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Vape Cannabis Hardware - Formerly New Vape


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have been promising Mom a review of the NewVape (NV) Flower Pot (FP) for….well, months really. Haha

Basic Configurations

But, there is a lot of different configurations and a lot of history so it has to be more than “yeah, man….I used it and got wrecked” type of review. LOL

Let’s start with a basic general description: The FP is an enail coil/controller based vaporizer system for both dry herb and concentrates. It is all titanium and beautifully machined in the USA by NV who are located in Boyton Beach, FL.

It comes in two basic varieties….the FP with multi-dish that everybody else calls the Wrap Around (WA) and the primarily herb based Shower Head (SH).

NewVape’s FP site, including FAQs, are here: https://www.newvape.com/vape-essentials/flowerpot-twax-vape

Here are two pics cut from NV’s website of the two basic configurations:

The WA:


Wrap Around (WA) Heater Head

The SH:

Shower Head (SH)

The differences are in the heating head design. They both need an enail barrel coil and controller installed on the head, but one is optimized to accept Halo type inserts (quartz or Silicone Carbide…”SiC”) for dabbing but you can dab straight off of the Ti (if you like that taste, which I do not). Both can do flower, both can do concentrate, and both can do both at the same time (double decker hit).

But the WA is optimized for concentrates and the SH is truly a flower machine.

Wrap Around Variations

For the next part of this review, we need to understand the basic parts that make up the WA heater head. Basically looks like this:

WA Heater Head Basic Configuration

The WA comes in two configurations also; 1) for use with the native Ti or it will accept a TAG Silicone Carbide (SiC) insert and a slightly different configuration that will accept the D-nail SiC Halo. Difference is that the D-nail insert has a smaller center post opening so it needs to use the appropriate Wrap-Around Head and Center Post Nut (also called a Coil Nut).


If you want to use the TAG SiC insert (sold by TAG or can be bought from NV directly), then you can the appropriate WA Head (or ‘Post’).

Each of course needs the appropriate coil nut for the diameter of barrel coil you want to use:



NOTE: It would be helpful if NV had a configurator that led you through the steps to select compatible items in order to create a FP system. NV has said that they are working on that, but in the meantime, CALL THEM as they have/continue to make changes to their configurations and what I have here may well be out of date soon (if not already).

The Shower Head

The SH heater head is optimized for flower but, as said, if you want you can dab on the Ti trough at the top. The SH does NOT accept Halo type inserts as its primarily for flower and, as you can see below, the center post air inlet is wider with more holes to optimize airflow in the flower bowl underneath. I own a SH and do not own a WA.

It only comes in 20 mm and I wonder how if NV will continue to offer 16 mm as its just not the most sought after size.

The Body or Bowl Configurations

Any Body (or bowl as this is where your flower/herb go) is compatible with any WA or SH heater head.

The Body also has a bit of a history. First, there was the standard ‘OG’ bodies that, while still on the site, are a bit dated and overtaken by subsequent designs. OG bodies include male and female and 14 and 18 mm joint sizes.



Then came bodies with handles:

You can see the design evolution here and part of that was to address how the f*ck to empty a VERY hot Ti bowl! LOL. So, we got bowls with handles. Note, the handles are “break-way” handles in case it gets stuck in a joint you will break the cheap handle before your expensive glass. He does make a solid handle, with silicon wrapping instead of hemp fiber, which is what I use. Its listed as a separate item on the FP parts page.

But this brought up the next issue. Some peoples male body w-handles never stick. Mine stuck every time. It’s simply the expansion of the Ti in the glass joint. Once it cooled down again, it came off perfectly. But how to empty the bowl if it’s stuck in a piece of glass with water in it. Well, I always use a drop down with any of this sort of kit and found it very easy to use the drop down as an extended handle for the bowl. Forget taking the bowl out of the drop down joint (wasn’t happening), just pick the drop down up out of the joint on your water piece and use it to hold when emptying the bowl.

