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Vape NewVape Tsunami


Vapor Accessory Addict
Staff member
Looks like NewVape is bringing out a new portable concentrate vape to compete with the Puffco Peak, etc..... The Tsunami. According to their blog , the current design objectives for this vape are:

1) Utilize the same 30mm dCup dishes.
2) Utilize the proven flat coil & standard pid controller.
3) Accept the Puffco Peak And Carta O-Ring Style Glass Connection.
4) Offer the Peak / Carta customer an upgraded platform for home use.
5) Offer a universal platform for glass blowers to build from. This design can easily be modified to accept a larger 2."- 3." o-ring connection.
6) Safety heat shield around the dish.
7) Removable Glass Vapor Tube.
8) Connect via Whip.
9) Connect a offline pipe via a whip.
10) eazy to clean.
11) compatible with the NV enail battery. (integrated chassi to follow)

No price set on this yet... expected to be released by the end of August/2019.
Looks like NewVape is bringing out a new portable concentrate vape to compete with the Puffco Peak, etc..... The Tsunami. According to their blog , the current design objectives for this vape are:

1) Utilize the same 30mm dCup dishes.
2) Utilize the proven flat coil & standard pid controller.
3) Accept the Puffco Peak And Carta O-Ring Style Glass Connection.
4) Offer the Peak / Carta customer an upgraded platform for home use.
5) Offer a universal platform for glass blowers to build from. This design can easily be modified to accept a larger 2."- 3." o-ring connection.
6) Safety heat shield around the dish.
7) Removable Glass Vapor Tube.
8) Connect via Whip.
9) Connect a offline pipe via a whip.
10) eazy to clean.
11) compatible with the NV enail battery. (integrated chassi to follow)

No price set on this yet... expected to be released by the end of August/2019.

just a couple of initial thoughts.

1. LOVE using flat coil as atomizer failure is a significant issue with a number of other AIO type devices (they seem to use a variant of the ceramic coated coils used in vape pens and the like). This will be much more robust.

2. Love that it uses a real PID which gives temp control in one degree increments.

3. Bit concerned about what I see with the glass tube and the cup. It appears that the only thing directing vapor flow to that glass tube (and hence to the bubbler) is the heat shield (block of metal that goes over the front). I note that you say that it should not touch the cup, and this makes sense as this is the source of air input, but isn't it too open and airy? Also, I can readily see that glass tube getting reclaimed inside of the chassis and perhaps be hell to get out for cleaning.

4. Cool that there is access to the flat coil. But wrt setting the coil in the right place again so it lines up with the heat shield, perhaps a jig/tool of some sort to help set the coil the right distance from the back wall so that the heat shield just fits....maybe?

I think this is a very cool idea and these were just the thoughts that occurred to me when watching the vids. Of course, I may be well off base as I haven't seen nor used the actual device.

Seems like a good idea to at least continue to pursue at this point.
@momofthegoons - this is GA so maybe should move to release concentrate vapes, yeah??

I recently had the opportunity to test out the Tsunami from NewVape for a week. Edwyn and NewVape were very kind to send me a complete (and I mean complete) kit in a Pelican case and included shipping label for its return. My kind of service J

This is my quick first impressions on the Tsunami. I say that because I only had it for a week. If I ran it for six months or so I may well have other observations and insights. Hence, this being first impressions.

What Is It
Tsunami is an all in one (AIO) dab rig. It is a real enail in that it uses a hot runner type flat coil and a T-bucket banger and there are no pen type “ceramic around heating filament” atomizers here at all. It uses either Peak or Carta glass as the bubbler but I expect there may be an expansion of the supported glass as the glass adapters are separate items so new mechanical interfaces should be easily accommodated.

I did not take any pics, because I’m getting lazy. But there are from NewVape’s web site.

Base unit

TS 1.jpg

Base unit with heat shield removed to show T-bucket

TS 2.jpg

Base unit rear view showing the embedded PID and removable heat shield. Also, note on the side the knurled knob for securing the glass adapter to the base unit.

