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Tips What herbs (not cannabis) do you like to vape and why?


New Member
Hi you all :razz2:

Looking on my crafty manual I discovered a little list of herb i could vape with it and the relative vaping temps.
So i'm very curious about this.

I struggle finding evidence that vaping this kind of herbs is not harmful, i only find some sites giving infos about presumed relaxing or energizing effects of some herbs when vaped, but I cannot find any medical or scientific evidence about it.

Is there anybody here who tried or uses vaping eucalyptus, or lavander or thyme?
For example, I'm having a cough and I'm wondering if vaping eucalyptus could help me or if it gets worse.
Is it possible to blend them with weed?

Thank you so much
@lęrn you might find some information in the Ethnobotanical section of the forum. Personally, I do not vape anything but cannabis. I've tried chamomile and lavender in the past. But really don't care to put anything in my lungs besides cannabis.

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