But I’m not the only one who had this issue of sticking…far from it, it was very common. So, NV attempted to address this with two piece Pan Head and Shovel Head (familiar terms to Harley aficionados). The ONLY difference between the two of them is aesthetics…just superficial exterior design. However, they do have a difference from the OG Handle Bodies shown above….the new two piece’s screen depth is 2.5 mm deeper than the OG Handle Body and is equal to the screen depth of the OG bowl (non-handled). Some customers wanted this as they wanted a bigger load size. I prefer the shallower bowl as it puts the load closer to the heat source so a lower coil temp can be used. With the Pan Head and its 2.5 mm deeper bowl, I upped my coil set point temps about 40 F but you will need to experiment as people are all over the maps with FP temps depending on how they like to vape (it’s a very flexible and versatile design).

So, below are the Pan and Shovel head two piece bodies. Note, their handle has a hole in it to insert a small dowel or screw driver to use as leverage to tighten it. As far as I know, they only come in male fittings as the female didn’t have the sticking problem (for obvious reasons) so there was no need for a fix. How this works is you drop a post (14 or 18 mm) into the joint on your water piece until it’s firmly seated. Then gently drop your bowl over the post until it rests against the top of the glass joint. Insert handle and screw the two pieces together. This really did solve the sticking problem. Early versions sometimes had a small air leak that slightly diluted the vapor, but considering this is the ‘bong’ of vaporizers even a small amount of dilution was considered unacceptable. Small tweaks to the design (e.g. getting rid of the key way on the posts) eliminated that issue.

What Else Do I Need?

Well, you don’t need a carb cap but I use one every time and to me it makes the same difference, and for the same reasons, as we use a cap on a dab rig. I use the cap for flower only bowls as I can reduce temperature on the coil and get thicker vapor. If you have sensitive lungs, perhaps do without the cap but you will probably get somewhat thinner vapor (but we are talking about a relative difference when already starting with a smoke stack of a vape! Haha).

Carb Caps - He makes three different carb caps:

1. Lollicap for WA . Note, the handle can screw on in either a vertical or horizontal orientation (th


2. For the Showerhead, NV offers two caps, one very much like the Lollicap and another design made out of Ti which seems to be preferred by owners (and I certainly like it the best)


3. Threaded Loading Tool – rather than the little dab handle that comes with the carb caps, I recommend either the threaded loading tool that will replace that on the cap, or at least get their Pax Loading Tool as this is the best scoop in the business, IMO, and fits into a lot of vape ovens. Highly recommend these items.


4. Coil Cover – do you need a coil cover….no. Should you get one, hell yeah. Keeps the heat in and reduces the delta temps between set point and actual heater head temp.


5. Enail PID Controller and Coil – you need to drive this thing so you need a 20 mm barrel coil and a controller to drive it (personally I don’t see any reason to go with 16 mm). Now this is where NV and I differ. There has arisen a defacto standard for coil/controller interfaces. On the mechanical side, a full size, bayonet type, XLR connector and on the electrical side, the pins outs are Pin 1 = AC power, Pin 2 = AC power, Pin 3 = TC +, Pin 4 = TC -, Pin 5 = Ground. NV stayed with the defacto pin outs but uses a screw on type XLR connector. NV’s position is that it’s a better connector. My position is that this connector is not on some airborne avionics or other critical application, that this is overkill, and that in doing so they are locking their customers into buying all future coils from NV (or building your own) which is unacceptable to me. We have conversed on it, NV will not change its mind, so I do NOT recommend their controller/coil. I do recommend Auber which is a good price, company and their tech support is in USA (although I’m sure all or most of the components are made in China), and adheres to the defacto standard XLR and pin-outs.

6. Water Piece – Personally, I like a stemless can without too much diffusion. But the FP does indeed need a water piece to operate through. NV sells some nice Chinese glass and there is always DHGate unless you are a glass aficionado who likes to buy those $2k heady hand made pieces. LOL

7. Coil stand or tray – you will be taking a hot heater head with a hot coil off of your bowl….to empty, reload, take a break, whatever. Where you going to put it? Down on your dining room table….no. NV makes a number of trays that provide a place to rest the heater, a de-bowler to get the AVB out, AVB dump, etc. They vary in price. Or, you can get a large, heavy, ceramic coffee cup and just dump the heater in there in between draws. These are NV’s. I have the round one which I thought was a decent compromise between function and price.

