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Vapcap Tips 1.0

Vapcap Tips 1.0

In honour of our new Vapcap converts, I thought that I would post my tips for Vapcap success and a content and delightful life ...

Tip #1 - Respect the click.

BOTH WAYS. The cap really does know what it's doing. Sure, you can heat it...
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5.00 star(s) 13 ratings

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Thank you Squiby for this concise and most informative presentation. A perfect refresher if need ever be... Much obliged!
Wish I had found this when I first started with my VC. A lot of really useful knowledge delivered in a easy to read, concise manner.
As a new VapCap user, this was exactly the advice I needed in a clear, concise manner. The tips on heating are invaluable.
Good stuff.
that's a Bingo!
Thank You Squilby.such helpful info for newbies and vets alike
..great knowledge...cheers!
Very nice write up. Just bought a VapCap, or want to buy one? Read this!
Squiby is the VapCap Queen!!! Excellent resource for all . . . :-)

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