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Law Legalization of cannabis in Ukraine


New Member
Finally the possibility of legalising cannabis in Ukraine is being discussed again in parliament 2 days ago! Personally I have a lot of relatives and friends from Ukraine, it's a great event for me. I sincerely support this bill and hope it'll be passed cause it's very important for people who have suffered from the war and have physical and psychological pain. Better cannabis than painkillers that damage the liver and other organs. I have a few friends from Ukraine, I know they are also in favour of legalization. It’s terrible that it has taken so long for Ukraine to consider but not pass the bill. My friend Serhiy from Ukr. has been waiting for my special gift for over a year. I couldn't send it to him cause I bought the stuff that is illegal in Ukraine and it could have been a violation of the country's laws. Hope he get them soon:))

Some proofs that Ukraine really needs medical cannabis:

-Ukrainian journalist Yanina Sokolova recalled how she was undergoing chemotherapy in 2019 and needed medical cannabis:

On the 3rd day, I was sick, so none of the painkillers helped. The strongest patches and injections did not give any complete pain relief. I wanted to climb the walls. I twisted my body as if hundreds of bees were stinging my blood vessels. All this was before my friend bought a cigarette with cannabis oil inside. It was just a breath of peace. No side effects. Except that I was hungry.The war. Thousands of our people are suffering from pain. But how long can you put it off? Take it!

-Soldier Yuriy Gudymenko also called for the legalization of medical cannabis:

There are thousands of soldiers in Ukraine who are wounded and constantly live with terrible pain - real and phantom, including amputations. If there is at least some way to alleviate this pain, it must be done. And this can be done by legalising cannabis-based medicines. It’s been a long time coming, but now it’s a must.

Interesting to know your opinion)
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