Screens – your flower pot will come with a screen. SS or Ti, not sure which. But do yourself a favor and by two-ply Ti screens from Errlectric or now NV also offers this item. It will keep herb particles from getting through your screen and keep it out of your water piece and lungs. Well worth the extra money.

Operation and Maintenance

Operating this vape couldn’t be easier. Like all e-nails and some other vapes like log vapes, EVO, etc…..the FP works better if you give it 5-10 minutes to heat soak after turning on. Scoop some herb into the bowl, put the heater head on, cap, and draw. It’s that simple.

I generally run about .15 g as a load, or .1 g (or less if you like to micro dose, it will work just like a pipe or bong in that manner). I run at 640 F but people are using their FP anywhere from mid-500’s to low 700’s, depending on the experience you want. Higher temps can drain a load in a couple of draws. Lower temps, more flavor and perhaps a slightly more leisurely session. But this really isn’t a sipper, IMO. This vape is for hard hitting….at least that’s where it fits into my rotation.

I fine grind and like that as it exposes more surface area to this full convection vape. Others like to put small nugs or hand torn and after a couple of draws break it up. They feel that they get more taste this way. I’m too lazy for that and just grind fine.

Maintenance is super simple….just dump the bowl parts into some ISO, its Ti so no worries. The heater head doesn’t really get dirty so unless you feel like disassembling it to remove the coil (which does NOT go into ISO) there is nothing to do. Myself, once I get a coil on nice and tight, I tend to leave it there.

Just like an enail, IMO they work better if your coil is nice and tight on the Ti. I adjust the coil vertical spread and width to tighten my coils up. This is something I do on e-nails and the FP.

I don’t do double decker hits (dab on top, herb in the bowl) but it’s made to do this if that is your desire. It’s just not something I’m interested in, I would rather dab on a dedicated device like a Liger or D-nail Halo but others like this feature. Just depends on your vaping habits and desired outcome.

I think that’s about it. I’m sure I will think of more or you may raise questions that will prompt me to remember anything I over looked. I can say I’m very happy with my FP and it fits in my vape line up where a Sublimator, Glass Symphony, or Herborizer Ti might go. It’s very hard hitting, clean and easy to use, and will NEVER break (oh, coil my go bad but I think even the clumsy among us would be challenged to break this machined, heavy duty, Ti device.
Oh, and there is little to no draw resistance. I rather like capping just to get a little bit of resistance but this vape is wide open and will NOT strain your lungs.
Real nice review @Baron23 . :thumbsup:

But I’m not the only one who had this issue of sticking…far from it, it was very common.
This is actually a common problem with any male enail fitting and glass. When the enail heats up it expands and can, actually, shatter the glass it's in. It's why I prefer female nails or an adapter to buffer the heat away from my glass piece when using male nails. I'd rather break an adapter than a bubbler.

But back to the FP.

For me, using it as a flower only vape doesn't appeal (although that may just be because I haven't tried it lol). I can see the attraction to the combination concentrate/flower hits though. Similar to the Subliminator.... and who didn't want to try to get as wasted as Enrico was getting lol? For me; this set up would have to be a permanent one. In other words, I wouldn't want to be fiddling with it and changing out parts. Or unplugging all the time to use the PID with my enail set up. So it would mean an additional PID/nail to my Dnail. But that's me. Which leads me to...

I don’t do double decker hits (dab on top, herb in the bowl) but it’s made to do this if that is your desire.
Isn't that the whole point of this vape? :thinker:

It would be helpful if NV had a configurator that led you through the steps to select compatible items in order to create a FP system.
Yes! Looking at their website I can see how it would get really confusing unless you just bought the complete kit. And even then I would guess there's some assembly?

so I do NOT recommend their controller/coil.
I did notice that their prices for their PID and coil aren't bad. And run about the same as Auger. So it's not like they're trying to gouge people by trying to get them to buy through them. :nusenuse:

Just my preliminary thoughts with coffee.....
Hi @momofthegoons - let's see if I can do this without screwing up all of the formatting:

@Baron23 :
But I’m not the only one who had this issue of sticking…far from it, it was very common.

