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Meds Cannabis Suppositories


Vapor Accessory Addict
Staff member
Rectal Marijuana Is More Effective Than Smoking Joints

VANCOUVER - Not all medicinal marijuana is created equal. That's what some experts are saying as they warn about the health risks and curtailed effectiveness associated with smoking medicine.

As medical pot becomes increasingly mainstream and Canada moves toward legalizing the substance, health experts are emphasizing the need for doctors and patients to consider the sometimes serious side effects linked to the various ways of consuming the drug.


Dried marijuana and green capsules. (Photo: Cheche22 via Getty Images)

Paul Farnan, an addictions specialist at the University of British Columbia, likened a recommendation to smoke medicinal marijuana to a doctor handing out a prescription to light up an opium pipe.

"We know there's something in opium that helps pain, and we're able to pharmaceutically develop morphine and other analgesics, but we wouldn't say to people, 'You have pain? Why don't you smoke opium?' '' he said.

"We're kind of saying to people, 'We think there's some stuff that cannabinoids will be helpful for. Why don't you just smoke cannabis?' First of all, cannabis is actually a really dangerous thing for your lungs.''

Mikhail Kogan, medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., said he sees no reason for people to smoke marijuana medically anymore.


Tess Kelly tends to her marijuana plant named "Obama Junior" in her home in Columbia Heights on Aug. 5, 2015 in Washington D.C. (Photo: Charles Ommanney/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

It's difficult to absorb enough of the drug through the lungs, and gastric acids interfere when someone eats it, he said, adding that it's more effective to take the drug by other means, such as under the tongue.

"Rectally is actually a lot more preferred because of the volume of absorption. You can put a lot more and it gets absorbed a lot better, but not everybody is open to this way of administration,'' Kogan said.

"We have so many other products now, so many modes of delivery, that smoking in my opinion is very archaic and has very little clinical applicability,'' he added.

"Having said that, I think that probably the majority of people still smoke because it's the most available method.''


An employee for Weed World Candies sells $5 lollipops from a truck that sits parked on lower Broadway on April 10, 2016 in New York City. (Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Health Canada officially recommends against smoking marijuana.

"Many of the chemicals found in tobacco smoke are also found in cannabis smoke,'' reads its website.

The Canadian Medical Association has no formal position on the consumption of medicinal pot, but it officially opposes the inhalation of any burned plant material.

Association spokesman Jeff Blackmer added that many physicians are reluctant to prescribe medical marijuana because of the absence of peer-reviewed research into whether the drug is medically effective, its possible side effects, appropriate dosage and more.


Dr. Andrew Katelaris, who was deregistered in 2005 after refusing to stop recommending and supplying medical cannabis to patients, shows how the cannabis oil is prepared in a secret laboratory on Aug. 28, 2014 at a location near Sydney, Australia. (Photo: Ward/Newspix/Getty Images)

A "strong majority'' of doctors would prefer not to be involved as so-called gatekeepers, Blackmer added.

"Most of them hate it,'' he said.

"This is something that was imposed on us by the government and the majority of physicians do not want to have anything to do with it.''

Debra Lynkowski, head of the Canadian Lung Association, urged patients and doctors to take lung health into consideration when discussing medicinal marijuana.

"When you burn something, that combustion releases toxins and carcinogens, and they're released regardless of what the source is,'' she said.

"Our primary concern with regard to that is just to be considering any kind of lung health implications.''

“We know that there's an issue with smoking. However, we can't control it at the patient level.”

Colette Rivet, head of the association that represents licensed cannabis producers in Canada, said that while the industry is against smoking medical marijuana, ultimately it can't restrict what patients do.

"We know that there's an issue with smoking. However, we can't control it at the patient level,'' Rivet said.

"We're trying to develop new product forms so they would be more inclined to go away from that.''

Each licensed producer has its own unique document that physicians fill out when prescribing medical marijuana, which includes a minimum amount of information required by Health Canada, Rivet said.

Beyond that, some companies ask whether a patient would prefer dried marijuana or oil, while others don't, she added.

A Health Canada spokesman confirmed that patients are in charge of requesting the form of medical marijuana they prefer, whether dry leaf or oil, and they are not restricted in how they wish to consume it.

The sale of edibles is banned, but a June 2015 decision from the Supreme Court of Canada ruled medicinal marijuana patients have the right to prepare their medication however they want, including cooking it.

:smile: There are a couple videos and pictures that couldn't be loaded in the article linked above.

I wish to point out that ive been trying to get others to stick their weed up their ass for years now.

In the past Im not sure at how successful I have been, however I do look forward to citing this article in my future endevours to convince others to jam a spliff in their sphincter.

Sure ive gone au naturale' and whacked a 3 gram cola (fucking stem and all) in my blurter, then went and did a triathlon.

The swimming and running bits were ok, but the cycle leg was difficult. I shouldnt have put it in stem first I think.
That was a close call, I nearly wrecked my rectum worse than that time me & @mvapes got into that misunderstanding with the locals at that donkey show in Patpong.

But I digress, for insertion I think the easiest way to DIY is to use some sort of slingshot or trebuche.
However, im always keen to fill a gap in the market.
Im thinking of branching out into a mobile insertion service myself.

Like some sort of super hero Ima gunna bring relief and the revitalising benefits of holistic hemp hershey highway hoarding to the masses.

