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Tips Cannabis Spray


Vapor Accessory Addict
Staff member
For some people it is difficult to smoke due to irritation on the throat or patients suffering from respiratory diseases. Medical marijuana sprays are not too difficult to make but one must exercise some caution when making tincture especially if one is going to heat up alcohol. The following recipe is a basic medical marijuana spray and can be modified to suit your specific condition or even injury.
  • What you need – In order to make your own medical marijuana spray you will obviously need a good amount of high quality bud. Depending on your specific condition obtain a marijuana strain that will provide highest relief. You will need roughly two ounces of buds to make a decent supply. You can use less but take note that you’ll produce less tincture. There’s a list of everything you’ll need.
  1. 1-2 ounces of high quality marijuana
  2. Highest grade alcohol you can find (50% preferred but 40% vodka also works without any snags)
  3. Organic Mint or any other type of herb you want to make the tincture taste like
  4. Honey
  5. Cheesecloth
  6. Glass Jar that can seal
  7. Spray bottle (small ones like mouth spray)
  • Before making the tincture – Before you can actually make the tincture you’ll have to activate the THC in the medical marijuana. When you eat raw cannabis you’ll consume THCA which is an acid. In order to convert it to THC you need to apply heat, which normally happens when vaporizing or lighting on fire. Since you’ll be making a tincture you’ll need to activate the THC before actually converting it into a tincture. You do this by;
  1. Preheating an oven to 325ºF (160ºC) and be sure to measure it exact by using a thermometer.
  2. Grind up the marijuana and spread over a cookie sheet or pan
  3. Carefully monitor the process and leave for 5 minutes or until you see the first bit of smoke appear.
  4. Quickly remove the plate before more smoke or when the five minutes are done.
  • Making the tincture – Now that you have activated the THC in the medical marijuana we move on to make the actual tincture;
  1. Place grounded marijuana in jar and leave small space below the brim.
  2. Add alcohol until jar is completely full
  3. Make sure that the alcohol and the cannabis mixes completely, shake and seal
  4. Store in dark cool place for roughly 1 week.
  5. Once week is completed strain liquid from plant matter by using cheesecloth. Remember to squeeze extra hard.
  6. Pour strained liquid into a second jar filled with (new marijuana mixture once THC is active) and add more alcohol if needed. Add herb for flavoring in this mixture as well.
  7. Leave for 2 weeks. Afterwards strain liquid into its own jar (Big Jar to hold surplus)
  8. Pour into spray bottle
When using your medical marijuana in this method you can spray twice in the back of your mouth and wait for ten minutes. Switch cheeks when spraying. Since the mixture has alcohol in it, it also works to disinfect wounds.
Nice post.

Going to give this a go but using this 'Customized stainless steel Multi-Functional Magical botanical extractor' that arrived today.

The machine is larger than I was expecting but seems well made., also a pleasant surprise to find all the labels in english.

I'm going to make an ethanol based tincture following the MBM guidelines of 475ml of Spirytus with 14g of the magic ingredient.

This device has a built in decarb feature so I'll break the buds up a little (not too much) and run a decarb cycle first. Then add the alcohol and hit the 'Tincture' button.

Not entirely sure how much honey or mint to use, I assume they should be added along with the alcohol :nusenuse:.

Will report back when done.
Going to give this a go but using this 'Customized stainless steel Multi-Functional Magical botanical extractor' that arrived today.
I'd love for you to start a thread on this extractor. Looks a lot like the Magical Butter Machine. The MBM folk also say it decarbs but it has been found that that isn't the case and most do a decarb prior to making anything. I'll be really interested in hearing how your experience is with the MBE.

Not entirely sure how much honey or mint to use, I assume they should be added along with the alcohol :nusenuse:

If I were making this I would add the honey during Step 6 (when you add the mint). And I think the amount of honey and mint are to taste. Just make sure there isn't so much honey that it becomes viscous. :twocents:
Yes this machine is very similar to an MBM, I was guided towards it by a member of a vapor forum. They claim the decarb in this model works very well, we shall see :wink:.

Apparently the early MBM's did have a decarb feature but it was dropped in the later versions, at least that's what I've been reading.

