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Recipe Canna Flour

For dosing a simple rule of thumb would be to use as much bud per serving as you would use in a vape session. For example, if .5 of a gram is your 'normal', use that amount of ground herb (or ABV) per serving size, and things should be fairly stable. *should be*... :)
Yup. Totally agree. We should have weighed the amount, instead we were thinking like bakers subbing a flour. If we worked in grams we would have been smarter. The scale is in the dining room sideboard, blocked by kitchen items because of painting, so we went stupid and used measuring spoons. Seems obvious, but yesterday I just wanted to get the project done, and stupid happened.
Yup. Totally agree. We should have weighed the amount, instead we were thinking like bakers subbing a flour. If we worked in grams we would have been smarter. The scale is in the dining room sideboard, blocked by kitchen items because of painting, so we went stupid and used measuring spoons. Seems obvious, but yesterday I just wanted to get the project done, and stupid happened.

Your example highlighted what we learned years ago, with similar results. Now days we rarely make medibles, instead we use cannacaps. And for even more accurate dosing we use concentrates.

We do have several batches of medibles in our fridge, but they were gifts and not all that strong.

For us a large dose would be .1 gram per serving. If the rosin was 70% thc, the dose would be 70mg. And small dose would've 1/3 of that. This is obviously not exact, but it does give you something to go by.

I use 1-3 gr of concentrate per one fluid oz of coconut oil and 1/2 tsp of lecithin. This will give you roughly 30 size 00 cannacaps. We label ours by the amount of concentrate per fluid oz of coconut oil. 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, and 3x.
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Your example highlighted what we learned years ago, with similar results. Now days we rarely make medibles, instead we use cannacaps. And for even more accurate dosing we use concentrates.

We do have several batches of medibles in our fridge, but they were gifts and not all that strong.

For us a large dose would be .1 gram per serving. If the rosin was 70% thc, the dose would be 70mg. And small dose would've 1/3 of that. This is obviously not exact, but it does give you something to go by.

I use 1-3 gr of concentrate per one fluid oz of coconut oil and 1/2 tsp of lecithin. This will give you roughly 30 size 00 cannacaps. We label ours by the amount of concentrate per fluid oz of coconut oil. 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, and 3x.
A good method. Now that a few days have passed, a reasonable system for measurement is welcome. Madri-Guy and I more or less swore off edibles after the Most Miserable Greenout Ever. We moved from more to less, and your method makes much more sense than guess and hope for the best. We both recall things going well, before they were too much. We also have Canna flour and ABV flour in the fridge , and it's not going to use itself....

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VGoodiez 420EDC