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Meds Buccal vs Oral Absorption


Former member
Curious if and how others experience buccal absorption. IME, edible effects generally come on slowly ~1.5 to 2 hours. It's impossible to avoid bias when using oneself as a test subject, but swishing emulsified, decarbed concentrate around the mouth for a minute before swallowing seems like it might be associated with a more gentle onset beginning ~0.5. Could this be due to buccal absorption? In the past, only experienced buccal absorption with an ethanol extract of Salvia. (Still haven't tried an ethanol extract of cannabis because of the harmless burn; really must.)
Curious if and how others experience buccal absorption. IME, edible effects generally come on slowly ~1.5 to 2 hours. It's impossible to avoid bias when using oneself as a test subject, but swishing emulsified, decarbed concentrate around the mouth for a minute before swallowing seems like it might be associated with a more gentle onset beginning ~0.5. Could this be due to buccal absorption? In the past, only experienced buccal absorption with an ethanol extract of Salvia. (Still haven't tried an ethanol extract of cannabis because of the harmless burn; really must.)
Possibly, but way too many variables on this. I personally think this is a pretty good theory, but that's just a guess...Buccal and sublingual are effective ways to deliver certain forms (cbd tincture). Really interested in this...great stuff.
I made a glycerine spray that I used over the summer after a medical issue
The absorption I can best describe as a "glow" but most of the high came from swallowing the mixture-about 40 minutes later, best guesstimate


I like the spray on the go, easy to micro dose or go full green out
Reduce tincture to 10ml and add to 30-60ml of vegetable glycerine
You have to shake it to mix it up before you dose
In the front is reduced vape tincture and vegetable glycerine in the condiment cup bound with 210S, this does not work in a spray bottle and still needs to be tested
Trying to figure out how to make a fully incorporated spray
If you use the spray it does coat your mouth in cannabis oil, I find lemon lime carbonation drinks lift and get rid of the cannabis oil coating and taste in your mouth

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VGoodiez 420EDC