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Lunacy Meme Me!

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@momofthegoons - I don't know if you can fix this (above post) but the site is giving me a hard time about pics today
Fixed. I don't know what the issue was... but you had not put the image in as a full image; only as a thumbnail.
Yes, but when I went to edit it, no joy. oh well, thanks for fixing it.....now I feel so dirty! haha
Yep....I'm sure that everybody in Collinwood looks just like that....just as much as I'm sure that all men from San Francisco look just like this....(sigh):

Yep....I'm sure that everybody in Collinwood looks just like that....just as much as I'm sure that all men from San Francisco look just like this....(sigh):

You would be wrong though....




They are a classy mob indeed but fair call as some of their supporters look good til the meth gets to them & their teeth come out.


And a day late and a dollar short;
I have my first alarm for that exact reason @momofthegoons. All if good if I can lie & doze in my resentment. It gets worse if I fall asleep again.


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