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Research Covid 19 and Early Testing with THC


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USC researchers think THC in marijuana may be able to treat deadly COVID complication
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For the fifth year in a row, Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, has introduced a bill to legalize medical marijuana and allow doctors to authorize the treatment for patients. BY GAVIN MCINTYRE
For the fifth year in a row, Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, has introduced a bill to legalize medical marijuana and allow doctors to authorize the treatment for patients. BY GAVIN MCINTYRE

Top University of South Carolina researchers think the chemical in marijuana that induces a “high” may be effective in treating a potentially lethal coronavirus complication, according to three newly released studies
The studies, co-published by Prakash Nagarkatti, found THC, the most potent mind-altering chemical in cannabis, can — in mice — prevent a harmful immune response that causes Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and cause a significant increase in healthy lung bacteria.
The studies, published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, the British Journal of Pharmacology and the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, were conducted by giving mice a toxin that triggered the harmful immune reaction that causes ARDS and then injecting mice with THC, according to the studies’ abstracts.

“The underlying mechanism is your immune system goes haywire and starts destroying your lungs and all your other organs,” Nagarkatti said of ARDS.
“Its’ like a car where you’re putting on a lot of accelerator, but the brakes aren’t working,” Nagarkatti said. “Basically what’s going to happen is your car is going to crash because you can’t stop it. And that’s basically what’s happening with ARDS.”
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Over dozens of experiments in the three separate studies, 100% of the mice given THC survived, Nagarkatti told The State.

Read more here: https://www.thestate.com/news/coron...XO-O-gUPA_L2JkwVeIbi1cHQXvLxI7o#storylink=cpy

I don’t believe cannabis can treat everything but more testing is always welcomed. Who knows what could happen?:juggle:
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