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Apparently Dynavap is getting into the grinder game. They've got flower mill grinders for sale now...

Pictured is the 2.5" Premium grinder that goes for $99.99



According to the site:

Flower Mill's patented design rolls your herb across the screen, which creates a progressive crumbling that helps the herb naturally break apart. This action results in naturally soft and fluffy herb.
Made from food grade 304 Stainless Steel.
The Premium design is 2.5". comes as a 3-piece grinder, and is available in Blue, Grey, or Rose Gold.
Add optional Mill Plates for a finer grind.
  • Quality construction from a CNC machine
  • Extra Fluffy herb
  • Complete Milling
  • Low effort needed
  • Large Capacity
  • Easy cleaning
  • Low friction washer prevents metal on metal contact in the chamber

They have a 'Standard' model that is the same size, but made from aircraft-grade 6061 aluminum and an anodized finish that sells for $74.99. And I'm not seeing a mention of the low friction washer provided with the premium model.

And for those who want something smaller, they also offer the Mini that is 2" and also made with the 6061 aluminum and anodized finish. It sells for $39.99
After just cleaning my Old Mate (and GFL BCG for the first time in 2 years) I noticed that someone smarter than myself noted that cleaning the teeth makes grinding easier.
Both of the premium grinders I have spun fine but had build-up on the cutters. Since cleaning it is quite noticeable the grinders are much easier to start moving as they cut rather than smash/grind (like an old wooden grinder with nails for cutters). Also, the ground material is much fluffier with both grinders and the material seems to fall thru to the catch area more quickly.
So the short story for myself is that I will be ultrasonic cleaning my grinders more often...like myself, they will get a good clean once a month whether I think the cleaning needs to be done or not.:uhoh::rofl:
I sometimes regret giving my 88mm SpaceCase away,

Nice problem to have. :thumbsup:
I never pay attention to my pollen screens anymore. Just not worth it. My SLX can’t be separated. I just checked, not much in there. If it was a grinder I liked I would just get a two piece.
Agreed @CarolKing.
While my grinder collection includes a few 4 piece grinders, I use uniquely 2 piece grinders.
Having to dump out the contents of a grinder is the last thing I want to do...4-piece...meh, 2-piece...meh...3-piece=Goldielocks for me. :thumbsup:
I use 3 Different grinders:SLX never sticks 2.0.
Flowermill fine plate.
flower mill medium plate.
My SLX v2.5 kept shedding purple...got replaced under warranty and that did the same plus it gunked up pretty quickly. I did hear the earlier V2 was superior to their latest effort as far as coatings are concerned.
The Flowermill has a lot of haters due to metal dust, I can't read the link but have read the FC discussion,

My large BCG might be slightly better at self-cleaning than my OldMate (if I do not adjust the bearing for minimum gap)...but that is just.
My SLX v2.5 kept shedding purple...got replaced under warranty and that did the same plus it gunked up pretty quickly. I did hear the earlier V2 was superior to their latest effort as far as coatings are concerned.
The Flowermill has a lot of haters due to metal dust, I can't read the link but have read the FC discussion,

My large BCG might be slightly better at self-cleaning than my OldMate (if I do not adjust the bearing for minimum gap)...but that is just.

Yes, I did read about that, the metal dust.i personal never had this problem, with made me think the people whom had this problem are not properly loading/milling it.:lmao::mental:
Just as there are on that forum people whom had to warranty their Mighty /either or their Crafty replaced 6 or 9 times.:rofl::lmao:.
and then when you read further, you realise they are not using an appropriate charger.:lmao:.

imho,i don't take anything serious anymore there, I think the new members are , well how shall I put it, very "antsy",and very young, so have to learn a lot about live, and I don't want to be with them on that journey.:twocents:.
it's becoming like reddit, imho.:shakehead:.
which makes me so very grateful for this forum:love::freak:.

Now About your comment on the SLX, I reckon it's true(and till you said it haven't realised), my SLX is 100% functioning ,while my bro's 2 years old is indeed looking like a slut from the ditch..
they must have changed something, and
unfortunately not In a good way.
I wouldn't buy another one ,like their quality is now......

Much Aroha Less.
I wouldn't buy another one ,like their quality is now......
The old guy that looked after QC and warranty complaints died during my SLX replacement (so I was told for the long time period it took to replace) so I just cut my losses and gave the SLX away to a very light user that will use it every other year.
Plenty is great...Mighty was shit, 2 fucked LCD screens, so I sold the 3rd replacement unused to a friend for AU$200...it's screen is now almost unreadable and now just out of warranty...early Mighty units never had this problem and the Mighty+ has a new screen also...S&B made a big deal about the new screen in the + so knew it was a problem. :twocents:
I see there is now talk of a class action against the Flower Mill company as their plastic slip ring fix pissed off a lot of people so more than just a couple of whiners.
My OldMate is still chewing away nicely...even though it is getting a bit grubby it spins for about a minute,

That large version will be hard to resist when it arrives...
I have just ground up a couple of ounces ready for my Carpal Tunnel op tomorrow (no grinding for a week or 2) and finally had the Old Mate meet it's match, while processing some Damnesia the grinder ground to a stop, jammed tight with trichomes.
This was halfway thru filling my Sativa jar,

And when it finally locked up tight,

So I had to get out old faithful to finish the job, my large BCG also gummed up but nowhere near as much as the OMD. Not only that but the BCG swallows big nuggets in one piece, not having to break down buds to fit in a grinder saves a lot of finger hash.
That said, the OMD is still easier to cut through stiff smaller nugs (when clean) and gives a slightly fluffier ground product. I am glad I have both. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the kind thoughts...all went well, now left-hand typing and ready to mend :thumbsup:

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VGoodiez 420EDC