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Study: No Association Between Marijuana Smoking and Heart Disease

Charleston, SC: Marijuana smoking is not associated with an elevated risk of coronary artery disease (CAD aka heart disease) in young to middle age adults, according to data published in the journal PLOS One.

A team of investigators affiliated with the Medical University of South Carolina and the University of Texas assessed the relationship between CAD and self-reported cannabis use in 1,420 subjects. Participants in the study were all between the ages of 18 and 50, had experienced chest pain, and underwent a coronary CT angiography.

Researchers reported that subjects with a history of cannabis use were less likely to show evidence of CAD as compared to subjects with no cannabis exposure. Marijuana using subjects also tended to be younger and were less likely to suffer from either hypertension or diabetes.

"The results demonstrate a relatively low frequency of CAD in a younger, marijuana-using patient subgroup," authors concluded,

Their findings are similar to those of a longitudinal trial which found, "Neither cumulative lifetime nor recent use of marijuana is associated with the incidence of CVD (cardiovascular disease) in middle age."

Full text of the study, "Marijuana use and coronary artery disease in young adults," appears in PLOS One.
Well, that's good to know. Now, vape a bowl, or go for a run....
New Studies Prove Cannabis is Good for Your Heart
Cannabis is now officially good for your heart health

The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease.

It claims more than 610,000 lives each year, yet many of these cases could have been prevented. Every 37 seconds, one person dies due to cardiovascular disease, and 1 in every 4 deaths is attributed to heart disease.

We know today that stress management, a healthy diet, exercise, and good sleep are critical ways of keeping your heart in good shape. But despite this, hearts are a fragile muscle. So many diseases affect the heart, and what’s sad is that far too many of the medications prescribed by doctors actually don’t improve the quality of life of patients and worse, affect the heart.

Cannabis also saves money: heart disease alone costs $219 billion in the United States; this includes medication, loss of productivity, and health care services.

But the rise of research on cannabis and its numerous health benefits promise new hope. It could be a breakthrough medication we have all been waiting for, as many tout the positive effects of cannabis and CBD on inflammation, strokes, blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and many more.

A recent study out of Quebec in Canada yielded interesting results. Researchers from the Canadian National Public Health Institute analyzed the relationship between cannabis consumption and its impact on triglyceride levels and waist circumference. They analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a nationally represented database.

The researchers found that the subjects who consumed cannabis at least 4 times a week had lower triglyceride levels and smaller waistlines compared to former consumers or non-users.

This isn’t new; a study dating back to 2011 out of France also found that frequent cannabis consumers had lower chances of obesity. The study, conducted by researchers from the Louis Moureir Hospital located in Colombes, France, involved studying cross-sectional data from 2 studies of American adults. The surveys represented a valuable data set from a combined 50,000 respondents, and the study’s authors analyzed factors such as their ethnicity, age, marital status, tobacco use, and educational level.

“The prevalence of obesity was significantly lower in cannabis users than in nonusers (16.1 percent versus 22 percent in the NESARC and 17.2 percent versus 25.3 percent in the NCS-R),” they wrote.

“The proportion of obese participants decreased with the frequency of cannabis use,” they wrote, adding that study participants who admit to using cannabis “three days per week or more” had a reduced chance of being obese compared to those who reported “no cannabis use in the past 12 months.”

“Even if cannabis consumption increases appetite, people using cannabis are less likely to be obese than people who do not use cannabis.”

Cannabis and Obesity, Diabetes

High blood sugar levels are a major denominator when it comes to heart disease and diabetes.

But according to studies, cannabis consumers have a lower chance of suffering from the fatal consequences of both heart disease and diabetes.

A 2019 study conducted by investigators from Arizona State University together with the University of Pittsburgh analyzed the connection between cardiometabolic risk factors and long-term marijuana consumption among a cohort of 253 men. The researchers found that greater exposure to cannabis was linked to lower cholesterol levels, lower body mass index, and other risk factors.

These findings support an older study whose results found that regular cannabis consumption have better chances of preventing diabetes compared to those who consume only occasionally or do not at all.

The investigators from Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center analyzed the link between fasting glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance and cannabis among a cohort of 4,657 males.

