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Meds Cannabis and Children


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CBD and THC Help Treat Neuroblastoma in Kids, Study Suggests

18 May, 2017
Findings in a new study show that cannabinoids impede the growth of tumors by reducing their viability and invasiveness, and inducing apoptosis.
Israeli scientists have recently found that cannabinoids are effective at helping mitigate the rapid multiplication of neuroblastoma. In a new study, published in Current Oncology, researchers discovered that cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) show anti-tumor effects, while CBD was found to be the more active of the two.

Neuroblastoma is a rare, but aggressive type of solid cancerous tumor. Affecting mostly infants and young children under five years of age, neuroblastoma begins in certain very early forms of nerve tissue found in an embryo or fetus. It’s most commonly found in the adrenal glands on top of the kidneys, but can also develop in the chest, belly, neck, pelvis, and in bones.

In the study, the researchers used culture and animal models to investigate the effects of CBD and THC, separately, on neuroblastoma. In the culture component, cells were treated with either of the cannabinoids or left untreated.

In the animal component of the study, tumors were induced in mice through subcutaneous injection. After allowing for the tumors to grow to an average size of 400 mm3, the researchers then injected the mice with either 20 mg/kg THC or 20 mg/kg CBD, or they left the mice untreated, for 14 days.

In both the culture cells and animal tests, the neuroblastoma tumors were measured and tested for viability, cell cycle distribution, growth rate, cell invasiveness, and apoptotic cell death rate.

Both compounds displayed anti-tumor activity by reducing tumor cell viability and effectively impeding tumor growth, although CBD’s effects were more significant. Additionally, treatment with CBD also reduced invasiveness of neuroblastoma cells and induced cancer cell death.

“Our findings about the activity of CBD in [neuroblastoma] support and extend previous findings about the anti-tumor activities of CBD in other tumors and suggest that cannabis extracts enriched in CBD and not in THC could be suitable for the development of novel non-psychotropic therapeutic strategies in [neuroblastoma],” the study concludes.
Previous preclinical studies have shown CBD to inhibit the progression of many types of cancer, including glioblastoma, breast, lung prostate, and colon cancers. The non-psychoactive cannabinoid has shown effective for inhibiting tumor cell viability, invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis, as well as for inducing cancer cell death.

The researchers did not identify the mechanism for CBD’s anti-cancer effects, but noted that it appears independent of the cannabinoid’s influence on the endocannabinoid system’s CB1 and CB2 receptors.

While cannabis remains classified federally as a Schedule I substance – a category for substances that possess no therapeutic value — the U.S. National Cancer Institute has acknowledged the anti-cancer properties of cannabinoids like CBD. Because CBD is devoid of psychoactive effects, it may be a more suitable treatment option for cancers that affect children, such as neuroblastoma. In related news, investigators from Nottingham University’s world-leading Children’s Brain Tumor Research Centre recently announced a new study to investigate CBD’s effects on brain tumors in children.

You can read the entire study, “In vitro and in vivo efficacy of non-psychoactive cannabidiol in neuroblastoma,” via the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Fair warning.... there are some tough scenes in these vids and you may need a few tissues.....

“Cannabis For Kids” Incredible National Geographic Documentary"

This is an incredible documentary that anyone who wants to understand the benefits of medical cannabis for specific pediatric illness must watch. It is both heartbreaking and heartwarming and all together hopeful at once. The documentary features three very special families. Meet Penn and Nicole Mattison and their daughter Millie, Tracy and Josh Ryan and their daughter Sophie, and Sarah and David Rowland and their daughter Lily as they navigate the challenges of using CBD oil to treat their children.

“Now we’re investigating this plant and what it can do. And so we have to stop being kind of incredulous about it and I think we just have to say, ‘Okay, there’s a lot we still don’t know’ and that gets back to getting it off a Schedule 1 Drug so we can research it, but, there’s a lot that we do know. So let’s stop buying into propaganda that somebody told us when we were little and let’s understand the science of it and allow people that are sick to use it.”

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All the men in my family have a severe gentic heart condition....
None of then have made it past 50...
Apart from my dad, but he has major problems that are not fixable...... he may be lucky enough to make it to 60....
My brother had a major heart attack at the age of 32....

