I get very emotional when I discuss nausea. Any of you who do skype vape sessions with me can hear the tears in my voice when I talk about nausea.
I am crying now.
I was a championship fighter for my entire lifetime, and a dog trainer.
Never took a pill.. never puked.
I was Superman.
Things change!
After my coma, I was left with many issues. Spasticity, that makes my body twist in directions I am not planning on aiming! Pain that makes me shout out, and then publicly announce "hehe.. excuse me folks.. a bit of a cramp"
I have gotten over the self conciousness of a broken Gait as I walk..
But (the big but)
Every morning I wake up and forget the morning before... I think today will be OK...
but it never is.
I fall to my knees and cry daily..
At night Patty says "Honey, did you get your morning meds ground?".. I love Patty with all of my heart and I comply.
If I fall asleep or forget... when I wake up it is too late.
I hurry in the morning to grind some herb, and vape a fast stem.... if I wait to long.....
Patty will find me.
A grown man...
A once famous champion..... now a shattered man.... on his knees... in tears...
"Oh God... why... I didnt do anything bad... please God .. tell me why and I will be good.. I swear... "
Patty walks in... " Oh honey I am so sorry"... My 115 lb wife drags my crumpled form into my wheelchair from it's station on the floor at the toilet.
I am not embarrassed.. not humiliated at being an EX hero... now reduced to daily tears..
I am grateful... because without her help.. I would not be able to get myself to my meds to grind....
2 large vape hits, and the tears begin to dry...
I kiss my Patty.
"I am so sorry Patty... I am so sorry that this happens to me, and that you have to see it"
She doesn't use weed... but she understands..
"I am glad your OK now Vito... tonight I will remind you to get the Daily Grind done for tomorrow!"
When I qualified as an MMJ Patient.. they qualified me on 4 separate criteria.
I was and am a fighter....
Pain...haha... bring it on!. I am not afraid.
Neurapathy.. Mind over matter
Spastic Convulsion... what the hell you lookin' at??
but... Nausea...
Nausea you fucking Monster... YOU BEAST....
How I loath you...
I would kill you dead if I could... but I can not see you or touch you... and if you get too close.. I am powerless against you.
Now friends- you have read my true feelings about Nausea.
Anyone want to try to come up in here and take my MMJ card?
I am crying now.
I was a championship fighter for my entire lifetime, and a dog trainer.
Never took a pill.. never puked.
I was Superman.
Things change!
After my coma, I was left with many issues. Spasticity, that makes my body twist in directions I am not planning on aiming! Pain that makes me shout out, and then publicly announce "hehe.. excuse me folks.. a bit of a cramp"
I have gotten over the self conciousness of a broken Gait as I walk..
But (the big but)
Every morning I wake up and forget the morning before... I think today will be OK...
but it never is.
I fall to my knees and cry daily..
At night Patty says "Honey, did you get your morning meds ground?".. I love Patty with all of my heart and I comply.
If I fall asleep or forget... when I wake up it is too late.
I hurry in the morning to grind some herb, and vape a fast stem.... if I wait to long.....
Patty will find me.
A grown man...
A once famous champion..... now a shattered man.... on his knees... in tears...
"Oh God... why... I didnt do anything bad... please God .. tell me why and I will be good.. I swear... "
Patty walks in... " Oh honey I am so sorry"... My 115 lb wife drags my crumpled form into my wheelchair from it's station on the floor at the toilet.
I am not embarrassed.. not humiliated at being an EX hero... now reduced to daily tears..
I am grateful... because without her help.. I would not be able to get myself to my meds to grind....
2 large vape hits, and the tears begin to dry...
I kiss my Patty.
"I am so sorry Patty... I am so sorry that this happens to me, and that you have to see it"
She doesn't use weed... but she understands..
"I am glad your OK now Vito... tonight I will remind you to get the Daily Grind done for tomorrow!"
When I qualified as an MMJ Patient.. they qualified me on 4 separate criteria.
I was and am a fighter....
Pain...haha... bring it on!. I am not afraid.
Neurapathy.. Mind over matter
Spastic Convulsion... what the hell you lookin' at??
but... Nausea...
Nausea you fucking Monster... YOU BEAST....
How I loath you...
I would kill you dead if I could... but I can not see you or touch you... and if you get too close.. I am powerless against you.
Now friends- you have read my true feelings about Nausea.
Anyone want to try to come up in here and take my MMJ card?