Using some sort of app, I like to do a site inspection by getting the customer to send a pic of the weed & then a close up of the intended target including any obstacles ie hemorrhoids, dingleberries, or even an overly possessive Thai Ladyboy (@mvapes im looking at you)

@momofthegoons - I see we have an appt for Friday morning? You have booked the friday fast and the furious fist of fury special.
Thats where I deftly place a handful of weed in yr lower colon from a standing start in under 3 seconds from the time yr credit card payment clears.

You just bend over and grip yr ankles, no need to even disrobe. I just grab a handful of weed and from the other side of the room I launch into a full run with the handful of weed in a fist directly out in front much akin to a battering ram, then I make a superman leap.
and before you know it , Kaboom.
Job done.

Of course there is Teriyaki Tuesday special, thats where I use chopsticks. But its by the half gram & can get quite pricey if you have a roomy rectum.

So of course I dont recommend it for you, I know you ' partied ' a lot in yr youth and credit cards do have some sort of a limit after all.

anyway, I just wanted to say. I fucking knew it all along!
I advise you all to start cramming colas in yr colon stat!
(no not you Colin, its colon. settle the fuck down mate not everything is about you)

*disclaimer- How roomy moms lower colon is or isnt is strictly based on poetic licence & comes under fair use policy & features educational content.
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Tush Kush.... lol....

Tush Kush: What You Need to Know About Suppositories


Rectal suppositories could be the very best way to get the most out of your cannabis medicine.
Smoking, vaping, and medibles are the most common methods for patients to get their medicine. Cannabinoids, such as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) can also be extracted and consumed as an oil or oromucosal spray. The least common method, and perhaps the most intimidating, is via rectal suppository. Yet, for some patients, a rectal suppository could be the most effective way to obtain the appropriate therapeutic dose of THC without the effects of smoking or the need for injections.


Image Credit: Pop Foto

Physicians often weigh the pros and cons of each route when considering how to prescribe a medicine. The pharmacokinetics are important; pharmacokinetics describe the mechanism and rate at which the drug enters the blood stream and is taken up by the target tissues; includng how long the concentration of the drug stays at therapeutic levels in the blood stream. Bioavailability of the drug, or what percentage of the drug is actually absorbed into the blood stream as opposed to eliminated from the body, is also considered.


Image Credit: Bond Grunge

Cannabis, for example, has low bioavailability when consumed orally. The liver will break down some of the active ingredients and dispose of them as waste before they ever have a chance to get into the blood stream. This is often called the “first-pass effect” of the liver. The pharmacokinetics of orally consumed cannabis are also highly variable among individuals and the uptake of active ingredients is relatively slow.


Image Credit: Pop Foto

Therefore, prescribing THC or other cannabinoid medicines as an oral dose may not always be the optimal solution. Injections allow more control over the dose and result in much greater bioavailability, but cannot be self-administered. Smoking and oromucosal sprays are easy to self-administer, but some patients may object to smoking and may have difficulty with the sprays. For these patients, a rectal suppository is a good alternative.


Image Credit: Bond Grunge

One small clinical study (just two patients) found that bioavailability of THC administered in a rectal suppository was twice that of THC taken orally. Studies performed in monkeys found that not only were rectal suppositories superior to oral dosage, but also to injections. The amount of time that the rectally administered THC stayed in the bodies of the monkeys (or mean residence time) was longer by about two and a half hours than when it was intravenously injected. A rectal suppository delivers the drug directly to the blood stream and avoids the first-pass effect of the liver.


Image Credit: Lifestyle Discover

However, studies have found that pure THC cannot be absorbed rectally, but it must be administered in a pro-drug form called THC-hemisuccinate. This pro-drug is easily absorbed into the blood stream in the rectum and then is rapidly converted to the THC once in the blood. However, the clinical studies of rectal suppositories are limited to a handful of very small studies, and also the data obtained from monkeys. As a result, cannabis is not often prescribed as a suppository at this time.


Image Credit: Pop Foto

For patients who do not wish to smoke cannabis, a rectal suppository is a good alternative to taking cannabinoids orally. A higher therapeutic dose can be administered, and the effects can be felt more quickly than consuming orally. It is also a better option for those patients who have difficulty swallowing or using a spray.

Well, the title says it but nowhere in the article does it tell you how to convert THC to Delta9 THC-HS

Preparing Cannabis Suppositories


A little known method of application, but one with a number of benefits, is the suppository. I recently interviewed V-CBC dispensary staff member Nicholas Fraleigh on Time4Hemp radio (listen here) to talk about the introduction of the cannabis suppository to their medicinal product line. I have written previously about Pulmonary, Oral and Topical routes of administration: considering the many medical conditions that medicinal cannabis users are seeking to treat, a particular route, (or combination) may be more appropriate.

Suppositories are particularly helpful for people with gastro-intestinal difficulties, an impaired jaw or throat or whose nausea and vomiting prevent effective oral application. This route may also be suitable where restrictions on oral ingestion before and after surgery apply. But it needn’t be an option of last resort. Due to the large surface area available for absorption, rectal administration provides the most effective way for your body to take in the medicinal compounds.

(image: Cannabis Digest)

Inhalation is the least efficient method offering 10 – 25% bioavailability; Oral around 20%; In a study involving THC-HS*, Rectal application delivered around 50% – 70% efficiency with more predictable effects between different individuals. Suppositories avoid the gastro-intestinal system where metabolites separate and break down the constituent compounds. One of these metabolites is 11-Hydroxy-Δ9-THC, which is a psychoactive compound similar to Δ9-THC.