TS 3.jpg

The entire system assembled

TS 4.jpg

Glass adapter with Peak glass installed

TS 5.jpg

Carb cap and dabber

TS 6.jpg

Tsunami showed up late on Sat via USPS. The box looked fine. No damage visible from the outside. However, when I opened it and then opened the Pelican case (or Pelican like case) there were items out of their slot in the foam and rolling around loose in there. Notably, the whip adapter which is pretty beefy. Higher density foam would solve this issue.

However, I note that this was just the test drive kit and at the present this cased version is not something currently up for sale.

Also, this kit came with everything. Base unit and power cord, glass adapters for both Peak and Carta, Peak and Carta glass, a whip adapter and whip, and both SiC and Sapphire 30mm inserts. That’s a lot of stuff that was packed into this case.

Build Quality
My impression of the NewVape’s Tsunami manufactured items is as always; their stuff is really top notch, heavy duty, and precision machined. There is no cheap junk made by NewVape and the build quality of their products are impeccable, IMO.

The base unit and glass adapters are machined from billet aluminum and are rock solid. The T-bucket is titanium as is the carb cap. The glass…..is glass (LOL). The PID is the same VapeCode white label PID they sell on their site for various applications. I have two dual PIDs of this type with my Micro 20 rosin press. They do what PIDs are supposed to do…hold temp.

Set Up
Putting Tsunami together for use is extremely simple because…well, it’s an AIO.

The one thing to keep in mind is to wet slightly the base of the glass or the adapter o-ring so it slips into the adapter easier.

The glass goes into the adapter, the adapter goes into the base unit, and there is a knurled nob on the side that you tighten to secure the glass/adapter.

However, after installing in the adapter and BEFORE installing into the base unit, fill the glass with water and draw on it to make sure it’s not over filled and will not leak out or get in your mouth. I used a plastic syringe to fill the Carta glass and I believe it was on the order of 35ml to get it to a level that I liked…about half way up the inner tube. I think it’s very difficult to try to fill one of these AIO glass pieces straight from a faucet and highly recommend spending a few pennies on a syringe.

The banger shroud that protects you from burns fits on easily and is held on my four rare earth magnets.

Simply drop in the insert of your choice (SiC or Sapphire)…well, drop it in gently. J

The T-bucket banger comes out of the unit very easily for maintenance, if needed. Remove the flat coil cover from the bottom by taking on the retaining nut. Then loosen the hex set bolt accessible via a hole in the right side of the base unit which will allow the T-bucket/coil to be pulled forward and out.

The power cord is detachable from the base. Plug it into the base and into a wall socket and now your Tsunami is ready to go.

The Tsunami couldn’t be easier to operate. On the right side of the base unit is the main power rocker switch. This switch is lit at all times and I have suggested to NEWVAPE that a better implementation would be to light the switch when power is turned on. This is a function of the PID that they buy from a 3rd party so it’s probably not changeable. The rocker switch does have the standard O and – markings for off and on, respectively.

Then press the momentary action button on the back that is the switch for sending power to the coil. I rather like, but don’t consider to be essential, separate switches for main and coil power and the Tsunami is configured in that manner.

The PID has up down arrows for adjusting temperature set point. I won’t try to address any other PID functions like auto-tune or changing variable settings. NEWVAPE has a good video on auto-tuning and I suggest checking the manuals for variables and how to change them. Personally, I don’t know enough about PID to want to get into the guts that far.

The PID will display the actual coil thermocouple temperature as it increases. This PID is set up to be very responsive which also means it tends to overshoot a bit on initial heat up. But, it quickly settles back to the set point and my observations are that temperature throughout the dab remained very rock solid and steady.

Then simply wipe your dab over the very large 30mm insert surface, cap, and draw and Robert’s your mother’s brother. Haha

When I received the unit it was already set for 550F set point which is my general set point for my other bangers. It worked well but I did find with the Sapphire that I enjoyed it better bumping up 20 degrees F to 570 for thicker vapor. I may well have liked to do similar for the SiC dish but ran out of time and needed to return the unit.

This was easy. Clean the glass like you do any other glass. I like Powdered Brewer’s Wash and the Carta glass came out sparkling.