The reason for this is excessive plaque build...
And we are not unhealthy people, we have all eaten well, exercised, and are not overweight or smokers....
Purely genetic....

When this all came to light, I had extensive testing done to me, as did all the males within the family. And it turns out that im the only one thats all clear and completely healthy....
And I'm the one that's abused my body the most....

Im putting this down to the cannabis and its anti-ishemic properties....
Im convinced that this is the only reason im not clogged....

Plaque deposits can be observed in children as young as 5 years old...

Do you see where this is going yet..???

I feel the need to protect my children from this hereditary problem....
And I will....

But due to the law, and public opinion, It would be deemed wrong to treat them untill 18 years old..
But preferably I'd be dosing them with cbd earlier...
As it stands, I will probably start them at 15ish...

And I don't mean sitting down listening to Bob Marley, in a hippy bong circle.... (not that I wouldn't enjoy that...)
I mean medicinal dosing...
And I'm the one that's abused my body the most....

Im putting this down to the cannabis and its anti-ishemic properties....
Im convinced that this is the only reason im not clogged....
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. And I can relate. I have used cannabis since the age of 14. I am now nearly 65.

I've had several surgeries and had to have cardiology workups for them. The doctors are amazed that I am on no medications whatsoever (other than Prilosec) for any type of cholesterol, blood pressure... and my sugar is normal. I have been terribly abusive to my body over the years starting at about 14. So how the hell am I healthy?

On another note, I've worked with children with autism and epilepsy. There were many times I wondered if cannabis might help. And turns out, from recent studies, that I might have been right. I sincerely hope that doctors, in general, start to see the benefits of this green miracle. So many young lives could be made more comfortable. And perhaps usage of CBD at early ages would lead to healthy adult lives as well. :twocents:
Came across a three part video guide for parents on using cannabis for pediatric seizures. Unfortunately, these cannot be embedded... But for anyone interested they can be found here.

The introduction video does not imply that cannabis is an end all cure all for pediatric seizures. It brings to light the risks as well. And also stresses the importance of working with "the right team;" starting with an open minded neurologist. And to not just try this on your own.

The videos that follow explain the potential benefits, the endocannabinoid system, dosing by weight and talking to other parents. Some good stuff.
Study Finds No Link Between Adolescent Weed Use and Adult Brain Structure
The study is groundbreaking and will hopefully help break the stigma of cannabis use.

Concerns surrounding marijuana use among adolescents have long been a hurdle for legalization advocates, given that the brains of children are developing at a rapid rate. But a new study suggests that cannabis may not pose much long-term risk on brain function at all.

The study, to be published in next month’s issue of Drug and Alcohol Dependence and conducted by researchers at Arizona State University, “tested associations between prospectively-assessed trajectories of adolescent cannabis use and adult brain structure in a sample of boys followed to adulthood.” In an effort to test the hypothesis that adolescent marijuana users demonstrate structural alterations to their brains in adulthood, the researchers analyzed self-reported cannabis use among boys aged 13-19 in Pittsburgh.

The group of around 1000 boys was examined during the 1980s. When certain “adolescent cannabis trajectories” were identified by the researchers, the boys were classified based on four different trajcetories: non-users/infrequent users, desisters, escalators, and chronic-relatively frequent users. “Boys in different trajectory subgroups did not differ on adult brain structure in any subcortical or cortical region of interest,” the researchers wrote in their analysis of the results.

Additionally, there was a subset of 181 of the boys which subsequently underwent structural neuroimaging in adulthood when they were between the ages of 30-36. That subset was then tested to identify any differences in adult brain structure.

In conclusion, the researchers said that “[a]dolescent cannabis use is not associated with structural brain differences in adulthood.” They added: “Even boys with the highest level of cannabis exposure in adolescence showed subcortical brain volumes and cortical brain volumes and thickness in adulthood that were similar to boys with almost no exposure to cannabis throughout adolescence.”