Oral doses can take up to 2 hours before their medicinal effects are noticed by the patient. There is the potential that your previous meal will effect the rate at which the medicine will take effect. Most people begin to notice initial effects of a suppository within the first 10 – 15 minutes after insertion. Impedances to absorption could include dehydration; the presence of fecal matter and cysts or tumours inside the rectal wall. While this may slow or prevent the compounds entering the bloodstream, the application of cannabinoids directly to those sites of concern may help to activate local endocannabinoid receptors.

Similarly to edible cannabis, the effects of a suppository are long lasting, often ranging between 4-8 hours depending on the individual’s physiology and tolerance to cannabis. The V-CBC provides three different strengths to suit their many members needs: a low strength dose for general maintenance; a high strength dose for breakthrough pain and a low psycho-activity dose made with 1:1 CBD cultivars. Nick has written an article outlining in detailed instructions how to insert a cannabis suppository, which is not as scary as you may think.

(image: WikiHow)

Suppositories are quick and easy to make. Utilizing the techniques outlined in previous articles, one can perform an infusion of cannabis in Coconut butter before mixing and portioning the infused Cocoa butter into small rounded shapes (see above image). These can be individually weighed to help ensure consistent doses; then wrapped in wax paper, bagged, labelled appropriately and refrigerated out of the reach of children and pets.

Organic cocoa butter
Organic coconut butter infused with the inflorescences (flowers) of different cultivars of cannabis including CBD+.

*Delta9 THC-HS (hemisuccinate) is not exactly the same as Delta9 THC. It has undergone chemical stabilization through processing aids such as polyethylene glycol (PEG)-400 and vitamin E succinate (VES)to reduce degradation during hot-melt production at lower temperatures. (source)
For many people this is a serious subject and not a joke....say, like people with lung cancer?

"Δ-9-THC hemisuccinate, a prodrug hemiester of Δ-9-THC, is prepared in the laboratory and is not present in cannabis or cannabis extracts."

From another source, this is all I have found on how to make THC-HS. Where is our biochemist, @herbivore21!! We need help here.....haha. It doesn't look like something you can make on your cook top.

"THC can be esterified by reaction with an acid, an acid halide or an acid anhydride in the presence of a 4-aminopyridine either alone or in admixture with an organic amine such as, for example, an organic mono, di or trialkyl amine. The esterified THC can be purified by column chromatography and/or by HPLC."

And yet another source:

To 1.1 g THC(purity 95%) was added 0.46 g succinic anhydride, 0.66 ml triethylamine, 78 mg 4-dimethylaminopyridine and 20 ml methylene chloride. The reaction mixture was left at room temperature for 3.5 hours. TLC examination showed that all the THC had been converted to THC-HS. The reaction was worked up as follows: the solvent was distilled off and the residue was purified on a silica gel column (50 g silica gel, 3x50 cm in dimensions). Fractions eluted with hexane-ether (9:1) and hexane-ether (8:2) were combined and evaporated to give 1.31 g of THC-HS, 95% purity using HPLC analysis. The total yield of THC-HS was 90.32%.

Cannabis suppositories: taking your medicine down under
Cannabis suppository bioavailability

Finding the ideal method of taking cannabis preparations is essential in every patient’s protocol and varies depending on a lot of factors (type and location of disease, preparation accessibility, patient’s personal preferences, patient’s tolerability/sensitivity/endocannabinoid tone…).

The use of cannabis suppositories has lately seen an increase, especially in some parts of Europe. In recent months, there has been a debate on the internet, about the efficacy of cannabis suppositories. There have been several online articles claiming that taking cannabis the rectal way was a good option, due to its high bioavailability and lack of unwanted side effects (1,2). The reasoning behind these claims was that cannabinoids in suppositories, if inserted correctly, bypassed the first-pass metabolism of the liver and went directly into the blood stream. I have to admit that I too believed in this theory and did not research it as I should have. I decided to do an in-depth report and here are my findings.

Suppositories are defined as solid dosage forms intended for insertion into body orifices (rectum, vagina, urethra) where they melt, soften or dissolve and exert a systemic effect. Rectal suppositories are conically shaped, 2-3 centimeters in length and weight 2 grams. They are placed into the rectum (the last 15-20 cm of the gastrointestinal tract) where they can be absorbed by 3 separate veins; the lower, middle and upper rectal (haemorrhoidal) veins. The lower and middle rectal veins drain directly into the general circulation, while the upper drains into the portal vein which flows to the liver.

Figure 1: The lower (inferior), middle and upper rectal (superior) veins

" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/gregorzorn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/rectal-veins_gregorzorn.png?fit=257%2C300&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/gregorzorn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/rectal-veins_gregorzorn.png?fit=446%2C520&ssl=1" class="size-full wp-image-579" src="https://i0.wp.com/gregorzorn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/rectal-veins_gregorzorn.png?resize=446%2C520" alt="Figure 1: The lower (inferior), middle and upper rectal (superior) veins" style="-x-ignore: 1" width="446" height="520">

Figure 1: The lower (inferior), middle and upper rectal (superior) veins
Several physiological (quantity of available fluid, properties of rectal fluid, contents of the rectum, circulation route) and physiochemical drug factors (drug solubility in the vehicle, particle size, nature of the base, spreading capacity) have an effect on rectal absorption.