The only thing a bit tricky to clean was the air path through the base unit to the glass. With the glass removed, you can see the air patch tunnel which is a few inches in length, max.

I used a flexible bottle brush, pipe cleaners, and ISO to clean this out. It really was pretty simple. By the by, these flexible brushes are quite handy. The one I have looks like this:

TS 7.jpg

I cleaned the inserts as I would inserts in any other banger. In this case, and as I was returning it to NEWVAPE and wanted it to be pristine clean, I put them in some concentrated Simple Green on a candle warmer (this is Shane of 710coils.com technique) and in a few hours when I took them out they were like new.

Alternatively, I do tend to clean inserts right in the banger on my Liger. I set the temp to about 190F, add a drop or two of distilled water, add one drop of ISO, and then jump in with a qtip as the ISO lowers the boiling point of the water so you need to be a bit lively about it. Works perfectly, IME.

And that’s about it for cleaning and I don’t know of any other maintenance that is required.

What I Liked
I’m surprised at how much I liked the neatness of an AIO. I have not bought a Carta or Peak and generally use my old Liger 20mm, V2 banger or some 710coils.com quartz bangers in a more traditional enail/rig set up.

But I like that its…well, all in one and not a lot of pieces to put together for a session (yes, in my situation I prefer to not leave vape stuff out on the table)

And, I like that there is no coil cable laying around. Nice and neat and no hazard to trip over or catch on your sleeve although there still is a main power cord.

Also, the base unit is quick hefty and will not move easily. It is very stable, particularly compared to some of my 14mm dab rigs. This is excellent for safety.

I liked the access to all parts for cleaning (more on this below).

I liked that I can easily see the entire insert from the vape position. I have 20mm and 25mm bangers but never have used a 30mm. Wow, it’s a lot of territory and easily facilitates wiping your dab thinly over a large surface. I know many like “terp balls” and similar but I just don’t see the need, but perhaps I do more modest size dabs than some others.

I liked the carb cap design. It easily went on the banger properly and was a good fit. The cap I received was a one-hole cap and I wouldn’t want any more airflow. Actually, I wouldn’t mind if the one hole was a bit smaller as I’m a big fan of boiling point depression with lowered pressure which is our objective with carb caps.

I liked the dab tool that was attached to the cap because it’s rather thin and therefore my dabs melted off quickly. This is a good thing and it’s not so thin as to be flimsy (and it is titanium after all)

I liked the Sapphire because I liked that it was clear and I could easily see what was left in the banger for clean-up. But, I didn’t notice any particular difference in taste with Sapphire dab surface that some others have noted. Now, I have old taste buds that have been through a lot so maybe I’m not the best judge of this. But to me, the SiC tasted the same, performed the same, and is less money.

I found the vapor to be very smooth and effective with either insert.

What I Didn’t Like
Aside from my suggestion on lighting of the main power switch, the only improvement that I recommended to NewVape was lengthening the dab tool that is screwed on to the carb cap.

The issue isn’t that my hand got hot or burnt from being too close to the banger. Rather, on dabs after the first one, when the chuck of Ti that is the carb cap is hot, when I went to flip the cap/dabber around to cap I hit my fingers on the hot Ti. No blisters but certainly an “ow” moment.

I suggest that they make the dabber and wood insulator an inch longer. One of NewVape’s concerns was the dab tool poking someone in the eye if it was longer. I never felt any real proximity of the dab tool to my eye and think an additional inch would not cause any issues while at the same time reducing the burn potential.

Where Does This Fit Into The Market
So, it’s no secret that this thing is expensive. The price is shown on NewVape’s website so its not like I’m spilling any secrets. It’s pricey, no doubt.

So yes, people willing to spend…say a $1,000 on a Sublimator may well not blink at the price of this extraordinarily well-made dab device.

But who else. Well, to my mind this is a wonderful device for the safety conscious. Whether its pets and children underfoot or a medically disabled person, this device is to my mind much safer than an exposed coil traditional dab rig hanging from a drop down hanging, in turn, from a glass rig.

I view it as safer for three reasons I touched upon above: 1) its heavy and is NOT going to tip over or be easily knocked asunder; 2) no exposed coil cable; 3) and no exposed hot banger.

