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Lunacy Herbal Hobbies......


Herb Gardener.....
Things you like to do high...????

I like racing high...
On an empty track... Once your in the zone, all you see is apex's....

Next up is guitar hero.....
Music and cannabis is already a great mix, then add some computer to the mix....
Much fun....

Whats other peoples favourite activity to do while under the influence....??????
I love gardening and arranging flowers... and also grow orchids.



But tbh? I'm a lazy sot and would prefer to just do this.....

I love working with wood!
Mostly i make pens and some small bowls here and there!
Also had a go at making a log vape, it worked but was too much hassle! LOL!

Here are a few of the pens i have made over the years!

Shop pencil

Some interesting designs and a Celtic knot!

Segmented turning

And a fancy fountain pen! Notice the inlaid Cleft note in the lid!
skiing high is a blast, mountain biking's more enjoyable, practicing guitar, watching movies, soccer, basketball ('Nova's back at it at 2:40), hanging out with my kids, hanging out with my wife (who found my enano a couple of months ago and learned something new about me : ) hanging out with my friends (all 2.5 of them who I rarely see), walking... Hell I've even started to vape on the way to work half the time. So I guess everything's better!
I'm a gardener. ©momofthegoons you have a beautiful garden! My country garden in less tidy, less sophisticated @ and less perfect than my city gardening years. Taming the wild and integrating with the wild is a tilotaly different exercise. But I'm learning.

I'm planting healing herbs like Golden Seal in the dappled shade of the forest along with Ginseng and other forest plants.

Every year I create a new flower bed....Bit by bit I am taming my corner of paradise.

But what do I like to do while high? Other than reading this thread??

E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!!! That's what!
Audiobooks, music, and gaming! I love reading but I find cannabis slows me down a little; spend too much time musing and not enough perusing prose. Audiobooks were a perfect solution to this. Let some accomplished voice actors read me a tale while I'm free to do stuff that needs doing.. or lay in the sun, whichever! Can't recommend audiobooks enough. I especially like the ones where they get a male and female voice actor to do the different genders; adds so much imo.

Then for gaming I mostly play on my PC but I have some consoles as well for the games that are poor PC ports or console exclusive. Gaming on cannabis is a very immersive experience. I find myself examining the scenery, caring about the story, thinking about my choices from my character's perspective. When I'm sober gaming seems more about completion and the score. I feel like I need to finish the game ASAP and move on to the next one, to complete it.. Cannabis really helps me appreciate the effort that went into the game's design and enjoy the journey.
Hiking trails and biking when I can. Taking outdoor photos on the way. PC gaming. Listening to music. Occasionally cook at home. Researching odd topics online. But dabbled in several others. Oh and Vaping other herbs. :goofy: What you thought your vapes only worked with Herbie only?

Great day when I can bike to a new hiking trail and stop to buy fresh produce from a local farm on the way. Take pictures of the scenery, vistas and trail markers At the end of my day watch a slideshow of the places I went to that day.
A couple of people have said gaming...
It been a while since iv been into gaming, apart from guitar hero....

But i always found cannabis made me worse...

Music and being high is a winning combo...
Iv always thought it would be good if I could actually play an instrument...
Maybe I'll learn at some point...
I love working with wood!
Mostly i make pens and some small bowls here and there!
Also had a go at making a log vape, it worked but was too much hassle! LOL!

Here are a few of the pens i have made over the years!

Shop pencil

Some interesting designs and a Celtic knot!

Segmented turning

And a fancy fountain pen! Notice the inlaid Cleft note in the lid!
Those pen bodies really need to be transformed into VapCap bodies!!!!

Very nice!!!!
This year I want to garden. I sorta did last year, but the former owners arugula went insane and took over the entire garden space. I'm going to try add raised beds above that soil, put new soil in, and then see how it shakes out. But I dunno what to plant. I've spent the last 40 years barely able to keep a houseplant alive. I got some bags of seeds from the neighbours so gonna start stuffing some of those in the ground and see what happens.

Hobbies? For the first time in 6 years I have a bicycle! I gave up on them when things went south, but recumbent tricycles exist! The riding position is fairly comfortable, with no pressure on spine, neck or shoulders. For knees the pain is muscular, which is fine, and just my body telling me to catch up with the other parts.

A couple of people have said gaming...
It been a while since iv been into gaming, apart from guitar hero....

But i always found cannabis made me worse...

Music and being high is a winning combo...
Iv always thought it would be good if I could actually play an instrument...
Maybe I'll learn at some point...

KIEF is getting cheap where I live so my new hobby is mixing kief with e-juice. (0 nicotine)
I wipe my coils with rosin.
Then I can read.
I surfed and hung out at the beach growing up so now I'm making up for being a Goofball!
Depends on how thick everything gets: 20 - 50 watts per draw on a GOON tank.
Flowers most of the day. (in the garden)
Concentrates at night and in the house.
Rules of my wife!
Before medical: Surf, Ski, Tennis, Golf, Cycling and Wood Shop and make Surfboards
After medical: Read, Music, Politicos, Astrophysics, History, Walks with my wife (she is so fit)
Swimming at home. (hard to look at the ocean) I give my wife the view.
Boating at sea.
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I like reading the forums and talking with other potheads since the social side of weed is gone in my life.
I also like to play acoustic guitar or my 5 string bass when high.
Mostly, though, I watch silly tv shows. And mindlessly go down a rabbit hole on the internet...
Oh, yeah. I like washing dishes when I'm high, too! Hahaha Honestly, everything is better when high :p

The one thing I never do when high is work. I have never felt comfortable with that.

Oh, and I like to draw when high. Someone mentioned they like to color, well I make coloring sheets for kids. Not when I'm high....but here you go...

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I like reading the forums and talking with other potheads since the social side of weed is gone in my life.
I also like to play acoustic guitar or my 5 string bass when high.
Mostly, though, I watch silly tv shows. And mindlessly go down a rabbit hole on the internet...
Oh, yeah. I like washing dishes when I'm high, too! Hahaha Honestly, everything is better when high :p

The one thing I never do when high is work. I have never felt comfortable with that.

Oh, and I like to draw when high. Someone mentioned they like to color, well I make coloring sheets for kids. Not when I'm high....but here you go...

Music is cool!
Drawing and painting are as well!
Lately I've been making moonshine... a buddy gives me a buzz and says 'I like bourbon, Can I store something at your place?' So the short story is there is a 15 gallon beer keg still in the garage. And several hundred gallons of wine from another buddys dad. I don't drink, but I *do* tend to go through a wee bit of Everclear...

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VGoodiez 420EDC