As an example, regarding drug solubility in vehicle, substances that are highly soluble in the vehicle (like THC in lipid bases) tend to have a slow release rate into the rectal fluid.

The research
When we evaluate a certain method of taking medicine, one of the important parameters is absorption effecting the systemic bioavailability; how much of the drug is actually gets into our bodies. It is usually measured in the blood as a percentage of the taken drug. Different drugs/molecules have different properties, affecting their absorption rates and bioavailability.

Most of the studies on cannabinoid rectal absorption were done on delta-9-trans-tetrahydocanabinol (Δ-9-THC) or other tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) derivatives. Δ-9-THC, as most cannabinoids, is highly lipophilic (“likes” fats) and essentially water-insoluble (3). A study published in the mid 80’s, done on monkeys, has shown that Δ-9-THC taken via suppositories (in a lipophilic or hydrophilic base) was not detected in the blood leading to the conclusion, that it was not absorbed via the rectal route (4). This has led to the search of more appropriate derivatives of Δ-9-THC, that would have better bioavailability. At the beginning of the 90’s, El Sohly’s team found that Δ-9-THC hemisuccinate (Δ-9-THC-HS) had 13,5% bioavailability in suppositories administered to monkeys (5). Δ-9-THC hemisuccinate, a prodrug hemiester of Δ-9-THC, is prepared in the laboratory and is not present in cannabis or cannabis extracts. The same team also tested different types of Δ-9-THC esters (hemisuccinate, N-formyl alaninate, N-methyl carbamate and methoxy acetate) in different suppository bases, this time on monkeys and dogs. The results showed that Δ-9-THC-HS had the highest absorption rate and the bioavailability for each base was found to range from 52-61% and 13,5%, in dogs and monkeys respectively. Δ-9-THC-HS was then tested on humans (3 females) and compared to an oral formulation of Δ-9-THC in sesame oil (Marinol ®). The results showed that “areas under the curves for plasma THC were more than 30-fold higher than after oral dosing” (6). A pilot study done two patients evaluating the effects of oral (Marinol ®) or rectal (Δ-9-THC-HS) administration of cannabinoids concluded that the bioavailability of the rectal route was approximately twice that of the oral route due to higher absorption and lower first-pass metabolism (7). In an animal study showed analgesic and reinforcing properties in adjuvant-arthritic rats suggesting that “Δ-9-THC-HS has therapeutic potential and is unlikely to possess an abuse liability when used in the context of chronic pain” (8).


Figure 2: Δ-9-THC (left) and Δ-9-THC-HS (right) structure comparison

Several studies have been published on methods of stabilising (9,10,11,12) and enhancing (13) Δ-9-THC-HS prodrug which led to a number of patents over the years (14,15).

A 2014 study, looking at the release rate of cannabinoids from suppositories, using plant extract in theobroma oil (cocoa butter) as the suppository base with different percentages of polysorbate 85, found that “release profile of marijuana from the suppository bases was generally low” ranging from 0.0030 to 0.065 % at 150 min. It should be noted, that the extract was prepared using fresh cannabis leaves and was done in a laboratory setting (16).

If we look at review studies of cannabinoid pharmacokinetics, under rectal administration, they all cite studies and bioavailability of Δ-9-THC-HS (17,18).

Patient cases and anecdotal evidence
We have had some very interesting results with suppositories in different types of health problems. Whole plant cannabis extract suppositories, with different ratios of THC and CBD, have been very efficient in localised anal or vaginal health problems. Regarding the bioavailability, we have had some reports of some patients experiencing classical THC side effects. A particular case of a cancer patient comes to mind, where she took one suppository and was high for 3 consecutive days. This is an extreme case, where we have to account the patient’s high sensitivity to THC, but it shows that there definitely was absorption into the blood.

Here are a few examples of efficacy with cannabinoid suppository use:

Haemorrhoids – with protocol of only a few suppositories we have seen very good results in haemorrhoids, with patients reporting that they were completely free from any symptoms. Even patients with chronic haemorrhoids, who have tried all the classical treatments and had undergone surgery, without any results, cannabinoid suppositories were effective and got rid of the problems.

Inflammatory bowel disease – a patient had a colonoscopy and the doctor diagnosed it as Crohn’s disease. After taking 10 suppositories he had another colonoscopy and the doctor could not find any signs of the disease. In other cases of IBD this method has been very successful, due to the fact of applying cannabinoids right were the problem occurs.

Cancer – in 2 cases, patients using suppositories have had positive results with negative CT scans of existing tumours. In both cases however, they were also using oral/sublingual extracts so it is hard to make any conclusions.

Vaginal suppositories – while this article focuses mainly on the rectal route of administration, vaginal suppositories are also showing positive results. They are very effective in alleviating pain, such as menstrual cramps, inflammation and have an antibacterial effect. Women with hormonal imbalance problems, such as lack of regular menstruation, have also had great results in reinstating a normal balance.

The topic of cannabis suppositories is a hot one, with patients and caregivers who swear by them and others who are not so convinced. The truth is that we don’t have any real studies, done with natural cannabis extracts in suppositories, evaluating all the variables (different cannabinoids, different suppository bases, different cannabinoid concentrations, different rectal insertion lengths…) measuring the systematic bioavailability of cannabinoids in the blood. This does not mean that patients shouldn’t use them, especially if they have good results with this method. Suppositories for localised problems are extremely effective and have shown very good results in practice.