I've ordered the alcohol in the form of Spirytus which should arrive on monday.

The Honey and Mint have been ordered.

I've got about 12.64g of some flower that I find a bit too racy when vaped. I think it's supposed to be afghan kush, if it is then they harvested it too early as it feels like a sativa. It's blatantly not afgan kush :shakehead:. I'll make the other 1.36g up from the last of my GDP stash, that will have to do until my jars are full again.

I'll use about 480ml of Spirytus to 14g of total material, that's the lower end of MBM's suggestion.

More than happy to start a thread up, I want to have a play with it first though, I'll shoot some pics while I do it so I have them for when I'm ready to open up that thread.

Should give me an opportunity to use the T-Check as well, now that it claims to measure tincture.:naughty2:

I'll go with your suggestion and add the honey+mint after I've strained the plant matter out, I've already got the cheese cloth and a potato ricer to help with that.

For the mint I'll use 5g for the whole 490, that's based off of one of the Amazon answers:
I have mixed them to my juices plent.. altho i recommend diluting them to PG first.. and not dilute within the juice itself.. i used 10% solution in 30ml bottle.. 3grams of crystals and filled the 30ml bottle with Propylene glycol.. higher than that will be too strong
I read the above as 0.1g per 10ml of solution or 0.1g x 490ml / 10 = 4.9g (feel free to double check my figures).

I'll go light with the honey, I'm mostly interested in the minty effect. It's just a breath freshener you know :wink: <--- *picture exaggerated*

Once the liquid has cooled a bit I'll put it into a 490ml Ball Jar. I'm thinking about one of these for the Atomiser and I'll a pipet to fill it (got loads already).

I think I'm prepared, just gotta wait for the alcohol to turn up.

Wish me luck, hope I don't mess up and :puke:
They claim the decarb in this model works very well, we shall see :wink:.
Apparently the early MBM's did have a decarb feature but it was dropped in the later versions, at least that's what I've been reading.
I hope that it decarbs as they say for you. :thumbsup: They claimed the early MBM machines decarbed but they didn't. Nor do the newer models. I have one of each. :smile: My bet is they just stopped claiming it decarbed.

More than happy to start a thread up,
Fabulous! :biggrin: I'll be interested in seeing your pics and seeing how it works out for you. Those atomisers look nifty. The only type I could find were plastic and that didn't appeal.

Good luck with this!
The old ones didn't decarb, but the packaging said it did. The temps didn't ad up on the MB anyways - there wasn't a decarb setting so you'd instead need to run it on max for long enough, and 1 hour of runtime on an MB machine isn't 1 hour of heat time, so there's that to factor into your time as well. Now I mostly decarb first if the goal is an activated end product. Will look forward to hearing how decarb works on this puppy - for the price it's easy to justify.
The old ones didn't decarb, but the packaging said it did. The temps didn't ad up on the MB anyways - there wasn't a decarb setting so you'd instead need to run it on max for long enough, and 1 hour of runtime on an MB machine isn't 1 hour of heat time, so there's that to factor into your time as well. Now I mostly decarb first if the goal is an activated end product. Will look forward to hearing how decarb works on this puppy - for the price it's easy to justify.

Fingers crossed man.

The sample price was $108 all in and didn't incur customs charges which was a nice surprise.

I don't know what the decarb temps are for this Chinese device but they advertise it as an 800watt heater with a 250watt motor. There is definitely a dedicated decarb button. Another for Oil, a third for butter, fourth for tincture and the last is a clean mode.

On other forums I've seen users use a power meter to measure the MBM and they were stating they saw 850watts for the MBM's heater and 150watts additional when the motor kicked in.

I suspect the motor and heater elements are the same so the decarb will be down to software differences.

Does make me wonder why MBM removed decarb.
I did try decarbing in the original MB a couple of times. IIRC it said don't run without liquid in the base, so I decarbed with oil and butter, but it had a scorched taste which kinda turned me off the whole process.

My next experiment is going to be infusing things with resin. In theory adding a few grams of freshly pressed resin into an MB full of butter, just for the emulsification, should work dandy. In my head it's working well, although the press isn't actually here yet...
So I mixed up a 10ml sample of the ethanol with 0.1g of the mint and the honey (room temp) and the honey didn't mix well at all.