The research, which was led by Madeline Meier, the director of Arizona State University’s Substance Use, Health and Behavior Lab, is just the latest in a slew of recent studies that analyze the long-term effects of cannabis use. As legalization spreads across America and throughout the world, the calls for sound, academic research on pot use—which has long been lacking—have intensified. In April, the cannabis investor Charles R. Broderick responded to that dearth of research with a $9 million donation to Harvard and MIT to support studies into the science of cannabinoids. It was the largest donation to date to promote research of that kind. Broderick said the gift was driven by a desire “to fill the research void that currently exists in the science of cannabis.”

In that same spirit, a study last month examined why marijuana makes some users anxious, while others experience joy and euphoria.
What it’s Like To Be a Kid Who Medicates With Cannabis

(Courtesy of the Turner family)
It’s awful that there are sick children in this world, that someone so young could already be tied to grown-up matters like mandatory daily medicine. Unfortunately, it’s a very real situation for many families, and its complications are made considerably more so when that medicine is federally illegal. But, due to the extensive nature of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), cannabis can be used to fight many diseases—and many of these ailments can affect people of all ages, not just adults.

We talked with a couple of families with children who regularly medicate with cannabis, aiming to get a picture at what this lifestyle is like, what kinds of challenges they face, and how cannabis has transformed their lives. We discovered stunning stories of improvement, innovation, and a couple of families who’ll make you wish there was a bigger word for “inspiring.”

Sophie Ryan, optic pathway glioma brain tumor

(Courtesy of the Ryan family)Sophie Ryan was born October 3, 2012 a perfectly healthy baby girl. But it wasn’t even a year before an MRI diagnosed an optic pathway glioma brain tumor, which doesn’t normally shrink with chemo. Things didn’t look good. Then her parents created a Facebook page called “Prayers for Sophie,” and a friend put them in touch with Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein, who were filming Weed the People, a documentary about the possibility of cannabis oils treating cancer in pediatric patients.In a phone interview with Leafly, Sophie’s mother, Tracy, told us that Sophie took her first cannabis medicine at 9 months old in the film—a drop of high-concentrated CBD and THC oil on top of her food before beginning chemo treatment. Because Sophie was just a baby, they had to watch her mannerisms to try and gauge dosing, but the only side effects they’ve noted was sleepiness at the beginning, and a higher appetite, which is perfect for a chemo patient.
After 13 months of chemo and high doses of cannabis oil, Sophie’s “unshrinkable” brain tumor was about 85 to 90% gone. Tracy shared with Leafly that even Sophie’s doctor, who was originally skeptical about cannabis, had to concede that cannabis must have helped.

Its’ not just in results that Sophie’s cannabis treatment differs from chemo, her parents note. In addition to being more expensive, Tracy said, “Chemotherapy makes you very sick, it destroys your immune system, it causes organ failure. They lose their hair, they get sores all over their bodies and inside their mouths… Sophie was getting chemo burns when she was in diapers and we’d have to use gloves so we wouldn’t get the chemo acids on our skin—it’s that horrible. And then you have cannabis, and it’s doing the opposite of all that.”

Fortunately, Tracy hasn’t gotten much judgement. She works to ensure that she’s a trusted voice, making sure she’s on top of research and bringing Sophie to lots of speaking engagements to show proof of how healthy she feels, despite chemo. (Tracy said Sophie is a natural and loves doing these events, with rare exceptions.)

medical marijuana patient, children who medicate with cannabis, children and marijuana

(Courtesy of the Ryan family)
After discovering the incredible ways cannabis could heal, Tracy decided to create her own business, CannaKids. They’re now selling high quality tinctures and syringes throughout California and are working on expanding to Canada and Australia, as well as starting a nationwide hemp line with 6-9 cannabinoids. Like many, legalization presented some significant issues, with Tracy sharing that her business “almost didn’t survive the costs and demands of legalization.” For instance, they have had to change the name because of laws about marketing cannabis to children; CKSoul is the new product line, and CannaKids will continue to operate as a non-commercial resource.

They’ve also started a foundation called Saving Sophie, which has raised $60k but Tracy said, “That’s like a week’s work in a laboratory. They’ll need about a half million to get rolling.” And the Ryans have also started a podcast to promote awareness and raise funds—check it out here.

