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Misc. Vapor Profiles


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I thought this might be a thread that could warrant some discussion

What is a vapor profile?

It's the different results that different Vaporizers tend to provide. Its what makes vaporizing the same strain out of two different Vaporizers produce completely different results. Either in taste, high provided, or a little bit of both

Why have multiple vapor profiles?

Sometimes it's nice to switch things up and have a little variety. A greater advantage is you can use different Vaporizers to help offset your tolerance.

For example if I vaporize out of nothing but my volcano for a week straight, my tolerance will build itself up pretty high. This isn't just a tolerance to cannabis though, it's also a tolerance to the profile of the vaporizer. If on the eighth day I decide to use a nice conduction vaporizer instead of the volcano like my vapcap I will get exponentially more of a buzz versus if I was to inhale the same amount out of the volcano. The same would also work vice versa.

There really are a lot of vapes out there which tend to produce different results. What are some of your favorite profiles?
I find the biggest difference in vapor profiles using my log vapes as opposed to the SSV or the EVO. Or even the lowly Hot Box; for that matter. The latter get me blasted but use a ton more herb. I used to refer to log vapes as 'sipping vapes' but with newer technology in the HI and the WoodScents, you can crank them higher and get bigger clouds. But when I really need to get hit between the eyes, I still pull out the bigger guns. I think you get higher faster with the SSV and EVO.

The log vapes are also a great way to get your tolerance down or to conserve herb. It's amazing to me how little gets you high. I find myself going through bowls in the SSV while I usually only use a couple stems on a log vape. Makes me think you waste a lot in the larger vapes although it could be a time thing. You take a longer time with a log vape.... sitting... sipping... ruminating.... :tongue::buzz::chill:
@Sixstringsmash - good topic, thanks for starting it.

I'm not sure that I can personally agree that "vaporizing the same strain out of two different Vaporizers produce completely different results"

What I do find is that vaporizers extract to different degrees of completeness and have different levels of efficiency. To me, this speaks mainly to its cost effectiveness wrt the amount of herb needed. Also, different vapes definitely do seem to extract at differing rates and hence vapor varies in its density and potency all of which are revealed in effects.

I absolutely agree that vapes have "signatures" and using different devices yields somewhat different effects. But I often wonder if that really isn't a result of vapor density and how fast we are getting cannabinoids across the blood/brain barrier. Seems that the vapes I like, hit hard and fast. I like thick and cannabinoid rich vapor, personally, so I tend to favor vapes that have that 'signature'.

I agree with @momofthegoons that the EVO can be like a Louisville Slugger across the forehead. Love it. But also agree that I get high hard and fast from my log vape and its an Enano so its not some new heater tech.

I'm interested in what others think on this subject.

Great thread! I have to echo the comments on the Evo, but I'll add that the Evo is the epitome of the convection 'sucking on a hairdryer' effect. I stopped using my evo months ago because I experience too much throat irritation from use (flowers tend to give me more of this in general than concentrates). It seems that some of us are more susceptible to this problem from convection vaping flower than others.

The evo does large and very tasty hits indeed for those who can handle all that hot air in their system! I must concede that!

@momofthegoons I need to point out for my old buddy Andy at e-nano that actually, the e-nano has an inline 120v rotary dimmer for variable resistance temp control. It was the first log to actually include temp control with the product without the need for after-market accessories and hence the only log I ever bought - since at the time the others required extra purchases for temp control.
@momofthegoons I completely agree with you in regards to logs! They are hands down some of the most efficient vaporizers out there. They wont get you from 1 to 10 right away but if you chug away at it you can get some quite potent results :rota2: with minimal loss of herb too, which is great. There are very few vaporizers on the market which can compare to their efficiency.

Since I received my WoodScents a few days ago I have experienced a "rebirth of the love of logs". My WoodScents has just basically been on 24/ 7 right next to me at my desk and whenever I get the urge I just shovel a little in and take a nice puff I do. It keeps me going through the day and much like you when it gets later in the night I switch up to my heavy hitters. Mainly my Volcano, Herbalizer, and Minivap get me nice and toasty :flamethrower2: Although the same can be achieved If I just keep using the WS and just switch to my WPA :science:

@Baron23 thanks for the input. It's always good to hear the community consensus. I completely get where you're coming from and honestly maybe it's all a placebo effect on my part but I really am a firm believer that when I keep a rotation with some of my vaporizers and tend to stay away from others for a while when I do get back to them I always seem to experience a newfound high that I seem to have completely forgotten about or at least is moderately different enough from the high I experienced with the previous vaporizers I was using to notice it. I have absolutely no scientific knowledge on the subject though only what my :BangHead:brain tells but I bet some of the more scientifically inclined people that are on this forum can offer their input and tell me if I'm crazy or not :mental:
@momofthegoons I need to point out for my old buddy Andy at e-nano that actually, the e-nano has an inline 120v rotary dimmer for variable resistance temp control. It was the first log to actually include temp control with the product without the need for after-market accessories and hence the only log I ever bought - since at the time the others required extra purchases for temp control.
I stand corrected. I had one of the first units and didn't use it for long. I had forgotten that. However, it still is a direct plug in rather than going through a 12v adapter like the old log vapes (Purple Days, Aromazap)
It's not the newest tech but the difference between the Enano and older log vapes is that it goes directly into a 120v outlet rather than a wall adapter at 12 - 13v in the older styles. The newer log vapes (other than the nano) run on variable voltage so they pack a bigger punch.
I'm not sure I understand this Mom. My Nano plugs into 120v, we agree on that, and does not have a transformer to convert to 12V (DC I presume). But it goes through a potentiometer (the dial, right) that varies the resistance and hence varies the voltage. No??

I'm no electrical engineer so I'm sure that there is something here I'm getting wrong.


P.S. - oops, just saw the subsequent posts....seems we are all agreed on this point now.
I'm no electrical engineer so I'm sure that there is something here I'm getting wrong.
It could be in the translation from my buzzed brain to the post... :ko:

The old, original logs just didn't get as much juice. Didn't have the capacity to run as hot.. not without damaging the wood. This had some to do with the voltage and some to do with the heat core configurations used at the time. Someone like @Alan or @Ed's TnT could step in here and help an old gal out with the technical stuff that I've forgotten here... :tongue: But that's probably better suited for the Log Vape thread... not here.
I'm not sure I understand this Mom. My Nano plugs into 120v, we agree on that, and does not have a transformer to convert to 12V (DC I presume). But it goes through a potentiometer (the dial, right) that varies the resistance and hence varies the voltage. No??

I'm no electrical engineer so I'm sure that there is something here I'm getting wrong.


P.S. - oops, just saw the subsequent posts....seems we are all agreed on this point now.
Yes, it is a 120v vape with an inline temp control knob that uses a variable resistance to adjust the overall current going into the unit.
I use several different vaporizers it just helps to keep tolerance in check. I agree your body gets used to using the same vaporizer and when you switch it up using something else I will notice a difference in how well I get medicated.

The distance from your mouthpiece to the oven makes a difference. Also a temperature like 375 degrees may feel differently using another vaporizer at the same temp.

Some vaporizers I've used for a week or two then I put them away if I'm not interested. Later I may take them out of the drawer and feel completely differently the second time around.

I like small and ease of use and clean / maintain. Too many tiny pieces I don't like. I love the taste of good vapor and a unit that will achieve that. All vaporizer don't give good vapor taste. Good taste can be interpreted differently by different users.

A profile would be an all glass air path, what your unit is made of such as wood. Is it a log vape. Medical grade plastic, metal. Glass oven? Big oven or small? Does it use too much cannabis? Is it a portable or desk style. If it's a portable , is it an on demand or a session vaporizer. Does it run on user replaceable batteries, butane? Where the unit was made - Canada, USA .......Is it big or small. Has it been listed as medical grade. How easy to hook up to water.
Is it a heavy hitter?

Used for flowers or oils, both?:twocents:

I interpreted the thread wrong I was thinking vaporizer profile. Oops! I came back to read through the posts and read the op.
That would mean the harshness, taste, how well it medicates vapor wise depending of the vaporizer? That would depend a lot on user preference. Am I over thinking this or just too stoned to understand?
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Hmmm what I know is that the old logs like the PD and the MZ/CRZ used a resistor for the heat source, they also had an enclosed air path. When I got my first log it was a MZ, if you wanted more heat you could get a 13V power adapter, that gave you a bit more heat but sacrificed the life of the log. The WS utilizes a different heater being a SS cased cartridge heater. These come is a wide variety of configurations, you can get them in 120V or in 12V, you can get them in various wattage just as well. Some of these can reach and hold temps upwards of 1000F and even hotter I wanna say. Its like many have said you can only get out how much its rated for mine being a 12V 10W has a limit to its performance no matter what. I had it explained to me that yes it has a limit but it can be pushed somewhat if just a little to achieve a higher temp. Believe me I am not electronic genius nor do I know anything really, what I know is only from trial and error really. I did know that the Enano way back used a ceramic type heater I would say its similar to the SS cartridge heater I use as far as its build. I wanna say the UD used and may still a resistor like the old logs. I also know that UD went to using a cartridge heater similar to the WS also and not sure if thats all it uses now or not. My old HI's used the resistor in it way back when not sure if thats the same anymore. I wanna say the HotPod used a light source if I am not mistaken but cant remember the exact term for it. Yes the WS uses a temp control/rotary dimmer inline which does control how many volts go to the heater but it can only adjust what is going to it, the WS gets its power from a 12V 3A PS which means that at max on the dial its only getting 12V, you can dial it down to lower volts but still it can only provide what it gets from the PS.

