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Misc. High Vs Stoned


Leaf Dawg
I like to be high but not stoned. To me the difference is; Being high means I'm still able to function. More importantly, I want to function.
Being stoned means couch locked. Can't move and don't feel like doing anything.

Another thing I've noticed is when I'm high I don't feel like doing anything reckless. I feel I'm able to make better decisions.
If I'm drunk, I'm down for whatever. I feel I have no limitations or inhibitions.

No judgement here. Just my opinion. What do you think?
I found with smoking, I could only get high once in a day, everything that followed was just adding to the compiling stoned feeling.....

But with vaping I can get high many times a day, and then choose when I want to be stoned...
I love this choice that has come with vaping...

Being high is what it's all about....
Buzzing almost....
Sometimes it feelis almost class A to me...

I haven't done any class A in a long time....
Good riddens......
I found with smoking, I could only get high once in a day, everything that followed was just adding to the compiling stoned feeling.....

But with vaping I can get high many times a day, and then choose when I want to be stoned...
I love this choice that has come with vaping...

Being high is what it's all about....
Buzzing almost....
Sometimes it feelis almost class A to me...

I haven't done any class A in a long time....
Good riddens......
That first half of what you said is exactly what I have experienced, my friend.

As for the rest, for me, being high is a pleasant bonus, medical relief is what I am after first ;) If I never got high but still got the medical relief, I wouldn't complain. Life would be that little bit less fun though ;)

Despite there not being any legal term called class A's in my neck of the woods, I'm with you man. Who needs those 'hard' drugs when cannabis can do so much without all the bad shit that comes with other substances? :biggrin::weed:

I think I'm becoming a cannabis thumper in my old age. That is the cannabis equivalent of a bible thumper btw :myday:

I like the stonier effects for sleep. It's better medically that way. It took me a long time to develop processing techniques to make concentrates high in active THC and CBN but still containing as much terps as freshly freeze dried full melt bubble. The payoff however, was golden. Literally.

For the daytime, that high effect is preferably. I have to work my mind very hard in the career I've found myself in - not my body :rofl:(I use a rolling smiley in the hopes that this counts as exercise). The high from the right cannabis products can help much more for this part of my life than the stoney material. It all has its place :D
I think I'm becoming a cannabis thumper in my old age. That is the cannabis equivalent of a bible thumper btw :myday:

I can relate to that a lot...
I feel I need to spread the good word...

A few kids that have grown up near me have ended up on the crack and smack recently, it's tragic to witness, especially as I see them as innocent little kids still....
I want to just show them that you don't need it, cannnabis can provide more joy than these poisons, without ruining your life...
But i know from experience that they won't be told....

And I do appreciate the stoned side of things alot..
For most of my life I have suffered with insomnia...
To the point of staying awake for 2 days then having 1 night sleep..
I did this for year's as it was the only way I could make myself tired enough to sleep...
I also had to smoke a massive joint and go straight to bed, to try to pass out in the first 20 mins of smoke poisening....

But once I started vaping everything changed...
I fall asleep effortlessly now at about 10 every night...
And no longer am I struggling to drag my body from bed in the morning...
I wake up at 6 everyday without fail, feeling refreshed and ready to go...

I dont know if this is mainly due to removing smoking from my life, or gaining the ability to use cannabis more effectively...

Either way, I really appreciate being able to choose beteeen high, and stoned...
During the day I prefer high where I can still function. At night before bed I like to be stoned.:verdamper:But not so much where I get a weed hangover the next morning. It's a delicate balance :whipit:
This sort of sums it up for me too. I like to 'take the edge off' during the day. But at night it's game on!!!

I haven't been using much lately because of my work here.. and it's done wonders for my tolerance. I'm able to enjoy a small amount of vapor from flowers during the day instead of starting the day with a dab and going from there. It's been nice.

I really found I got that hangover feeling the next day from dabbing more than anything.
...don't get hangovers from alcohol...but I do from dabbing...not headaches or such...I just may not feel like getting high the next day...but that's after I do a lot of concentrates...1/2 gram..
I can relate to that a lot...
I feel I need to spread the good word...