The mint flavour worked though.

I ran the decarb cycle on the material earlier on and the tincture is being infused as I type this.

I'm thinking of leaving the honey out of the mixture when it's finished infusing.
the honey (room temp) and the honey didn't mix well at all.
Hmmmmm.... Smart move trying it first. They weren't very clear (in the article) about how to add the honey. And it is a really viscous liquid. Did you add it in the spray bottle or in a different container so you could really shake it up? Just curious.

If you don't feel you need it for taste (which I'm sure is all it was for) then why bother?

Looking forward to hearing how the end result comes out. Both from your T-check findings and your personal experience. :biggrin:
Luckily I had to wait for items to get delivered so I had the time to think rather than jumping in like the maniac I want to be :biggrin:

I was able to really give it a good shake up as the solution was only 10ml in a tall thin measuring jug.

I'm wondering if it would have worked better had the liquid been heated up but to be honest the mint I've got is so powerful the honey would almost definitely be a secondary flavour so I'm too worried about it. I did try a couple of squirts via the atomiser and I was minty fresh :nod:

The MBM thingy is still going 3:50mins later, the kitchen hasn't exploded yet. It sounds like a smoothie juicer being spun up for 5-10 seconds every 2mins. Got it under the cooker extractor hood and had the windows open earlier although I've had to close those as it's quite late here now and it's a noisy bugger, no midnight tincture cooking sessions for me.

Really keen to try the spray to see if it works and how many times I have to spray in order to get an effect. The ethanol and mint are quite strong so my concern is 14g of starting material is going to result in needing a stupid amount of sprays to work.

I think the Tincture setting on this machine runs for 4hrs so if I'm right about that I should get a chance to try it out later tonight.
I'm wondering if it would have worked better had the liquid been heated up
I was wondering the same thing earlier about the honey. Perhaps warming it prior would help it disperse. My fear is that once you get the herb into the mix, the mint wont be enough to 'mask' the flavor.

It sounds like a smoothie juicer being spun up for 5-10 seconds every 2mins.
Lmao... the MB is the same way but it also has flashing LED lights around the top that go off as well. Sort of ridiculous... :lol:

The ethanol and mint are quite strong so my concern is 14g of starting material is going to result in needing a stupid amount of sprays to work.
I'm wondering if you could reduce it down slightly and still be able to spray it. That would help with the strength.

Lol..... you may end up with quite a buzz from the ethanol as well if too many sprays are involved.... :dog:
It's done!


I don't think the honey would make a huge amount of difference.

It tastes like fresh cannabis when first sprayed but then the mint kicks in, it's flavour is OK.

I took 1.5 spays (the first spray wasn't much as you need to get it up into the spray mechanism) about 10 mins ago and I'm feeling a slight tickle from it just kick in but I think it might be a 3-5 spray requirement and I also don't know how much I absorbed through my hands cleaning up the MBM thing + all the utensils. Plus I haven't eaten anything today so that will affect the effect.

I've got the second half of this week off to go play at the Fringe festival in Edinburgh. That's plenty of time and people to experiment on (including myself).

I'll report back after and do a full write up of the process.

The T-Check is charging after a firmware upgrade so I'll run a check on that when the liquid has cooled off a bit.
Lmao... the MB is the same way but it also has flashing LED lights around the top that go off as well. Sort of ridiculous... :lol:

Thanks to 'Vapelife X's' --->hilarious review I was ready for the weird noises. This machine also has the pointless weird lights as well.

It does not however come with any accessories such as filter bags or protective gloves so be aware of that.

Also I think it gave a single beep at hourly intervals but I wasn't paying full attention to count them.

My fear is that once you get the herb into the mix, the mint wont be enough to 'mask' the flavor.

That was my fear too but it seems OK, it's not going to win any vintage awards but the mint is quite strong.

PRO TIP: If the kitchen is starting to smell due to the decarb or tincture process take one of the mint crystals, crush it with the back of a spoon and put it in a shot glass with some hot water. That stuff is pungent and minty fresh and will mask the scent.