@momofthegoons :
This is actually a common problem with any male enail fitting and glass. When the enail heats up it expands and can, actually, shatter the glass it's in. It's why I prefer female nails or an adapter to buffer the heat away from my glass piece when using male nails. I'd rather break an adapter than a bubbler.

Yes, Mom....but I have not had sticking quite like this. My Liger and D-nail Halo do NOT stick like this so a better performance in this area seems to be achievable. Also, the OG bowls didn't have sticking problems like the first SH bowls. I also use adapters just to be safe and not risk the joint of an expensive piece of glass (or cheap but well loved piece of DHGate glass haha). But this is indeed the background that led to the two piece Pan/Shovel Head designs.

@Baron23 :
I don’t do double decker hits (dab on top, herb in the bowl) but it’s made to do this if that is your desire.

@momofthegoons :
Isn't that the whole point of this vape? :thinker:

Not really. Many like to use it as a flower only vape and many who were attracted to the double decker capability became more blaise' about it once the infatuation wore off. To me, there is flower vaping; shower head does this GREAT. Then there is dabbing...yes, the WA does this, but I would rather use a dedicated e-nail like my Liger or D-nail Halo. Then there is the double deckers which I find to be just a novelty and can't see how you could optimize the temps for both the dab surface and the flower bowl. But others legitimately view this differently. I'm certainly not going to tell someone how to vape (well, in my less judgemental moments, perhaps LOL).

@Baron23 :
It would be helpful if NV had a configurator that led you through the steps to select compatible items in order to create a FP system.

@momofthegoons :
Yes! Looking at their website I can see how it would get really confusing unless you just bought the complete kit. And even then I would guess there's some assembly?

Assembly is really a piece of cake....nothing to it, really. Now, I'm sort of with you about not wanting to take the whole thing apart every time. I do leave the heater head, with the coil, assembled and do not take this apart at all, really. Just like my e-nails, each has its own coil. But I do unplug the controller and put it all away after each use as leaving this rig out does not fit into my home situation. I think that is something people need to recognize for the FP, the Sub, e-nails, etc. To wit, can you tolerate leaving a rig up or at least are willing to set up/tear down each time.

The configurator I'm thinking of would allow you to start with a top level selection, then lead you though the options/choices available to you (including not showing options/choices that were eliminated by earlier selections...such as selecting a SH as your base you would not be prompted to pick an insert as none exist for this configuration.

@Baron23 -
so I do NOT recommend their controller/coil.

@momofthegoons -
I did notice that their prices for their PID and coil aren't bad. And run about the same as Auger. So it's not like they're trying to gouge people by trying to get them to buy through them.

I never said that they were trying gouge people nor behave in any sort of unethical behavior. Edwyn believes his connector selection is superior...but Edwyn has a head as hard as granite. I will not now, or ever, personally recommend any device that has a propriety interface when there are any standards for that interface existent. I will not recommend High 5 controllers/coils for the same reason.

There is nothing wrong with NV's controller/coil from the POV of function. There is a valid objection, IMO, with regard to sparing and future support.

Hope the coffee was good! :sifone::thumbsup::wave:
A well thought out overview Baron! You're right that we could use a configurator. Sadly that takes a massive amount of development, so it's more of a long-term project for us.

The FP can definitely twax like crazy, but we don't feel that its strong point, more of an added benefit. We know most users are either dabbing or using flower, and the reports of actual twaxing on the regular are showing that it's more of a special treat; it's rare we meet someone who twax's consistently all day and from day to day. Your synapses can only handle so much!

Just to restate Edwyn's position on the style of XLR connection - he's chosen the version he did as it was designed from the start to carry power. The version that other companies use was not designed to carry power. The coils are not proprietary, nor are the connections; they are freely available on the open market from a wide variety of sources, so any consideration of sparing or support is without completely without merit. The connection we use has existed for decades. All that being said Baron, I'm very sorry to see that you're bashing NewVape's owner with insults over his choice of controller connections. As far as I know, there is no ISO standard for this as you suggest. Please set me straight if that isn't correct! We encourage and thrive on feedback about our products - that's how we grow and we thrive on interacting with our customers; they have shown to be an amazing bunch of vaporists. We also feel that personal insults have no place in vigorous, healthy, debate.
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I liked your original post @Baron23 but I also agree with @NewVape, it looks like you overdid it with coil conspiracy..