Coltyn Turner, Crohn’s disease
medical marijuana patient, children who medicate with cannabis, children and marijuana

(Courtesy of the Turner family)
Coltyn Turner developed Crohn’s disease when he was 11 years old, after a near-drowning incident led to a bacterial infection. For the next three years, he’d try various traditional treatments, which he and his mother, Wendy, say nearly killed him. In a phone interview with Leafly, Coltyn shared, “The pharmaceutical medications that I’ve tried [range from] pills that do absolutely nothing, to shots that gave me nosebleeds, profusely, for 15 minutes straight, [to] another chemo-like infusion treatment gave me medically-induced rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and lupus.”

You read that right. Coltyn and his family report that traditional medications left him with two more chronic illnesses, each capable of rendering a person debilitatingly ill on their own. Yet, there’s more.

“When I got introduced to cannabis, within the first two weeks I was already out of my wheelchair. I felt like a normal kid again.”
Coltyn Turner
They eventually tried cannabis. “When I got introduced to cannabis, within the first two weeks I was already out of my wheelchair. I felt like a normal kid again,” Coltyn said.

And he’s got proof of the positive changes. “I [went from] 22 centimeters of inflamed bowel with skin lesions, with everything you can imagine—inflammation, ulcers, scar tissue, granulation lymphoma—to a normal colon; no active Crohn’s disease, just using cannabis. So not only did cannabis treat the pain, which is important, but it also took care of what was causing the pain. It also helps with the RA and lupus I got from the [pharmaceuticals].”

medical marijuana patient, children who medicate with cannabis, children and marijuana

(Courtesy of the Turner family)
Coltyn is now 19 years old, having been on cannabis for five years. And his Crohn’s is in remission; they report hardly ever having to go to the doctor these days. He still occasionally gets symptom flares, but is able to control them by upping his cannabis dose during those times. They’ve a great handle on it these days, but they say there were some challenges early on.

Wendy said the main challenge is dosing and ensuring that Coltyn gets the right amount of cannabinoids without getting high. “We are constantly like, ‘How are you doing, how are you feeling?’” she said. “He must be really, really sick of it.”

But Coltyn isn’t phased. “Yeah, I am, but at the same time it’s very important because a lot of patients don’t really know their dose, especially earlier in their cannabis treatment, and you’re changing it pretty frequently,” he said. “When I first moved out of Colorado to start cannabis treatment, we kept a journal and wrote down every little thing that happened: what I ate that day, how many times I went to the bathroom–if I had a stick of gum, we wrote it down. Unfortunately that’s the only way to develop a regimen for people, through trial and error, trying everything under the sun until you find something that works best for you.”
Wendy shares that there were some learning curves on their path. “Sometimes we mess up. For instance, now we know to never give a Crohn’s patient THCV.”

Coltyn adds, “What we know about THCV is that it’s an appetite suppressant. For someone with a wasting syndrome, that’s not a good cannabinoid to have. But we didn’t figure it out until I lost 10 pounds. That’s the struggle with there being no research or anything.”

As far as medicating during school, Coltyn said, “Fortunately, I’ve been homeschooled my whole life, but there are kids who are having trouble having medicine in school. A lot of the time they aren’t even allowed to have it 200 or 1,000 feet from a school. There are kids with seizures who go to public school, and if they need a rescue med, they have to have their parent come to school, pick them up, drive off campus, administer it, then bring them back.”

medical marijuana patient, children who medicate with cannabis, children and marijuana

(Courtesy of the Turner family)
Wendy said that legalization has affected this issue negatively. “These newly legalized states emerging and creating regulation issues in schools with zero tolerance laws. Coltyn attended school for 38 days and we took him out because we couldn’t deal with it. There’s not a feasible option for it, not even in college.”

She added that there is a student suing their school over this issue, and said it’s crazy that pharmaceuticals, which can kill you if abused, are allowed in school, but cannabis isn’t.