I'm wondering if you could reduce it down slightly and still be able to spray it. That would help with the strength.

Lol..... you may end up with quite a buzz from the ethanol as well if too many sprays are involved.... :dog:

I was wondering that, it's a possibility but if the really subtle gentle buzz I'm feeling from 1.5x sprays on empty stomach is any indicator to go by I think 3-5 sprays should be more than enough. However the option to reduce is certainly there.

Edit 1: Screw it I actually just took another spray :dog:, who wants gentle background anyway.

20 seconds later...

Edit 2: Shit I can instantly feel that kick in...what have I done :doh:

30 seconds after that...

Edit 3: Nope wait it's settling a bit, I think I'm good, yeh this is good, this is very very goooood :aaaaa:

Weird, it kinda hits hard when I spray, then settles down a bit, for me there is no need to reduce this down. Wonder how long the effects are gonna last?
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Quick update:

T-Check shows 1.4mg per ml

When not on an empty stomach I need about 4 squirts.

I'd like to have a go at reducing some of the batch down by 50% to bring the solution up to 2.8mg per ml.

Woke up groggy from initial test, not had that from vaping. Wondering why this might be. Possible that there were other non cannabis related factors involved.

Been using it tonight and not vape since creating this spray.
I think reducing is the answer as well. If for no other reason, to ingest less ethanol.

As long as it will still spray without clogging you should be good.
@GreenHopper Thanks for all the giggles! We seem to share similar cooking and testing methods :)

While reading your recipe I was reminded of the Skunk Pharm recipe for 'holy shit', which admittedly took me a bit of rereading to figure out. The part which may be helpful for you is the combinations of essential oils they use to disguise the flavour. They use small amounts of myrrh gum resin, cinnamon bark & leaf oils, frankincense, and a dram of cinnamon candy flavour. It tastes like cinnamon hearts in dropper format, with barely a skunk in sight. Link below for posterity...

@Killick my pleasure bud :dog:

Was a bit of an up and down ride there. I had forgotten to eat all day as I was desperately trying to complete a bunch of work related tasks before a vacation. So I really felt the initial hit.

However yesterday I needed about 5 squirts from the atomiser to get my mojo working.

It doesn't taste great but thats not so much of an issue for me, the mint takes over quite quickly. I will however use your SPR link next time to try and make a more complex solution, so thanks for reminding me about their research.

Love those SPR guys.

I think reducing is the answer as well. If for no other reason, to ingest less ethanol.

As long as it will still spray without clogging you should be good.

Got 40ml reducing right now, aiming for 20ml and hoping that results in 2.8 mg/ml of active ingredients.



Items used:
I put the kitchen towel on the top of the beaker and held it in place with the rubber band. This is mostly to stop contaminants from getting in the mixture.

The crock pot is on the extension cord and in my garden so I don't have to worry about blowing myself up.

I boiled up the water first to speed up the process and placed it into the Crock Pot, so far it's taken 1.5 hours and is about 50% of the way.

I was finding the alcohol was making me itchy (eczema issues) so definitely feel the reduction process is necessary for me. Also a more concentrated material means I don't have to carry as much around.


Reduction completed! Finally after 7hrs 15mins, yeash that took way longer than I was expecting.

The T-Check reads the mixture at 5.0-5.1 mg/ml, wasn't expecting that! I assumed by reducing by 50% I'd double my last measurement of 1.4 mg/ml.

Just tried a squirt about 2mins ago and I can feel it kicking in a little.

I'm on a full stomach this time, both the last test and this test is being done from a sober position as a baseline.

The taste has improved, I think the alcohol was just too strong in the non reduced version.

The liquid is still in a non-viscous free-flowing state so the spray still works.


Just has a second squirt, seems to be hitting the spot. I'm finding the high falls off quite quickly to give way to a very subtle background buzz.

Seems the best way to use this stuff is to keep topping up every 10min until you hit that sweet spot. Sort of like vaping a PG liquid but whatever you do, 'DO NOT INHALE WHILE SQUIRTING" <-- wonder how many folk are gonna :rofl:at that sentence.
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