“Subjects who reported using marijuana in the past month had lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR [insulin resistance], as well as smaller waist circumference and higher levels of HDL-C [insulin resistance] as well as smaller waist circumference and higher levels of HDL-C [high density lipoprotein or ‘good’ cholesterol]. These associations were attenuated among those who reported using marijuana at least once, but not in the past 30 days, suggesting that the impact of marijuana use on insulin and insulin resistance exists during periods of recent use,” they write.

“These are indeed remarkable observations that are supported, as the authors wrote, by basic science experiments that came to similar conclusions… I would like to call on the NIH and the DEA to collaborate in developing policies to implement solid scientific investigations that would lead to information assisting physicians in the proper use and prescription of THC in its synthetic or herbal form,” says Joseph S. Alpert, MD, in a commentary about the study.

CBD For Heart Health

If you are suffering from high blood pressure due to stress, CBD is a great option. CBD has been shown to be helpful in reducing blood pressure, especially when you are exposed to stress.

So if people tell you that cannabis is bad for the heart, these are just some of the many studies you can cite.



Cannabis is now officially good for your heart health

hahaha...until the next contradictory study comes out! LOL

Also, correlation is not causation and, for example, the lower obesity by MJ users may actually result from some other factor including the self-selection of the group (that is, people who consume MJ tend to be...well, maybe thinner or more active or too broke from buying MJ to afford food (LOL) or you name it as long as it results in lower obesity).
Last edited:
hahaha...until the next contradictory study comes out! LOL

Also, correlation is not causation and, for example, the lower obesity by MJ users may actually result from some other factor including the self-selection of the group (that is, people who consume MJ tend to be...well, maybe thinner or more active or too broke from buying MJ to afford food (LOL) or you name it as long as it results in lower obesity).
My wife and I slowed down on wine.
I sleep deeply, however CANNABIS is milder and effective in my case?
My HEART is fine, however my wife seem very healthy.
I worry about her!
That article you posted made me think?
The LEMON HAZE is just to stay civilized!
I just feel more at ease after some Indica. (I didn't read all that, btw... personal experience)

Most Sativas and even the hybrids, actually cause annoying PVC.

Indica is alright with me. :whoa:


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Study Shows Cannabis Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertension Patients

A new study finds that cannabis has the potential to lower blood pressure levels in older patients with hypertension.

A new study that looks at blood pressure in older adults with hypertension saw a connection between cannabis use and a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, findings that are significant for those who suffer from the two ailments.

The study, titled “Cannabis is associated with blood pressure reduction in older adults – A 24-hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring study” carried out by Ran Abuhasira, M.D., of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and his team, located in Israel, and published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine in January of this year, looked at patients 60 or older with hypertension and medical cannabis prescriptions. The study then monitored their rates of use and their blood pressure. The patients then underwent blood tests, monitoring, and other medical procedures during the course of three months, as they actively used cannabis to manage their conditions.

The researchers looked at a total of 26 cannabis patients, of which exactly 53.8 percent were female. The findings showed that, while no big changes were seen in the ECG exam results of the patients study, blood pressure was overall lower in those with hypertension who were consistently using medical cannabis.

“The proportion of normal dippers changed from 27.3 percent before treatment to 45.5 percent afterward,” the study said regarding the percentage of people whose blood pressure levels dipped. “No significant changes were seen in the different metabolic parameters assessed by blood tests, anthropometric measurements, or ECG exam.”

“Medical cannabis use is increasing rapidly in the past several years, with older adults being the fastest growing group,” it continued. “Nevertheless, the evidence for cardiovascular safety of cannabis use is scarce. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of cannabis on blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolic parameters in older adults with hypertension.”

Based on the levels monitored, blood pressure reached its lowest point just about three hours after those in the study consumed cannabis, either via smoking flower or vaping and consuming extracts. The reductions in blood pressure were also more pronounced at night, which could have to do with the connection between cannabis use and pain relief.

Older People and Cannabis

While seniors are actually the fastest-growing demographic of those who use cannabis, there isn’t a lot of research about how and why they consume. For this reason, as well as the implications it has for hypertension and blood pressure use, this is a significant study.