Wendy said that without interstate commerce, medicating can also be a challenging task when getting medical care. “Every person who has a medical card is a prisoner of that state,” she said. “Most of Coltyn’s doctors are across state lines in Missouri and the second we cross that state line, Coltyn is illegal. And if he were to break his arm or something, I would have to tell them that he’s medicated with THC. And I cannot give him those meds for Crohn’s disease if he were to have to stay in the hospital for this broken arm for more than a day. So, there we go, into a flare with his Crohn’s disease.”

When asked if they’ve faced much judgement for medicating Coltyn with cannabis, they happily report that they don’t. Tracy shared that it probably has a lot to do with her being an intimidating mom, ready to get into the facts and statistics with doctors and other medical professionals as needed.

(Courtesy of the Turner family)
And their advocacy for cannabis doesn’t end there. The Coltyn Turner Foundationis focused on research and raising the funds to get it done–their first project is a survey of Crohn’s patients using cannabis, which is aimed at getting solid data on how it’s working in their systems that can be used as a resource for other patients. “I felt like it was important, Coltyn said. “All the time I approach doctors and patients who don’t know that cannabis works, and the one thing they say is ‘there’s no research.’”

His mother added that that isn’t the whole truth, “One of the problems we have in the states is our ego, especially with these doctors who say ‘there’s no research,’ just because the research isn’t coming from the US, which has to go through the DEA and other enforcement agencies,” which, of course, aren’t big fans of approving studies with Schedule I drugs—an infuriatingly circular dilemma. But Coltyn’s up for the challenge.

“When the government doesn’t do something right, the people have to do it themselves,” he said. “I’d rather be illegally alive than legally dead.”
UM-led research team to study cannabis use for health concerns in children

A multidisciplinary team led by researchers at the Rady Faculty of Health Scienceshave received a $1.5 million team grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Cancer Research and the Canadian Cancer Society to study the use of medical cannabis in children with cancer across Canada.

C4T (Canadian Childhood Cannabinoid Clinical Trials) is an academic-led research team comprising parents, doctors, nurses and scientists. Their goal is to “move cannabinoid use from the era of anecdote to evidence to treat health concerns in children.” (https://www.c4trials.org/)



The scientific director of C4T, and nominated principal applicant, Dr. Lauren Kelly, is a pharmacologist, assistant professor in the department of pediatrics & child health and community health sciences in the Max Rady College of Medicine, clinical trialist at the George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation, and research scientist at the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba.

Kelly says that the use of cannabis by pediatric cancer patients to treat symptoms like pain, nausea and anxiety is increasing. She points to a 2017 survey by the Canadian Pediatric Surveillance Program of 1500 pediatricians, which found that 50% of pediatricians manage at least one child using cannabis for medical purposes and 22% manage five or more.

Since there are currently no pharmaceutical grade cannabis products approved for use in children, cannabis is being obtained from various sources including black market websites.

“The need for high-quality evidence is paramount to ensure the safe use of cannabis products by children,” says Kelly. “It is time to focus on obtaining rigorous evidence and develop the clinical trials needed to inform safe selection and dosing of cannabis products in children where the risks and benefits are appropriately balanced.”

The team will gather information through several different means. They will survey physicians, nurses, pharmacists, patients and parents to gather information on which cannabis products are currently being used for symptom management to give them a better idea of which products have the best safety profile.

A parent-led group will conduct qualitative interviews that were designed by the researchers with families of children with cancer to help better understand access to medical cannabis, physician support and reasons for cannabis use.

A registry across five provinces will be established to collect clinical information on use of cannabis from pediatricians who manage children with cancer and other conditions to evaluate the safety, pharmacodynamics (the effect of drugs on the body) and pharmacokinetics (how the body processes the drug) of cannabis use in children.

Additionally, the team will conduct an open-label dose finding study on a cannabis health product for symptom management in children with cancer, collecting samples from patients using cannabis at several hospitals across Canada.

All of this information will be compiled into a resource hub for the public and families, containing up-to-date evidence on cannabis use for medical purposes in children, either for during active cancer treatment or for symptom management post-treatment. The hub will also contain communications tips for parents and health-care professionals on how to approach the subject with each other.

Kelly says that parents are looking for reliable information and she hopes that this study will help fill in some of those gaps.

