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Tips Help: Can someone help if MIGHTY+ is fake


New Member
HELP : QUESTION ABOUT MIGHTY + . I have a offer really really cheap for a new uboxed device ( the price is cheaper then the fake one you can buy on internet ) . The seller said to me if i want to activate the warannty its cost is 200 euros, if not he can sell it to me for 100 euros ? ( i dont know if its fake or stolen which i dont care ). My question is , is it possible that the fake boxes have fake ul sifting stickers as in photos ? . Can anyone help i will really appreciate it .
box pic1

box pic2
box pic 3
HELP : QUESTION ABOUT MIGHTY + . I have a offer really really cheap for a new uboxed device ( the price is cheaper then the fake one you can buy on internet ) . The seller said to me if i want to activate the warannty its cost is 200 euros, if not he can sell it to me for 100 euros ? ( i dont know if its fake or stolen which i dont care ). My question is , is it possible that the fake boxes have fake ul sifting stickers as in photos ? . Can anyone help i will really appreciate it .
box pic1

box pic2
box pic 3
Here are 3 articles with information on how to spot the fakes. They include url information. I hope this helps.


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VGoodiez 420EDC