Fwiw At NV they not even seems very interested in selling coils/pid neither; as international they sell everything but coil and controller and when asked they ended up sharing the dhgate contact where to buy by yourself the same item, last time I checked it wasn’t more expensive than others similar enail on dhgate and cheaper of cheapest auber
Auber Rdk300 is more expensive but has nice features and looks stilish though, but IIRC you have to bend a little your coil for good fit
We also feel that personal insults have no place in vigorous, healthy, debate.
I agree. And don't know that @Baron23 meant it as an insult as much as a statement that he felt Edwyn was being stubborn. Which can also translate to standing firm to one's convictions. :smile:

And while he's entitled to his opinion regarding the controller connections, saying what he did regarding the owner is also a bit of the pot calling the kettle black..... :cool:

But no more of that everyone. Let's focus on the product.

I was speaking with Vito the other day and he recommended the FlowerPot to me as a great 'ass kicking' vaporizer. My biggest concern with it is my propensity to burn myself. But... that can happen with every vape I own (it would seem since I just burned myself on my Solo stem and my enail) so after hearing Vito's positive comments my interest is peaked. I just can't figure out if I would want it more for flower or wax...... :thinker: Which, of course, means I would need to buy both the FlowerPot and the ShowerHead configurations.

Sigh... here we go again. Full blown VAS. :shakehead:
@NewVape, @momofthegoons - I stand by my rather extensive review, the extreme majority of which was highly complimentary and was posted for the benefit of the user community here.

I also do not think in any way, shape, or form that there was any bashing in this review. I noted that we have a differing of opinion on a connector selection, I posited my reasons for disagreeing with Edwyn's selection of the connector type, and I stand by my opinion that this was not the right decision from the POV of interchangeability and sparing which is a legitimate issue for consumers.

There is no ISO standard for enail controllers or coils nor did I indicate that there was an ISO standard. I did, however, say that there is a defacto standard and I continue to believe that this is true and that NewVape, for whatever their reasons, chose to go in a different direction. Please note, I did not...absolutely did not...attribute motives to NewVape for this decision. I did highlight what I thought was the practical impact of this decision on the consumers. Part and parcel of a decent review, I believe.

By the by, I worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry for many years and do indeed know something about screw-on pin connectors. And, I never said that this specific connector is proprietary to NewVape. Nor did I say (I believe) that this connector cannot be had from any other source.....the Vapecode box on DHGate uses this type connector. I don't know if yours is a white label of the Vapecode...they appear to be identical but perfectly acceptable if it is or is not....but a wider survey of barrel coils and PID controllers clearly shows these screw-on types to be in a vanishing minority of coils (actually, only found the one other source) and controllers and that the vast majority of coil/controller connectors do indeed use the bayonet type connector and are available from a wide array of other sources. And just so we are all on the same page here.....coils do indeed fail regularly and need to be replace. Right?

I have the same view of Gimodo and their controllers that use mini-xlr with a four pin configuration and the High Five and its unique pin-outs.

So, I do not recommend your PID controller and coil and I believe that its completely within my prerogatives as to whether to recommend or not recommend a product to other users. This is not bashing, its a difference in view, and its not a big deal....you have your opinion on this subject and I still disagree with it. So what?

I'm sorry you think I'm bashing. In review, it would appear that the only line that could fall into this category is:

but Edwyn has a head as hard as granite.