A few kids that have grown up near me have ended up on the crack and smack recently, it's tragic to witness, especially as I see them as innocent little kids still....
I want to just show them that you don't need it, cannnabis can provide more joy than these poisons, without ruining your life...
But i know from experience that they won't be told....

And I do appreciate the stoned side of things alot..
For most of my life I have suffered with insomnia...
To the point of staying awake for 2 days then having 1 night sleep..
I did this for year's as it was the only way I could make myself tired enough to sleep...
I also had to smoke a massive joint and go straight to bed, to try to pass out in the first 20 mins of smoke poisening....

But once I started vaping everything changed...
I fall asleep effortlessly now at about 10 every night...
And no longer am I struggling to drag my body from bed in the morning...
I wake up at 6 everyday without fail, feeling refreshed and ready to go...

I dont know if this is mainly due to removing smoking from my life, or gaining the ability to use cannabis more effectively...

Either way, I really appreciate being able to choose beteeen high, and stoned...
Man I've lost some dear friends over the years to alcohol and heroin. It is heartbreaking stuff and several of these tragic losses haunt me to this day. We now know that cannabis can greatly decrease people's use of opiates and potentially a variety of other substances. The best thing we can do is get folks to stop using so many opiates (which do have their place medically!) being used so often.

Our experiences with insomnia are nearly identical brother. Proper sleep, waking up early, being productive is wonderful after years of debilitation and inadequate sleep. Cannabis is the best insomnia medicine bar none. Fuck the rest of it :biggrin:

...don't get hangovers from alcohol...but I do from dabbing...not headaches or such...I just may not feel like getting high the next day...but that's after I do a lot of concentrates...1/2 gram..
So true man, if you use a lot of concentrates too soon before bed, you're gonna wake up faded ;)

Could the 'hung over' feeling be caused by contaminants in the concentrates? Maybe from the high heat creating toxins in the smoke/vapor? Or is this just the nature of concentrates because they are, well, concentrated?

Can a comparison be made between heating cooking oil and heating concentrates/oil?

Chefs always talk about screaming hot pans and smoking oil. I don't subscribe to this. To me, if the oil is smoking it's over heated and starting to decompose. There's a reason smoke points are listed on the bottle.

Could the 'hung over' feeling be caused by contaminants in the concentrates? Maybe from the high heat creating toxins in the smoke/vapor? Or is this just the nature of concentrates because they are, well, concentrated?

Can a comparison be made between heating cooking oil and heating concentrates/oil?

Chefs always talk about screaming hot pans and smoking oil. I don't subscribe to this. To me, if the oil is smoking it's over heated and starting to decompose. There's a reason smoke points are listed on the bottle.
I should highlight that I would not ever use the term 'hungover' to describe that residual concentrate high in the morning from too much dosed the night before. To me, it feels like waking up high still. It does not make me feel sick, unable to move, headaches etc like a hangover does. I have never experienced anything remotely comparable to an alcohol hangover from cannabis and the comparison in my mind is apples and oranges.

You will definitely feel more stoned when you wake in the morning if you dab a lot of something with higher activated THC content the night before IME. I've been experimenting with activate distillates of various high purity solventless extracts for night time medicine with incredible success, so much so that I've had to substantially reduce my night-time doses or it is TOO EFFECTIVE :zzz:

Different kinds of extracts will give drastically different effects, IME you can make dozens of different kinds of extracts with different kinds of effects (spanning the entire gamut from 'high' to 'stoned') from the same flower.

By the same token but to a much lesser extent, the same flowers at different stages of cure and stored in different ways can vary in effect from more 'high' to more 'stoned'. Especially when vaping rather than combusting (I'm sure you all know this already lol). Different vaping temps allow a little extra control for this too.

I wonder if those chefs are trying to achieve a specific behavior from their oil for the purpose of what they are cooking? Of course, you will know their context better than I do. It may be that they are trying to get the oil up close to the smoking point to achieve a leidenfrost effect or other effects that require higher temps still. I am not so sure on this one though :nusenuse:
A cannabis hangover isn't feeling sick. You just feel too tired and still medicated, it's a whole body thing. A hazy head feeling. You feel like being lazy. I hear the term all the time. It's different than a booze hangover.

