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Safety High Five Rosin Arbor Press Safety


Active Member
...hey man so glad you are here...my question refers to the high five manual press...had mine since oct 16..don't use it weekly...maybe couple times a month...but it has been sweet...I lubricate mine all time.. the moving parts ...I have seen no evidence of degradation ...should I be concerned?...above the normal existential concern I feel anyways?...thanks man.
...hey man so glad you are here...my question refers to the high five manual press...had mine since oct 16..don't use it weekly...maybe couple times a month...but it has been sweet...I lubricate mine all time.. the moving parts ...I have seen no evidence of degradation ...should I be concerned?...above the normal existential concern I feel anyways?...thanks man.
That is a very good question man. I am also happy to see you here at our new haunt :D

For those who are not aware, I think we need to bring in my friend @SamuraiSam (when he gets a moment) to the discussion to share his buddy's experiences with the teeth on the arbor press section. If I recall correctly, this component (a metal rail with interlocking teeth which serves as the tightening mechanism on the press) appeared to have been constructed out of inadequately strong metal and during use, the press snapped off some of these metal teeth violently. Sam, please correct any aspect of this account that I may have gotten wrong.

This is a very concerning issue to emerge with a press. In an arbor press that was not being used for rosin, this would be no less concerning. @turk Do you do smaller, or larger presses yourself my friend?

If you stress the components more trying to press a lot of material at once, you are more likely to experience breakage of course. This is only an issues I have heard of in the one case admittedly, but this is a very serious issue (there is a risk of sharp pieces of metal being sent flying outward from the press at the user or anyone else nearby). I would exercise caution and I would at this stage recommend users to try something else if they are looking to buy now (just in case!). However, we cannot be sure if this is a one-off problem or a fundamental design issue and so as Sam recommended, I do suggest wearing safety goggles while you use the press just in case.

The following is one of @SamuraiSam's buddy's photos of the damage:


Be careful brother, I don't wanna hear of you catching shrapnel from your press!
...I do small presses...and mine looks perfectly fine..however...that picture is disturbing...and it will definitely encourage me to exercise due diligence ..both in lubricating and observing...
...I do small presses...and mine looks perfectly fine..however...that picture is disturbing...and it will definitely encourage me to exercise due diligence ..both in lubricating and observing...
For sure brother, don't use any cheater bars of anything to try and bring more pressure down to bear as I believe you will regret it. I am sure you guessed this already from Sam's reports though :)
...true on that...so good to see you here...I've always felt your contributions to the communities you participate in...invaluable .
I want to know how the f*ck @turk got that strong.

With a cheater bar? And peripheral neuropathy...

I can achieve "Hyacinth Bucket" pressures. Maybe.

I will be bolting mine down well once I get one here in a few months. Thanks for the heads up, and great to see the thread!!!

Peace and safety to everyone.

...true on that...so good to see you here...I've always felt your contributions to the communities you participate in...invaluable .
Thanks man, I'm so glad that you appreciate my input and for the opportunity/platform that I have been given to contribute to this community (thanks @momofthegoons!).

@OldOyler brother we may need to revisit your rosin press options when you are ready to make your purchase. I do not want you risking shrapnel wounds either if the above is an inherent design fault, especially if we have technical difficulties which need tending to at the time :risas3:
@herbivore21 you got the story right. I personally have NOT used this High Five rosin press. A friend of mine owns it and has tried using it many times. It kept breaking on him, and High Five eventually decided to tell him the warranty is void because too much pressure was applied. LOL.

Luckily, he never got hurt during any of the tooth-breakings and ejections. I happened to visit his house for some dabs a few weeks ago and took these photos of his dust-gathering former rosin press.

I have used other arbor press based rosin presses, like the Medisun (which I don't recommend due to the ineffective heating pucks and barrel coil e-nail coils employed) and NEVER had any durability issues even when the press was bolted down and a LONG cheater bar was hung off the end.
@herbivore21 you got the story right. I personally have NOT used this High Five rosin press. A friend of mine owns it and has tried using it many times. It kept breaking on him, and High Five eventually decided to tell him the warranty is void because too much pressure was applied. LOL.

Luckily, he never got hurt during any of the tooth-breakings and ejections. I happened to visit his house for some dabs a few weeks ago and took these photos of his dust-gathering former rosin press.

I have used other arbor press based rosin presses, like the Medisun (which I don't recommend due to the ineffective heating pucks and barrel coil e-nail coils employed) and NEVER had any durability issues even when the press was bolted down and a LONG cheater bar was hung off the end.
Glad I got it right, interesting to hear about the Medisun too bro, I remember when you first mentioned that you were checking that one out!

Holy shit is it high time that I got a new, larger press. Life getting in the way too much:rofl:
Sorry to hear about the High 5 breaking! Mine hasn't got a lot of use, but it works fine. I mounted it to a larger piece of wood, with legs in front, and attached it to a work bench. The legs give it more leverage.

I took the plate off the front and moved the angle around a bit. Now, when the bar is forward, it's just an inch or two above tabletop height, which means you can't really put an enormous amount of pressure on it. At this angle, when the handle is up, it rests nicely against the rear wall. I should post pix, but then I'd have to go to the garage, then come back for the phone, then take a pic, and photoshop all the stuff out of it that will get me safety lectures... You'll have to trust that it works ok... ;)
...mine still functions beautifully too...

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