This was in a post in reply to a specific response from @momofthegoons (who, up to this point, had found nothing objectionable in there). It was not in the review. I'm sorry...I just didn't see that as a terrible interpersonal insult nor is this bashing in any way

However, if @momofthegoons would like to delete the specific words quoted above...and no more....I'm perfectly fine with that and in retrospect would have not written it. But this is a BBS. Lots of stuff gets written here in haste, without editorial review, etc and quite frankly I think this line comes in very low on the scale of 'bashing'

IMO, this is primarily a community oriented board. My desire to participate here, and my motives for expending significant effort to write up and post this review, are related to the possible benefit it might provide to other community members and not to manufacturers. I don't speak for Mom, but it seems that industry is warmly welcomed here but this is not an industry site. Its a user community site, IMO, and if I can post things I agree and like about a product then I believe I'm on firm grounds also delineating those features/characteristics that I don't like.

I believe that I am neither a tout nor a basher.

This is all I'm going to write on this subject.

P.S. - I do stand by my review to include the major fact that I like my FP very much, that I do recommend it to others, and that I think its a very fine product. I would have thought that this would not need saying given the content of the review, but I guess I was wrong.

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I use an 18MM male to 18mm female adapter, then I pull the whole thing out to empty my ABV.
After a minute the bucket (part 3031) comes out with ease... once the metal has cooled.
Oh, and there is little to no draw resistance. I rather like capping just to get a little bit of resistance but this vape is wide open and will NOT strain your lungs.
I cap mine (I use the showerhead style) when I want some resistance, but I like the free wide open draw, and the convection flavor, as I kill a bucket in one long breath at 600+. (honestly I use 650º)
While I love "Twaxing"... and also using the FP for wax...... I LOVE this unit for flower only.... and have been getting denser thicker load finishing hits in as many or few hits as I please.
Thicker and deeper hits than the Plenty gives when used at full force.
By the way, @NewVape welcome to the Assylum.
I would also like to comment about what an amazing guy the developer/owner is.
Edwyn takes great pride in this amazing tool... rapidly becoming my favorite.
He is very willing to discuss and help, and is MORE THAN patient with questions and getting together the perfect setup.
I just got my glasses and so will be posting MUCH more.
I have been without full vision for 9 weeks total...
And now I can see.
(Yes... this means the Flower Pot can be used safely by a low vision patient with tremors and spasticity!)
I will make Flower Pot Video footage over the next weeks and try to show my voyage and joy with the device!
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Thanks for the review, Baron. I appreciate it.

I didn’t know much about how this device works but now I have a good understanding. I saw it and in my mind I guess I thought of it as being equally good at dabbing and flowers. Seems like I’d want a dedicated device for dabbing if I ever go that route. I wonder how it would work with some form of CBD extract combined with flowers.

Something else to add to the list.

I already own a Mighty, Volcano, and two little box mods I use for dispensary cartridges. Gotta find one with lower wattage though... the harsh hits are pretty rough, almost got sick to my stomach a few times.
Thanks for the review, Baron. I appreciate it.

I didn’t know much about how this device works but now I have a good understanding. I saw it and in my mind I guess I thought of it as being equally good at dabbing and flowers. Seems like I’d want a dedicated device for dabbing if I ever go that route. I wonder how it would work with some form of CBD extract combined with flowers.

Something else to add to the list.

I already own a Mighty, Volcano, and two little box mods I use for dispensary cartridges. Gotta find one with lower wattage though... the harsh hits are pretty rough, almost got sick to my stomach a few times.
As far as equally good at dabbing as flower, some people do really, really, like their FP for both. I think in particular the wrap around with a SiC insert.

Also, there are lots of folks who have taken to full convection dabbing with this device by smearing the concentrates on a screen and putting that into the Shower Head bowl. Some will put a bit of concentrate on a flower bed then vape it. No worries about getting it gooey as its all Ti and just drop it in ISO. No problem.

Some folks run their FP up at 700 F or more, others down in the mid-500's. Some like to use the carb cap (I'm one), others like it open and control the extraction with inhale rate.

What I'm trying to say is that its a VERY versatile and flexible device.

I tend to not vape concentrates in the same device as flower (just me) and I had the Liger and D-nail enails prior to the FP so I use them for that. But it is a nail as well as a flower vape device so it can be done well per other owners.