Its my understanding that old log and new logs operate pretty much the same, the heaters are rated for what they are and the power pushing em is what it is, you can roll em up or roll em down depending on the controller if one is being used.

Pls tell me what I am missing if thats the case.
I use several different vaporizers it just helps to keep tolerance in check. I agree your body gets used to using the same vaporizer and when you switch it up using something else I will notice a difference in how well I get medicated.

The distance from your mouthpiece to the oven makes a difference. Also a temperature like 375 degrees may feel differently using another vaporizer at the same temp.

Some vaporizers I've used for a week or two then I put them away if I'm not interested. Later I may take them out of the drawer and feel completely differently the second time around.

I like small and ease of use and clean / maintain. Too many tiny pieces I don't like. I love the taste of good vapor and a unit that will achieve that. All vaporizer don't give good vapor taste. Good taste can be interpreted differently by different users.

A profile would be an all glass air path, what your unit is made of such as wood. Is it a log vape. Medical grade plastic, metal. Glass oven? Big oven or small? Does it use too much cannabis? Is it a portable or desk style. If it's a portable , is it an on demand or a session vaporizer. Does it run on user replaceable batteries, butane? Where the unit was made - Canada, USA .......Is it big or small. Has it been listed as medical grade. How easy to hook up to water.
Is it a heavy hitter?

Used for flowers or oils, both?:twocents:

I interpreted the thread wrong I was thinking vaporizer profile. Oops! I came back to read through the posts and read the op.
That would mean the harshness, taste, how well it medicates vapor wise depending of the vaporizer? That would depend a lot on user preference. Am I over thinking this or just too stoned to understand?
Hehe definitely not overthinking. I just started the thread to talk about the different effects different Vaporizers can provide, in any manner, and If others agree or disagree and what their thoughts on the matter are. Any opinion is a good opinion and you definitely can never be too stoned on this forum!

Hmmm what I know is that the old logs like the PD and the MZ/CRZ used a resistor for the heat source, they also had an enclosed air path. When I got my first log it was a MZ, if you wanted more heat you could get a 13V power adapter, that gave you a bit more heat but sacrificed the life of the log. The WS utilizes a different heater being a SS cased cartridge heater. These come is a wide variety of configurations, you can get them in 120V or in 12V, you can get them in various wattage just as well. Some of these can reach and hold temps upwards of 1000F and even hotter I wanna say. Its like many have said you can only get out how much its rated for mine being a 12V 10W has a limit to its performance no matter what. I had it explained to me that yes it has a limit but it can be pushed somewhat if just a little to achieve a higher temp. Believe me I am not electronic genius nor do I know anything really, what I know is only from trial and error really. I did know that the Enano way back used a ceramic type heater I would say its similar to the SS cartridge heater I use as far as its build. I wanna say the UD used and may still a resistor like the old logs. I also know that UD went to using a cartridge heater similar to the WS also and not sure if thats all it uses now or not. My old HI's used the resistor in it way back when not sure if thats the same anymore. I wanna say the HotPod used a light source if I am not mistaken but cant remember the exact term for it. Yes the WS uses a temp control/rotary dimmer inline which does control how many volts go to the heater but it can only adjust what is going to it, the WS gets its power from a 12V 3A PS which means that at max on the dial its only getting 12V, you can dial it down to lower volts but still it can only provide what it gets from the PS.

Its my understanding that old log and new logs operate pretty much the same, the heaters are rated for what they are and the power pushing em is what it is, you can roll em up or roll em down depending on the controller if one is being used.

Pls tell me what I am missing if thats the case.
That was all extremely informative and I think I just learned a good deal more about how logs work. Thank you for the knowledge bomb!

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