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Vape The Electropath by Custom Flower Hardware


This is a wonderful innovation in "Coil " vapes for flower that can also be dabbed with.
I dare say that this is the cleanest system of this type I have seen.
The Electropath:
Screen Shot 2024-07-20 at 5.34.23 PM.webp

It is a Hot pathway, that you can use with any vaporizer, and it super volatilizes any vapor into finer droplets for super fast absorption into the system.
AND... since it is used at the 380 to 500 range, you can fill it itself (or microdose) with flower.
With it I use the:
Flower Kettle:
Screen Shot 2024-07-20 at 5.33.52 PM.webp

The balls etc. can be placed on top of the Flower Kettle, as can a dab.
The Flower Kettle should ideally be set at a higher temperature.
With just Flower:

With wax:

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VGoodiez 420EDC