On the other hand, using only suppositories as an efficient systemic absorption method is at least questionable if not irresponsible. In diseases such as cancer, where usually higher doses of cannabinoids are needed, cannabis suppositories should always be used in conjunction with other more proven methods, such as sublingual drops.

This is a great time for cannabis research and the number of studies on cannabis/cannabinoids/endocannabinoid system is bound to surpass 3000 for 2016 – that’s 8 new studies per day! We can also learn a lot from patients/doctors/caregivers experiences with treating specific ailments with different methods of cannabinoid intake. So what are your experiences with cannabis suppositories? If you have any, I’d invite you to share them with us in the comments section.


  1. Backdoor Medicine: How Cannabis Suppositories Can Save Lives http://cannabisdigest.ca/cannatory/
  2. Cannabis Suppositories: Is the Posterior Superior?https://unitedpatientsgroup.com/blo...-suppositories-why-the-posterior-is-superior/
  3. Garrett ER, Hunt CA. Physiochemical properties, solubility, and protein binding of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol. J Pharm Sci. 1974; 63 (7): 1056-64
  4. Perlin E, Smith CG, Nichols AI, Almirez R, Flora KP, Cradock JC, Peck CC. Disposition and bioavailability of various formulations of tetrahydrocannabinol in the rhesus monkey. J Pharm Sci. 1985 Feb;74(2):171-4
  5. ElSohly MA, Stanford DF, Harland EC, Hikal AH, Walker LA, Little TL Jr, Rider JN, Jones AB. Rectal bioavailability of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol from the hemisuccinate ester in monkeys. J Pharm Sci. 1991 Oct;80(10):942-5.
  6. Mattes RD, Shaw LM, Edling-Owens J, Engelman K, Elsohly MA. Bypassing the first-pass effect for the therapeutic use of cannabinoids. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1993 Mar;44(3):745-7
  7. Brenneisen R, Egli A, Elsohly MA, Henn V, Spiess Y. The effect of orally and rectally administered delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on spasticity: a pilot study with 2 patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1996 Oct;34(10):446-52
  8. Susan L. Broom MA, Kenneth J. Sufka, Mahmoud A. Elsohly & Samir A. Ross. Analgesic and Reinforcing Properties of Δ-9-THC-Hemisuccinate in Adjuvant-Arthritic Rats. Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, 1(3-4), June 2001
  9. Munjal M, ElSohly MA, Repka MA. Chemical stabilization of a delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol prodrug in polymeric matrix systems produced by a hot-melt method: role of microenvironment pH. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2006;7(3):71.
  10. Munjal M, Stodghill SP, Elsohly MA, Repka MA. Polymeric systems for amorphous delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol produced by a hot-melt method. Part I: chemical and thermal stability during processing. J Pharm Sci. 2006;95(8):1841–53.
  11. Munjal M, Elsohly MA, Repka MA. Polymeric systems for amorphous delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol produced by a hot-melt method. Part II: effect of oxidation mechanisms and chemical interactions on stability. J Pharm Sci. 2006;95(11):2473–85.
  12. Repka MA, ElSohly MA, Munjal M, Ross SA. Temperature stability and bioadhesive properties of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol incorporated hydroxypropylcellulose polymer matrix systems. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2006;32(1):21–32.
  13. Sampada B. Upadhye, Swapnil J. Kulkarni, Soumyajit Majumdar, Mitchell A. Avery, Waseem Gul, Mahmoud A. ElSohly, and Michael A. Repka. Preparation and Characterization of Inclusion Complexes of a Hemisuccinate Ester Prodrug of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol with Modified Beta-Cyclodextrins. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2010 Jun; 11(2): 509–517
  14. Stable suppository formulations effecting bioavailability of Δ9 -THC. US 5508037 A
  15. Method for effecting systemic delivery of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol US 4933363 A
  16. Obonga W. O., Omeje E. O., Nnadi C. O., Osadebe P. O., Attama A. A., Onunkwo G. 2014. Some physical properties of novel Cannabis suppositories formulated with theobroma oil.  African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, Vol.8(44), pp. 1127-1131
  17. Iain J McGilveray. 2005. Pharmacokinetics of Cannabinoids. Pain Research and Management, vol. 10, no. Suppl A, pp. 15A-22A
  18. Huestis, M. A. 2007. Human Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics.Chemistry & Biodiversity,4(8), 1770–1804
My sister in law has successfully staved of cancer for over 5 years using THC/CBD oils rectally. The advantage for her is that she gets very little high form the THC this way. She is able to function and do what she needs to do. She, also, does not like the THC high. Her Cancer, is abdominal that started as ovarian and mets'd to her abdomen. Her Tumor has been shrinking slowly for a couple years. The doctors are stunned and tell her to keep doing "WHATEVER" she is doing. She is only able to afford 1-2 grams/week.. Ive seen success first hand!!!
say no to a suppository

Say no to it? Hell, some of us would pay Mom to administer it while in her dominatrix outfit! :yikes::rofl:
My sister in law has successfully staved of cancer for over 5 years using THC/CBD oils rectally. The advantage for her is that she gets very little high form the THC this way. She is able to function and do what she needs to do. She, also, does not like the THC high. Her Cancer, is abdominal that started as ovarian and mets'd to her abdomen. Her Tumor has been shrinking slowly for a couple years. The doctors are stunned and tell her to keep doing "WHATEVER" she is doing. She is only able to afford 1-2 grams/week.. Ive seen success first hand!!!