“It’s a lot about learning from the parents and where they’re getting information. Many patients have had a less than ideal experience trying to use medical cannabis in hospitals. They want to know who they can trust and how we can build this trust,” she says.

The end goal will be to develop an active clinical trial and facilitate drug development for a regulated pharmaceutical grade cannabis product approved for use in children with cancer, for which there are currently none available.
Pediatricians seeing a growing demand for medical cannabis for kids

Most Canadian pediatricians are shying away from medical cannabis for patients, knowing that it can hurt the developing brain and that there isn’t much research to guide them.

But physicians say they are getting increasing requests for cannabis from parents, for a growing list of conditions.

Dr. Adam Rapoport, medical director of the pediatric palliative care team at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, says, “This is mostly driven by parents, and doctors have fallen behind.”

Lauren Kelly agrees. “It’s happening and we’re playing catch-up.”

Kelly is a pharmacologist and scientific director of the Canadian Childhood Cannabinoid Clinical Trials, a national research consortium. Her group is working quickly to develop answers to questions about cannabis for children. “The use of it has far outpaced the evidence, and that’s the biggest challenge.”

Fifty per cent of pediatricians surveyed in 2017 had at least one patient who had used cannabis for medical reasons in the past year. But the cannabis use is not stemming from prescriptions (called physician authorizations). Only four per cent of pediatricians said they had authorized medical cannabis for one of their patients.

Research still lacking for many conditions
Since then, pediatricians like Dr. Daniel Flanders, director of Kindercare Pediatrics in Toronto, say that requests have grown only more frequent and the reasons for the requests more diverse.

Flanders is asked about medical cannabis at least two to three times a week for issues such as chronic pain, mental health issues, arthritis, ADHD and sleep problems.


In a survey, only four per cent of pediatricians said they had authorized medical cannabis for one of their patients. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

But there are only a very few conditions for which the science is solid when it comes to using cannabis in children.

Pointing to a handful of well-executed randomized controlled trials and a recent systematic reviewof the literature on medical cannabis for complex pediatric seizure disorders, Dr. Evan Lewis, a pediatric neurologist in Toronto, says there is very good evidence supporting its use in certain seizure conditions, such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Dravet syndrome and tuberous sclerosis.

“Outside of that, it is kind of extrapolating from the evidence and using less robust evidence in the literature,” he says.

That’s not stopping some parents and physicians from pushing the boundaries.

It’s a path worth taking in some cases, Lewis says.

Lewis is now using cannabis for other types of seizures, and also authorizes cannabis in select cases for a range of conditions such as migraines, concussions, sleep problems, autism, tics, movement disorders and behavioural problems in children with neurological conditions. It’s also being used in Canada for symptom relief in palliative care, chronic pain disorders, spasticity, incurable malignancies and ADHD.

But Lewis says that the research is not as high-quality as he would like, and for many conditions, does not exist at all.

Dosing issues
Another difficulty is that standard dosing has not been established and experimental cannabis protocols often use purified cannabidiol (CBD), a compound in marijuana with no psychoactive effects.

This type of CBD-only preparation is not available for patients in Canada, so physicians have to choose products that contain both CBD and the compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is psychoactive and gives users a high.


A parent holds a bottle of cannabis oil used to treat her son’s seizures caused by Dravet syndrome. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Dr. Richard Huntsman, pediatric neurologist at the University of Saskatchewan, is part of a team trying to solve the problem of dosing regimens for children with complex seizure disorders. In addition to establishing a target dose using oils, his study also measured CBD and THC levels in the blood and showed that these levels remained low. The study used an oil that contained 20 parts CBD to one part THC.

“People are very worried about their kids getting high,” he said, but based on these results, he adds, this is “not so much of a worry,” at least in this population.

And contrary to common belief, he found that the medication appeared to help with cognitive function, instead of impairing it. He is cautious though, and warns that the study was done in a small number of children.

Guidelines in development
With the cannabis landscape changing quickly in Canada, doctors are looking for advice. The Canadian Paediatric Society plans to publish guidance documents this summer, according to its cannabis working group co-chair, Dr. Christina Grant, an adolescent health specialist at McMaster Children’s Hospital.