I'm not a scientist - it's just something that folks picked up saying. More of an expression of speech. It doesn't have to make sense,:smile:
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A cannabis hangover isn't feeling sick. You just feel too tired and still medicated, it's a whole body thing. A hazy head feeling. You feel like being lazy. I hear the term all the time. It's different than a booze hangover. It might be afternoon, depending on the person before you feel yourself.
I agree completely except for the use of the term 'hangover'. I'm a scientist, we are intensely pre-occupied with defining and being clear about our language - but in this case I believe there is especially good reason to distinguish:

I have very little problem with waking up stoned and being slow to start the day (although when I'm busy which is too often lately, I do try to minimize this). I will never consume something that makes me have a splitting headache, nausea/vomiting and GI disturbance like an alcohol hangover does. That is what being physically ill feels like and I would never knowingly ingest something that causes these effects on my body.

I do not ever feel sick like this if I wake up still stoned from a lot of concentrate the night before.

All's I'm saying basically is that in my view, the distinction needs to be made very explicit for people that might read this thread and conflate an alcohol hangover with what people here are calling a cannabis 'hangover'. :peace:

I think we've achieved a necessarily explicit distinction here in this thread via this discussion though :smile:
All's I'm saying basically is that in my view, the distinction needs to be made very explicit for people that might read this thread and conflate an alcohol hangover with what people here are calling a cannabis 'hangover'. :peace:

I think we've achieved a necessarily explicit distinction here in this thread via this discussion though :smile:

Ah. A few people mentioned feeling 'hung over' and I wrongly assumed it as the same as an alcohol hang over. Thanks for clarification.
I stay sober for work & once I get home I have a two or three stems to get mellow. After dinner the real action begins & I like to get very stoned indeed. Even though I really only vape flowers I wake up with a classic "mull hangover" every morning. By the time I am shaved, showered & dressed I am good to go. That said I am pretty fucking foggy most mornings & have been for 20 years :zzz:.

I enjoy getting high as much as stoned but I honestly find it challenging not to overindulge. Often I have the best intentions but end up a train wreck 9/10 times :smug:.
When I'm high and functional I feel confident to drive. If I'm stoned I don't feel safe to drive. Like right now, I wouldn't drive. I just tried out my new Woodscents, you know how it is with a new vaporizer.:flamethrower2:
The relationship between cannabis and driving is one of the best examples of the subjectivity of the Cannabis 'high'. I actually feel more at ease driving when I am under the influence of cannabis, and do not find that I can consume an amount that makes me feel unsafe behind the wheel (strong edibles would definitely stop me from driving actually, but I find that I cannot tolerate cannabinoids that I eat anywhere near as well as when inhaled in any case - delta-11 THC doesn't seem to agree with me). I have not been involved in a traffic incident where I was deemed to be at fault in many, many years.

I also experience symptoms which make driving more difficult if I have not medicated. I am sure if they only understood, my fellow citizens would appreciate that I medicate before driving :rofl:

I can understand that many will differ from me, we're all different and I have an unusual combination of health conditions.

We can see that even the medical community already recognize the subjectivity of cannabis' effects on driving. Check this out from the Sativex consumer information provided to UK patients:

"Driving and using machines:
• You must not drive or use machinery when you first start to take Sativex and until you are established on a stable
daily dose.
• Sativex may cause you to feel sleepy or dizzy, which may impair your judgment and performance of skilled tasks.
It has also rarely been reported to cause a brief loss of consciousness.
• Once you are more used to taking Sativex and your dose is stable, you should still not drive or use machinery if Sativex causes effects such as sleepiness or dizziness that could impair your ability to perform these tasks. If you are not sure, do not drive or operate machines. The medicine can affect your ability to drive as it may make you sleepy or dizzy.
• Do not drive while taking this medicine until you know how it affects you."

Source: https://www.drugs.com/uk/sativex-oromucosal-spray-spc-10018.html

From where I sit, the above advice is excellent for all people who medicate with cannabis in any way :biggrin:

BTW for those interested: Sativex, is a pharmaceutical preparation which is made via distillation of a bubble hash extraction (known in the medical literature as an 'enriched trichome preparation') from a variety of high CBD/high THC chemovars/varieties. The product is homogenized during processing in order to ensure consistency of dosages between samples and batches - just like any other pharmaceutical.

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