Does she mix the canna oil with coconut oil, then cool it to make it solid? The article says the thc needs to be mixed but does not say what it's mixed with. I assume it's mixed with something to make a semi solid that body heat can melt. Like coconut oil.
Does she mix the canna oil with coconut oil, then cool it to make it solid? The article says the thc needs to be mixed but does not say what it's mixed with. I assume it's mixed with something to make a semi solid that body heat can melt. Like coconut oil.
What she does is lube the hole, for lack of a better description, with coconut oil to lubricate. She then uses a syringe to inject the oil. We bought her some smooth caps, i think Leur brand and she pokes a hole in it to dispense. Some say that a suppository, with the THC oil and Coconut oils mixed, is better but this works for her. If it was me I would make suppositories of coconut/THC in a 2:1 ratio. Firm enough to be handled but will dissolve readily upon contact with 98.6 degree skin. Hop[e this helps!

Sorry for the double post Mom but I couldn't edit the prior one for some reason. Here are the Leur caps I was talking about. They have a smooth round tip for comfort if you know what I mean!
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What she does is lube the hole, for lack of a better description, with coconut oil to lubricate. She then uses a syringe to inject the oil. We bought her some smooth caps, i think Leur brand and she pokes a hole in it to dispense. Some say that a suppository, with the THC oil and Coconut oils mixed, is better but this works for her. If it was me I would make suppositories of coconut/THC in a 2:1 ratio. Firm enough to be handled but will dissolve readily upon contact with 98.6 degree skin. Hop[e this helps!

Sorry for the double post Mom but I couldn't edit the prior one for some reason. Here are the Leur caps I was talking about. They have a smooth round tip for comfort if you know what I mean!

I've read somewhere, or maybe someone told me that you can fill gelcaps with a coconut oil hash oil mix, then cool down. When you use one you just pull apart the capsule and insert.

And that mold shown in Moms post looked pretty cool as well.

Anyway glad your sister is getting some relief, good for her!
Does she mix the canna oil with coconut oil, then cool it to make it solid?
Apparently the most popular choice is cocoa butter.

Here is a file that I found in the Magical Butters Facebook group for suppositories. The article has links to the website's store... which I'm not advocating but it's a source for some of the products.

Also mentioned was these molds. The user said they were the perfect shape and BPA free. And they would certainly be easier to fill:

https://www.amazon.com/Arrow-Cube-Tray-Frost-Pack/dp/B008ML0YVE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426798435&sr=8-1&keywords=arrow #00055&fbclid=IwAR3APbepJ7idKs6Hitt_XBpmIfSXIpf6zK5UDm4_zeNXKtzhmvFI0X6KHQk&pldnSite=1

It was also suggested that you use transfer pipettes:

https://www.amazon.com/Karter-Scientific-Graduated-Transfer-Pipette/dp/B005Z4QVZ4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1426798348&sr=8-2&keywords=transfer pipettes&fbclid=IwAR0OUgjDvQL1Zm189jvU21hcHYIoz_29U8UFEkfEIlcexNVHsu9O1k99Djs&pldnSite=1


Suppositories are often the butt of many jokes and puns, but rectal administration of cannabis has many advantages. In addition to being a viable option for patients who can’t ingest or inhale cannabis, cannabis suppositories also begin to work quickly and last for a long time. Best of all, suppositories are efficient: up to 70 percent of the medicinal compounds in a suppository are bio-available.

What Are Cannabis Suppositories?
Cannabis suppositories are usually conical or torpedo-shaped masses that are administered rectally. They are around an inch in length and made of either cannabis-infused coconut oil or cocoa butter infused with Cannabis Oil.

How Do Cannabis Suppositories Work?
Suppositories are in several ways more effective than traditional methods of cannabis medication administration. Once inside the anus, the medicinal compounds in suppositories are quickly absorbed through the intestinal wall directly into the bloodstream, which results in “superior bio-availability” over other forms of administration. That means you get more of the medicinal effects of the product using a suppository than if you smoked or ate the same amount.

Who Should Use Cannabis Suppositories?
Suppositories are an ideal choice for many patients, such as chemotherapy patients who experience severe nausea and can’t keep oral cannabis down, elderly and babies who can’t smoke or swallow pills, surgery patients who are not allowed to ingest anything immediately before or after a procedure, and patients in severe distress who can’t wait for oral cannabis to take effect. There are also some people who just have sensitive stomachs that are irritated by ingesting cannabis.

How Do You Make Cannabis Oil Suppositories? Added by CYOC*
To make your own cannabis oil suppositories you will need organic cocoa butter (or coconut oil), cannabis oil and suppository molds. You want to start with 100 grams of cocoa butter for every 1-2 grams of cannabis oil. You can buy your cocoa Butter for suppositories in our online store by clicking here. You want to start with 1-2 grams of cannabis oil per 100 grams of cocoa butter as a starting point so the suppositories are not too strong. You can then increase the cannabis oil according to how much the patient needs or can tolerate.

The first step in making your suppositories is melting your cocoa butter. This can be easily done by putting the cocoa butter in a stainless or glass container and using a gentle heating device like a candle warmer to melt it. It doesn't take much heat to melt cocoa butter so if you use a stove top to melt your butter be careful not to burn it.