In the meantime, she says that every day, she advises teens in her Hamilton office that cannabis is not a good treatment option for anxiety and depression.

“The effect is the opposite,” she says, noting that one-sixth of youth who experiment with cannabis, even for self-medication, develop cannabis use disorder.

While physicians await the recommendations, Kelly says that her research consortium has launched five new clinical trials of medical cannabis in kids, and other Canadian research groups are quickly trying to play catch-up as well.

“I certainly don’t think it can be the cure-all. It’s not magic. But there are some areas that are showing promise … we should be investing in research,” says Kelly.
@momofthegoons quote " knowing that it can hurt the developing brain and that there isn’t much research to guide them. " they claim it is bad for a brain but then immediaelty state not enough research ... apperently that is an opinion on how it is bad for a brain since there is not enough research LOL... picking sides to keep pharam in profits and keep people from natural safe medication with very little side effects ... very little side effect are best for kids IMO
@momofthegoons quote " knowing that it can hurt the developing brain and that there isn’t much research to guide them. " they claim it is bad for a brain but then immediaelty state not enough research ... apperently that is an opinion on how it is bad for a brain since there is not enough research LOL... picking sides to keep pharam in profits and keep people from natural safe medication with very little side effects ... very little side effect are best for kids IMO
Lol... don’t kill the messenger. I’m only posting the article...

However I agree with you. Less is more; especially when it comes to medication. I would much rather try a natural route first.
British newborn first baby in world to join cannabis therapy trial

Norwich hospital in Europe-wide trial using plant ingredients to counter risk of seizures and brain injury

A newborn boy who was delivered by emergency caesarean section in March at a Norwich hospital became the first baby in the world to join a cannabis-derived treatment trial.

The study is the first step in what researchers say could one day lead to a cannabis-derived medicine being used routinely in neonatal care to help babies at risk of seizures and brain injury.

The baby, Oscar Parodi, was delivered on 11 March at Norfolk and Norwich university hospital (NNUH). He was unexpectedly born in a poor condition and needed to be transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit, where he had cooling therapy for 72 hours.

His mother, Chelsea Parodi, from Watton, Norfolk, said: “I was approached after the birth about taking part in this study and I consulted my mum and my brother who is training to be a paramedic. It was hard but I wanted to do everything I could to help my baby boy. Oscar was in hospital for nine days and he was being monitored 24/7.” Parodi said her son was “doing fantastically well”.

The study is examining whether the medicine is safe and effective in lessening the degree of brain injury for babies with the condition neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).

Prof Paul Clarke, a consultant neonatologist at NNUH, said there was a lot of excitement at the neonatal intensive care unit. “This is the first time a cannabis-derived medicine has been tested intravenously in human babies. It is hoped that it will be good for preventing seizures and protecting the brains of newborn babies with HIE.

“We have always had good support from families wanting to take part in research on our [unit] and they often do it from an altruistic point of view to help benefit future babies. One of the attractions of this trial for parents is the closer brain monitoring babies get as part of the study, because a more advanced brainwave monitor is used for the trial babies. This gives parents more reassurance that any seizures will be picked up.”

A second child, born in April at the hospital, is also part of the trial. Children in the trial receive standard hypothermia treatment for HIE, where the whole body is cooled down to 33.5C, as well as a single dose of the study drug or placebo, followed by some tests to measure levels of the drug in the blood.

The trial, in which the drug is administered intravenously and in which the first babies to take part only receive a 30th of the usual dose, involves other neonatal intensive care units in the UK and elsewhere in Europe and will take a year to complete.

Babies in the trial will be given a single dose of study medication, or a placebo, as soon as possible within 12 hours of birth.

The therapeutic ingredient of the medicine occurs naturally in the cannabis plant and is extracted under highly controlled conditions to ensure that the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) component which causes a “high” is minimal.

Clarke added: “As with any study of a new medicine there may be unexpected side effects and unknown risks. With this in mind the trial has been carefully designed to make it as safe as possible, and so we are only giving the babies a minuscule dose at the beginning, and we monitor them even more closely than usual.”

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