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Search results

  1. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    Can we get a government grant to see what effect that water has on absorbing terpenes already?
  2. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    We occasionally get questions regarding the type of XLR connections we use for our PID controllers. Some XLR background - there's XLR's with 3pin, 4pin, 5pin, 6pin, 7pin, and various iterations of each! With so many options, we consulted electrical engineers to find the most robust for our...
  3. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    Excellent work Vito! The locks were a nice touch, something not enough people utilize while in transit. Locking your gear is absolutely recommend while in transit, no matter what state you live in!
  4. NewVape

    Extraction NewVape Rosin Presses

    Welcome Asylum Seekers! Here @ NewVape we're passionate about Rosin; we were blasting our wives hair straighteners on day one of this amazing revolution, and as a high-end machine shop it took about a nanosecond before NewVape's owners were dreaming up the finest presses on earth. We started...
  5. NewVape

    Lunacy The Beats

    Pays dividends if you can get past the lengthy 2 min intro...I mean GawdDamn Mr. Woodnote on the Saxamaphone
  6. NewVape

    Lunacy The Beats

  7. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    Thanks for your feedback, @Baron23 !
  8. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    F-Potters- We'd like your feedback on the ideal glass bowl! Below is a sample of a glass bowl that will work with the FP system. Please take a moment and try to visualize the drawing in you own setup/environment. Love it? Hate it? Have an idea for a change? ----> Let us know. As we are...
  9. NewVape

    Lunacy The Beats

  10. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    Sorry I completely forgot to post this last week...breakdown of the ShowerHead assembly:
  11. NewVape

    Lunacy The Beats

    Older crowd here for sure! Here's something old, new again:
  12. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    Here's a layout of the FlowerPot WrapAround Parts, ShowerHead version is on the way.
  13. NewVape

    Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape

    A well thought out overview Baron! You're right that we could use a configurator. Sadly that takes a massive amount of development, so it's more of a long-term project for us. The FP can definitely twax like crazy, but we don't feel that its strong point, more of an added benefit. We know...
  14. NewVape

    Community Who Are You and What Are You In For?

    Wow how did I miss that! Well done @Baron23.
  15. NewVape

    Community Who Are You and What Are You In For?

    Vassuper VAS'ers! NewVape here in sunny Florida and we're stoked to add this forum to our morning roundup during our daily breakfast of champions! (FlowerPot + triple Mocha otherwise known as the Eugene Speedball) Hit me up for any product related questions or comments, we'll have a thread...

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VGoodiez 420EDC