Once you have your cocoa butter melted you will add your cannabis oil. You will stir the melted cocoa butter/cannabis oil mixture together so that the oil is evenly mixed throughout. Keep the cocoa butter/oil on heat while stirring so that they mix together completely. Once you have your cocoa butter and cannabis oil mixed thoroughly you will pour the warm mixture into suppository molds. For adults you can use a 2ml+ size suppository while for a child you may want to consider a smaller suppository such as a 1.3ml. Disposable and reusable aluminum molds can be purchased right through the cureyourowncancer.org store by clicking here. Once you have filled all your molds you want to let the suppositories cool. This can be done very easily by putting them in the refrigerator or freezer. Once they become hard they are ready to use.


How Do You Use Cannabis Suppositories?
Most cannabis suppositories are available in a two gram size for adults and a one-gram size for children. They are wrapped in wax paper and stored in refrigeration. Before insertion, make sure the suppository is firm; if it’s not, put it in the refrigerator or freezer, or run the package under cold water, until it reaches the desired consistency. Wash your hands thoroughly, and make sure your nails are trimmed. It is recommended to use medical gloves. If you want to use a partial dose, cut the suppository lengthwise with sterile scissors.

Lie on your side and pull your upper leg towards your chest. Use your index finger to insert the suppository into your rectum, pointy end first. Place the suppository 1–1½ inches into the rectum, past the inner sphincter.

To prevent the suppository from sliding out, hold your buttocks together and squeeze your sphincter muscles tightly for a few seconds. Stay lying on your side for at least a few minutes. When you feel ready, you can get up, dispose of the glove if you used one, and wash your hands thoroughly. Be aware, though, that there’s a risk of slippage for the next several hours, so plan your activities accordingly.

What Should You Expect from Cannabis Suppositories?
You will likely feel a warm, relaxing sensation wash over your body starting from the pelvic region. You may feel pain relief almost immediately, without anxiety or a “head high” lasting for hours. Most patients greatly enjoy the effects of cannabis suppositories, even more than other methods of ingestion.
Also stated in Chemistry & Biodiversity, Volume 4, Issue #8, pages 1770 – 1804, August 2007 publication by Marilyn A. Huestis –

Human Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics: 2.1.4. Rectal

Several different suppository formulations were evaluated in monkeys to determine the matrix that maximizes bioavailability and reduces first-pass metabolism [40][41]; THC-hemisuccinate provided the highest bioavailability of 13.5%. Brenneisen et al. evaluated plasma THC concentrations in two patients who were prescribed THC-hemisuccinate suppositories or Marinol® for spasticity [42]. THC did not accumulate in the blood following 10−15 mg daily doses. THC concentrations peaked within 1−8 h after oral administration, and ranged between 2.1 to 16.9 ng/ml. Rectal administration of 2.5−5 mg of THC produced maximum plasma concentrations of 1.1−4.1 ng/ml within 2−8 h. The bioavailability of the rectal route was approximately twice that of the oral route due to higher absorption and lower first-pass metabolism.

The bottom line: cannabis suppositories can be an excellent way to medicate.


Yup.... I'm going 'there' again... :biggrin:

Backdoor Medicine: an Easy DIY Cannabis Suppository Recipe (with 3 uses!)

thc cbd suppositories diy

I’ve been dying to share this Cannabis Suppository recipe with you for months. I’ve been sitting on it (so to speak) but now that Dazed + Infused is finished, I couldn’t wait another second.

Ladies… if you experience cramping and aching during your period, I have a remedy for you.

And ladies… if you’d like a deeply sensual weed lube alternative, this is just the thing.

And ladies… (Actually, I’m talking to you too fellas, grandmas and everybody else for that matter.) if you want to deliver your cannabinoids rectally, absorb more cannabinoids and avoid the intense head-high you get from edibles , these diy cannabis suppositories are where it’s at.

cannabis suppository recipe

Cannabis suppositories are gaining in popularity in dispensaries and are being used as treatment for vaginal issues and as a way to use smokeless cannabis without “tripping balls” while reportedly delivering a higher concentration of cannabinoids into your bloodstream.

As a weed lube alternative, these suppositiories allow you to apply cannabinoids “all up in there” which is incredible and seems to last much longer than the other weed lubricants I’ve shared in the past.

As a rectal application, they allow you to quickly absorb higher therapeutic doses of medicinal cannabis compounds without getting insanely intoxicated.

This simple cannabis suppository recipe is versatile and can be effectively used vaginally and rectally.

And I’ve personally been taken aback (pun!) at how incredible and effective cannabis suppositories can be when applied rectally.

It may make you want to giggle throughout this entire post, but this is some serious medicine that I believe could help lots of people who avoid cannabis because they don’t want a psychoactive experience.


So before we begin, I want to implore you to put the giggles aside for a second and keep an open mind. I think cannabis suppositories for rectal use may be the future of medical marijuana for many patients.

For the past couple of months, I’ve been excitedly recommending these to folks who don’t have much experience with cannabis and to people who don’t enjoy the psychoactive effects of THC.

But let’s be honest… the “rectal cannabis” discussion is an uncomfortable conversation to have with anyone… even with clients who hire me to do this kind of thing. I hope that like cannabis itself, the rectal administration of cannabinoids loses its stigma very soon. And I hope this post can help in some way.

I also hope you all noticed how I’m using the word rectal and haven’t used the phrase “up the butt” even once yet.

I’m a professional, guys.

Oh yeah… Feel free to resume your giggling.

Benefits of Cannabis Suppositories

weed suppository recipe

Cannabis suppositories are a convenient way to get cannabinoids into those hard to reach places where the sun doesn’t shine.