“Amongst older adults with hypertension, cannabis treatment for three months was associated with a reduction in 24-hours systolic and diastolic blood pressure values with a nadir at three hours after cannabis administration,” the study concluded.

This research is significant, as it shows that there is definitely a connection between cannabis use and lowering blood pressure in those with hypertension. Medical patients who suffer from hypertension can possibly use cannabis prescriptions in the future to help keep blood pressure in check. Additionally, this finding is an important piece of research on senior cannabis use, an area that is seriously lacking.
My recent medical issues are cardiac related
Everything I take is monitored
As long as I do not smoke or vape not a word is said about my edibles consumption
This is my nurse practitioner, primary, cardiac team
I'm fine, just a little scare and some hardware

Cannabis Use Not Associated with Greater Risk of Heart Attack, Study Finds

But it might be time to rethink your spliffs.

Using cannabis is not associated with an increased risk of heart attack among middle-aged adults, according to data published in the American Journal of Cardiology, NORML reports. The study found that compared to non-cannabis users, those who have consumed cannabis monthly for the past year are not at a greater risk for a heart attack.

This data is adjusted to factor in potential confounders such as BMI, alcohol and tobacco use, and physical activity.

Those who consistently used cannabis monthly for the past decade also showed no greater risk for heart attack.

Additionally, and fascinatingly, the researchers did identify an increased heart attack risk among the portion of former consumers who had recently quit using cannabis. Investigators called this latter finding “unexpected,” NORML reports.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Diego. They examined the relationship between cannabis use and physician-diagnosed myocardial infarction (MI)—colloquially known as a heart attack—in a nationally representative group of roughly 10,000 middle-aged (35 to 59 years old) people.

“In a representative sample of middle-aged US adults, a history of monthly cannabis use for more than a year before a myocardial infarction was not linked to a subsequent physician-diagnosed MI, after accounting for cardiovascular risk factors. However, when considering recent use, the odds were three times greater if no use was reported in the past month. The length of monthly use before the MI, including use >10 years, also showed no association,” the authors concluded. “The evidence base for cardiovascular harms is conflicting and limited by the ability to accurately quantify use, especially the method of use, dose, and potency. Given the expanding access to cannabis products in the United States and around the world, more research, particularly longitudinal and experimental studies, is needed.”

Researchers have been looking into the relationship between cannabinoids and cardiovascular function for some time. This interest is because cannabis can increase blood pressure and heart rate. As a result, there has been concern in the medical community about a potential correlation between heart attacks and marijuana use.

However, they have found no consistent data to show that this presents a danger, which makes the new research out of San Diego music to the ears for cannabis users. A 2021 literature review of 67 studies published in the American Journal of Medicine found that “[M]arijuana itself does not appear to be independently associated with excessive cardiovascular risk factors.”

However, the authors expressed concern that “it can be associated with other unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol use and tobacco smoking that can be detrimental” to heart health.

As Johns Hopkins Medicine reports, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, or stroke. Excessive drinking can also contribute to cardiomyopathy, a disorder that affects the heart muscle. However, studies have also shown an association between moderate alcohol intake and a lower risk of dying from heart disease, demonstrating that the evidence regarding alcohol and cardiovascular health requires further clarification.

Smoking cigarettes is pretty securely linked to heart disease, suggesting that if cannabis users want to take a step towards better heart health, the first thing to do is cut out the spliffs.

It’s worth noting that medical marijuana can treat anxiety, depression, and PTSD, an avenue of particular importance to veterans, although applicable to anyone experiencing these mental health conditions. These themselves, when left untreated, can negatively impact heart health. Anxiety puts extra strain on the heart, especially for folks with an existing heart condition, Johns Hopkins Medicine reports. Research shows that heart disease and depression have a two-way relationship, and PTSD has also been tied to cardiovascular problems. Considering cannabis is generally safe and has a low side effect profile, one must consider the benefits of using cannabis to treat such conditions and talk to their care provider about the benefits outweighing the costs, which, according to the latest research, aren’t something to stress over (now that can hurt your heart) when it comes to cardiovascular disease.

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