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Lunacy Meme Me!

A. If I was renting, and/or a humanitarian

B. If was a self-employed long haul trucker and/or a humanitarian

C. If I was the only used car salesman, that way I could charge whatever I want, and/or a humanitarian

D. If I was really freakin haaangry, like I am right now! And/or a humanitarian

But if I was a humanitarian, I'd pick A., of course!
Wosh, over my head
No on-board GPS in your car then, more like below?

The GPS voice will turn down the volume of your music to give you directional 'commands' or warn of traffic cameras etc...right at a good part of your fav song. :thumbsup:
Wosh, over my head. Pop culture reference or just a comment on the dismal state of pop charts music? Help me understand.
I had trouble with this one also. I often message the person that posts to explain...
I researched a bit, and think I've got it down.
Ayahuasca is a psychedelic vine. They recently have been offering and hosting guided 1, 2, and 3 day group guided experiences on Ayahuasca "trips" referred to as Ceremonies. (example: https://www.aya.guide/ )
During such psychedelic adventures, much like LSD folks walk around noticing beautiful colors that they dwell on, and touching walls etc... noticing the groovy textures and similar things. On a 3 day "trip" folks break and eat to replenish nourishment so they can revive the body and "trip on" further.
I believe the idea of the meme is that the trippers don't want to cut into the experience by doing anything as mundane as washing dishes.
If I am still misunderstanding the meme's implications, then someone correct me!
I had trouble with this one also. I often message the person that posts to explain...
I researched a bit, and think I've got it down.
Ayahuasca is a psychedelic vine. They recently have been offering and hosting guided 1, 2, and 3 day group guided experiences on Ayahuasca "trips" referred to as Ceremonies. (example: https://www.aya.guide/ )
During such psychedelic adventures, much like LSD folks walk around noticing beautiful colors that they dwell on, and touching walls etc... noticing the groovy textures and similar things. On a 3 day "trip" folks break and eat to replenish nourishment so they can revive the body and "trip on" further.
I believe the idea of the meme is that the trippers don't want to cut into the experience by doing anything as mundane as washing dishes.
If I am still misunderstanding the meme's implications, then someone correct me!
Ha, no, I think you hit the nail on the head there, tho, @Vitolo , but I believe Mr Planck was referencing this post, which @LesPlenty , addressed here...:


And maybe I picked up on a little sarcasm/social commentary in @Planck 's initial post, what with the popularity and prevalence of auto-tune (kinda robot sounding sometimes) currently being enjoyed in pop-muzak...:thinker::peace:
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Ha, we grew up doing this... the lucky one got the Chiquita 'nanner sticker to do with as they so desired (no windows!) and usually that's where it went until you forgot about it... times certainly were simpler then...
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VGoodiez 420EDC