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Recipe Cannabis Infused Milks


Vapor Accessory Addict
Staff member
Cannabis milk

Cannabis milk is one of the basic recipe and many weed infused recipes will call for the use of milk instead of butter or oil.

  • 1 cup Whole Milk or Cream (do not use skim or low-fat milk, the higher the fat content, the more effective the THC activation will be)
  • 1/8 ounce (3.5 grams) of finely ground cannabis buds (you should use aproximately 3.5 grams of cannabis per 1 cup of milk)
  1. Grind up the cannabis until it is a fine consistency.
  2. Place milk and marijuana together in the saucepan.
  3. Heat the milk and marijuana mixture on low heat for at least 45 minutes. It is very important to whisk constantly to prevent from burning. Do not let it boil. A light simmer is ok, as long as you are constantly whisking.
  4. Remove from heat, and allow the marijuana milk to cool for 5 minutes.
  5. Strain the marijuana milk through a cheesecloth at least 1 time to remove plant matter.
Mix with chocolate, serve cold with your favorite biscuits or cake, pour over oatmeal and sliced bananas for breakfast or as an ingredient for baked goods.

Definitely gonna try this....
So at 20% thc, that cup of milk is gonna contain 700mg of cannabinoids right????

That seems alot for 1 dose....
I normally dise 200mg with edibles....
And I find that to be on the heavy side...
And I vape daily....

I suppose you could just dilute with plain milk anyway...

Oh and 45 mins of constant whisking sound like a chore...
You would have to keep that on really low to eliminate the risk of burnt milk taste...

And it's not something you could make and keep for any length of time....
So you would have to use soon after production...

My latest edible adventure involves infusing some local organic honey with cannabis, then using said honey to make jam, (honey replaces refined, granulated sugar)....
Then I'll have cannajam, that will last along time stored....
The jam doesn't heat for long enough to fully decarb the flowers on its own...
So would have to be put in honey first...


My concern is that there is no fat in honey....
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Oh and 45 mins of constant whisking sound like a chore...
You would have to keep that on really low to eliminate the risk of burnt milk taste...

At best you will probably only get 60% max of the available THC/THC-A extracted into the milk. Also, consider using a crock pot to eliminate need to stand and stir (that would work, right??)

Making Cannabis Milk

This could quite easily be the weed infusion with the most potential. Let that sink in for a second. The limitless possibility of Cannabis Milk is reason enough to create this fine weed edible. From baking, to meal creations, this infusion is worth its weight in gold.

This is the infusion you didn’t know you were missing.​

If you’re familiar with cannabis cooking, it is likely that you are no stranger to working with THC oil, cannabis butter, or cannabis tinctures. These cannabis bases are fantastic themselves, but this is a different kind of infusion.

Cannabis milk is silky smooth and carries a unique flavor. It blends well with coffee due to its earthy notes and creamy finish. Consider how easy it will be to dose by just a splash of milk in your morning brew. You’re not changing your routine, only modifying an ingredient to meet your needs.

The potential of weed infused milk is really exciting. This is a cannabis base that is well worth its short preparation time.

Here is a list of common foods that you can now easily medicate with cannabis milk:​

  1. Cannabis Infused Ice Cream
  2. Weed Infused Mashed Potatoes
  3. Cannabis Smoothies
  4. Weed Infused Omelettes or Scrambled Eggs
  5. Cannabis Mushroom Soup

It doesn’t take too long to create Cannabis Milk.​

This entire recipe takes less than two hours to create, start to finish. This even includes the process of decarboxylation (activating your bud).

If you are lactose intolerant, or have any dietary restrictions, just substitute the milk for whatever brand/kind you like.



  • 1/4 Ounce Cannabis
  • 4 Cups Whole Milk


  • Decarboxylate your weed by spreading your cannabis evenly on an oven tray And coat with aluminum foil.
  • Place in the oven on 240F/115C for 40 minutes, and then let it cool.
  • Grind your cannabis or chop it fine
  • Place 4 cups of whole milk in a pan on low heat. Add cannabis and let simmer on low heat for 60/90 minutes without it ever coming to a boil.
  • Strain through a cheesecloth
  • Let it cool


Calories: 200kcal | Fat: 20g
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Making Cannabis Milk​

You’re going to want to make a huge batch of Cannabis milk. It will go into just about every recipe here today, plus you can use it in so many other things too!

If you are lactose intolerant, or have any dietary restrictions, just substitute the milk for whatever brand/kind you like.

View attachment 27817


  • 1/4 Ounce Cannabis
  • 4 Cups Whole Milk


  • Decarboxylate your weed by spreading your cannabis evenly on an oven tray And coat with aluminum foil.
  • Place in the oven on 240F/115C for 40 minutes, and then let it cool.
  • Grind your cannabis or chop it fine
  • Place 4 cups of whole milk in a pan on low heat. Add cannabis and let simmer on low heat for 60/90 minutes without it ever coming to a boil.
  • Strain through a cheesecloth
  • Let it cool


Calories: 200kcal | Fat: 20g

Great recipe Mom

Cannabis Golden Milk Recipe​

Thanks to the ancient practice of Ayurveda, health and wellness enthusiasts everywhere recommend drinking golden milk daily for a wonderful, warm and healing drink that has loads of benefits.

The recipe calls for coconut milk, but you can sub in cannabis milk if you like – or any other milk that is soothing and gentle on your stomach.

Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: CBD, cbd drinks, drinks

Servings: 1 person

Author: Steph Van De Ven

Cost: 10.00


  • Stove
  • Sauce pan
  • Whisk
  • Your favorite cofee or tea much/cup


  • 1/2 cup Almond or Coconut milk or any milk of your choice
  • 1 tsp Tuermeic organic
  • 1 tsp Freshly grated ginger
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder organic
  • 1 tbsp Coconut oil cold-pressed,extra virgin, organic
  • 25 mg's CBD Oil
  • 1 tsp Freshly gounrd black pepper


  • On medium heat, place the saucepan on the stove with everything except for the CBD oil
  • Bring your liquid to a slow boiling roll- being careful not to let the heat or liquid boil over
  • Gently and continuously whisk
  • Once you have a nice golden glow with a frothy look, it's time to transfer to your coffee or tea cup.
  • Let it cool down for a few minutes and add in your CBD oil.
  • Whisk or mix everything together.
  • Sip slowly, enjoy thoroughouly.

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