They’re inexpensive to make and store for a very very long time.

When used rectally, suppositories are an excellent way to administer therapeutically high amounts of THC while avoiding some of the negative side effects that can come with large doses of THC.

Making marijuana suppositories is an incredibly easy process.

How Cannabis Suppositories Work

cannabis suppository recipe

When applied vaginally, they’re basically a topical treatment. There is little absorption into the blood stream, but the localized effects include increased sensitivity and relaxed pelvic muscles.

While rectally, they work completely different, and bring up another big benefit of cannabis suppositories — They work fast. Suppositories work with the lining in your colon to spread their healing magic quickly through nearby organs and into the bloodstream.

How to Use Cannabis Suppositories

Vaginally for pain: The standard operating instructions for suppositories is to first wash your hands, then lie down and insert it into your vagina as deeply as you comfortably can. Obviously, as the ingredients warm with your body temperature, they are going to start to melt, so I would suggest using them at bedtime with pantyliner. (Don’t use tampons with suppositories – it’ll absorb all the good stuff before you do!)

Vaginally as an alternative weed lube: Insert, and let it warm up, while you’re ummm… “warming up”.

Rectally for cannabinoid absorption: Although it can be a bit awkward the first time you’ve used a suppository, this really is the best method for getting the most out of your cannabinoids. Some tips… go to the bathroom first and empty your colon. Wash your hands, then insert the suppository as far as you can comfortably. You can use a little extra coconut oil to help the process. For the sake of everyone, everywhere… wash your hands when you’re done!

Choosing a Suppository Mold

suppository mold

***Update: suppository molds seem to be the most transitory products on the planet. They sell out and disappear within months. You can make your own with aluminum foil (see below) or can search amazon for suppository molds to see what comes up today. I use the ice cube trays from Bkr, which are not currently available on amazon but can be found on their website.

It took me a long time to figure this one out, so I wanted to include it in this post in case any of you are anal (pun!) and want to know what the best mold is for making these.

I’m not a fan of those disposable plastic suppository molds. They can be hard to fill, a pain to open and spendy if you make lots of these (and you will!). I almost invested in an expensive metal suppository mold when I couldn’t find anything else last year. But those are bulky and only make 12 suppositories with each use.

I put on my thinking cap and searched for months and months until I found this specialized ice cube tray that is PERFECT… seriously… PERFECT for making inexpensive suppositories. I ordered two of them to make bigger batches and the recipe below makes 3-4 of these trays.

Cannabis Suppository Recipe

1. In a double boiler or makeshift double boiler over med-high heat, melt:

1/2 cup cannabis coconut oil / hash infused coconut oil or 1 gram cannabis concentrate for stronger suppositories- check the Wake + Bake THC dosage calculator to find out how much THC will be in each suppository

1/2 cup Cocoa Butter (I use this one)

200mg+ CBD Oil (optional, but recommended)

2. Stir occasionally until combined.
3. Pour Into silicon molds (after a lot of searching and testing, these ones are perfect) or make your own suppository molds (see below).
4. Place in the fridge until solid. Cut into 1”-2” pieces. Store in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Make your own suppository molds

I love the mold that I found because it’s really convenient for making lots of suppositories and you can reuse the mold for ice cubes or gummies. If you really want to make these this very second, you can make your own suppository molds using aluminum foil and a long wooden spoon handle.

1. Wrap a 6 inch wide piece of aluminum foil around the handle of a long wooden spoon handle 2-3 times.
2. Remove the handle while carefully keeping the aluminum foil tube in tact.
3. Seal one end of the foil by rolling it until completely sealed.
4. Pour the cannabis suppository mixture in.
5. Keep making diy molds until you’ve used all of your suppository mixture.
6. Place the molds in a small cup in the fridge or freezer until solid.
7. Unwrap the suppositories. Cut into 1-2” pieces and store in the fridge or freezer.
There gonna be a bunch of stoned arseholes about now.......
Now @felvapes, I'm sure there are those in need of a hienie high. No one I know personally, but I might know someone that knows someone, that might. It's most likely for the anal retentive, I imagine. No passing on the left hand side. No obligation to share, and fewer arguments about if it's medical or recreational. Lord, I hope it's medicinal, but people get up to...things. Still, if a person were truly in desperate need of recreation, who am I to judge? This is something you can do at home, and you don't need a sitter. I can see it, for someone else. Kind of "What I did over the weekend" conversation fodder for the more relaxed work place. You know if it were offered in a spa, it would cost a fortune ( definitely for after the coffee enema). Oh, and it's nice you can DYI the project. A nice glass of wine, a homemade avocado mask, a mayonnaise hair treatment, and a little something something for the back end. That's an evening for some people. Not me. I'm more a DYI mani- pedi then fall asleep after binge watching funny cat videos, kind of person, but I'm open minded enough to understand putting something by for the dry times. That's just prudent. If the stash jar and bank account are empty, how handy would it be to have Something Special in the ice box? Not a first resort, but surely something must be a last resort. This seems like a tail-end kind of option. After all is said and done, this gets did. Or, sick people. Some times you just feel plain awful, and you need to feel better. People say " hope you feel better soon", so if a person gets on with it, we should be supportive. Suppositive, even. Supposedly, suppositive for suppositories.
I don't even know what to say about usage in Lady Bits. I think a married person should address that. I'm too single to remember.

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