortable he is not. Those ribbons aren't strictly decorative, they hold up his stockings. They come untied, too. They didn't have elastic to hold anything up. It was a godawful time. No plumbing , and pipes longer than a man is tall. Which is kind of cool. Not the no plumbing. That part's gross. The pipe. That thing is Epic! But think, how would you clean it? Did they also have longer than a man pipe cleaners? These questions, and more, is why I want to go back to the time of Sir Francis Walter. I want answers. But, in exchange, I'm going to bring questions. Many questions. And maybe a recliner. I can't see why I can't bring furniture. I can see maybe not a couch, or a bed bigger than a twin, but a recliner really isn't that big for as comfortable as it is. Sir Francis Walter will love it. I'm bringing my Underdog log vape, because wood looks great with a recliner, and it will fit in the cup holder. I'm also bringing some sweat pants, tennis shoes, socks, a t-shirt and a hoody. These offerings are all for my hero, Sir Francis Walter. He may have to dress up for the portrait, but he should be comfortable while relaxing at home. It would please me greatly to introduce this great man to the joys of vaping, and get him away from that foul, yet quite suprisingly attractive, pipe. That is all.
CANNABIS has been hi-jacked ?
1000’s of STRAIN ‘s
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot?

SCIENTISTS have been enjoying CANNABIS before POP-CULTURE!

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We meet every Wednesday. In the park, if the weather is fair. It's a men's group. For men. For charity. We raise money for The Children. Usual men's group stuff. We just don't meet at a lodge, or wear funny hat's, the way so many groups do. We're different. Not that there is anything wrong with wearing a fez, or a coonskin cap, or anything. Most of us could do with a hat. The way some of us are losing our hair, we could use a funny hat. We're not judgemental. Yes, you could say that. We aren't judgmental. Not at all. We're more, well...we're dancers. No shame in it. It's good exercise, dancing. Good for the old ticker. Good for the legs. Heart trouble runs in my family, you know. The doc, he said it was time to get more exercise. Told me about the group. Well me, I didn't need to be told twice. Joined right up. Dancing is good exercise, and it's for The Children. No, no. I'm not embarrassed. We're actually pretty good. Especially after we vape. It helps us relax. We vape, we eat a bit of lunch, then we work it off dancing in the woods. I have the best little concentrate vape called The Elf. I like that one for dance days. It's tiny. Fits in the waistband of my tutu. It's tiny, but uplifting. Helps keep me light on my toes.


See? It's Art. And Bob. And Tony, and myself. I'm Philip. Nice to meet you.
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