What box mod do you have? My state just went med legal and I'm able to get some nice (but way too expensive) carts. I have a variable wattage Eleaf box mod and I can lower the wattage as much as I want. I'm not a mod expert but Eleaf or Joytech seem to be the Ford and Chevy of variable wattage mods (works well and not too expensive). I have this one which is a bit of overkill.....but it works wonderfully, IMO.


Best of luck.
What box mod do you have? My state just went med legal and I'm able to get some nice (but way too expensive) carts. I have a variable wattage Eleaf box mod and I can lower the wattage as much as I want. I'm not a mod expert but Eleaf or Joytech seem to be the Ford and Chevy of variable wattage mods (works well and not too expensive). I have this one which is a bit of overkill.....but it works wonderfully, IMO.


Best of luck.

I’m nearby - cartridges here are expensive as well.

I have an Eleaf I Stick Mini - it’s 10w with variable voltage. Even at the lowest voltage setting (3.3 or 3.6, I think) it’s a little harsh. Maybe it’s just me though. I’ll take a look at a chart and see though.
Perhaps a thread on box mods and batteries would be in order to keep this thread on topic? :smile:

And it would, I'm sure, be helpful to anyone else looking for the right one for their cartridges. :thumbsup:
I’m nearby - cartridges here are expensive as well.

I have an Eleaf I Stick Mini - it’s 10w with variable voltage. Even at the lowest voltage setting (3.3 or 3.6, I think) it’s a little harsh. Maybe it’s just me though. I’ll take a look at a chart and see though.

Wow, right now I'm running my Eleaf TC 100W with a cart at 5.2 watts which shows as something around 2.78 volts given the current resistance of the coil.

I started out running 6 watts or so with voltage at about what you are looking (mid-3's) and yes, it choked me out.

I could probably still productively lower the wattage more.....but its a pretty good compromise between vapor density and harshness.

Of course, carts come in a wide variety in terms of specific design and hence optimum wattage to run them at.

I haven't run through all of Eleaf's models and their specs, but here is the TC 40W and its adjustable from one watt up to 40. Just pick how cool you want your vapor.


Or look at this little sucker with removable batteries and 1 - 100W adjustment.


Ok, we have gone off topic...coming back to the NV FP, it is a wonderful product and extracts like nobody's business. Solid machined Ti, easy to clean and almost impossible to break.

As long setting up an enail type rig is in your wheelhouse, then the FP is a great product. FP and EVO are my two most used desktop rippers....and they rip.

Just to put this in perspective, I'm 65 with a post surgical degenerative lumbar and vape primarily at night prior to bed time for pain and sedation. I like my sessions to be like a silver dagger....straight and to the point. LOL The FP fits the bill very nicely. But as said, others are running at lower temps without a cap and stretching out the load into smaller and more gentle draws. Not my bag, but apparently the FP can excel at both.

@momofthegoons - haha....just posted and saw your prior post. Absolutely correct.....back to FP.
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Wrap around w/panhead rules.
Showerhead w/FlowerPot 18mm Male Body with Handle (3031)
makes Vito function like an upright man!
I all most bought one!

So are they dangerous?

My 200 wat mod I run at 23.3 for ROSIN (GDP) with a poorly rated tank?
I build my own coil's and my own wicking
CHEAP however works? (I use it daily 24/7) next to me when I sleep!
Since I do so much ROSIN I thought it might be a good fit?

On the WEST COAST it's very cheap these day'z?

Guy's that know everything about CANNABIS said it's not for me?
That can't be true?

I hear that their safer and suited for MEDICAL use?
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Guy's that know everything about CANNABIS said it's not for me?

That perhaps may have been me (??)...however, I don't believe that I ever said it wasn't for you or that you could not have one.

I merely asked you to consider that, given the rate of glass falling and breaking in your home, whether you feel that you can manage a 650F heater head without mishap.

Not for anybody else to say, really....if you believe you can handle it, go for it. But is it more dangerous than an EVO (which has similar flower performance if run at the right temp) for a person with a movement disorder? I would say yes just as I would say yes to an exposed coil enail rig compared to a box mod/atomizer combo.

Its up to you, mate. You are a grown man and capable of making your own decisions on this score.

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