On this last point, I would like to mention that the banger shroud is very effective. I had the Tsunami on for at least four hours and could still touch the shroud without issue and I’m very temperature sensitive (about the only thing about which I can be called sensitive! Haha). It was warm but no more than that.

And there may be ways to bring the price down. Volume is one thing. If this catches on and sales go up (and it is selling) then perhaps component costs can come down from economies of scale. But there may be other ways that NewVape can squeeze some cost out.

For example, the heat shroud is milled out of a solid billet of aluminum. I’m not a machinist or mechanical engineer but this is a part that seems very suitable for being stamped out of sheet metal rather than costly milling of billets.

The last thing I will say about cost is that there really are no comparables in terms of build quality or robustness that I’m aware of. But, there are AIO dab rigs such as the Puffco Peak for $379 which, to my mind, is a whack for a battery powered, pen type atomizer, device with a minimal confusing light as its only display.

I’m not taking shots at Puffco but I am trying to give some comparative insights.

I Want One
No more for me to say than that. But, I will have to budget for it…but I do want one. Edwyn, my birthday is 9 Oct (hint, hint, hint LOL)
@momofthegoons - this is GA so maybe should move to release concentrate vapes, yeah??

I recently had the opportunity to test out the Tsunami from NewVape for a week. Edwyn and NewVape were very kind to send me a complete (and I mean complete) kit in a Pelican case and included shipping label for its return. My kind of service J

This is my quick first impressions on the Tsunami. I say that because I only had it for a week. If I ran it for six months or so I may well have other observations and insights. Hence, this being first impressions.

What Is It
Tsunami is an all in one (AIO) dab rig. It is a real enail in that it uses a hot runner type flat coil and a T-bucket banger and there are no pen type “ceramic around heating filament” atomizers here at all. It uses either Peak or Carta glass as the bubbler but I expect there may be an expansion of the supported glass as the glass adapters are separate items so new mechanical interfaces should be easily accommodated.

I did not take any pics, because I’m getting lazy. But there are from NewVape’s web site.

Base unit

View attachment 17021

Base unit with heat shield removed to show T-bucket

View attachment 17022

Base unit rear view showing the embedded PID and removable heat shield. Also, note on the side the knurled knob for securing the glass adapter to the base unit.

View attachment 17023

The entire system assembled

View attachment 17024

Glass adapter with Peak glass installed

View attachment 17025

Carb cap and dabber

View attachment 17026

Tsunami showed up late on Sat via USPS. The box looked fine. No damage visible from the outside. However, when I opened it and then opened the Pelican case (or Pelican like case) there were items out of their slot in the foam and rolling around loose in there. Notably, the whip adapter which is pretty beefy. Higher density foam would solve this issue.

However, I note that this was just the test drive kit and at the present this cased version is not something currently up for sale.

Also, this kit came with everything. Base unit and power cord, glass adapters for both Peak and Carta, Peak and Carta glass, a whip adapter and whip, and both SiC and Sapphire 30mm inserts. That’s a lot of stuff that was packed into this case.

Build Quality
My impression of the NewVape’s Tsunami manufactured items is as always; their stuff is really top notch, heavy duty, and precision machined. There is no cheap junk made by NewVape and the build quality of their products are impeccable, IMO.

The base unit and glass adapters are machined from billet aluminum and are rock solid. The T-bucket is titanium as is the carb cap. The glass…..is glass (LOL). The PID is the same VapeCode white label PID they sell on their site for various applications. I have two dual PIDs of this type with my Micro 20 rosin press. They do what PIDs are supposed to do…hold temp.

Set Up
Putting Tsunami together for use is extremely simple because…well, it’s an AIO.

The one thing to keep in mind is to wet slightly the base of the glass or the adapter o-ring so it slips into the adapter easier.

The glass goes into the adapter, the adapter goes into the base unit, and there is a knurled nob on the side that you tighten to secure the glass/adapter.

However, after installing in the adapter and BEFORE installing into the base unit, fill the glass with water and draw on it to make sure it’s not over filled and will not leak out or get in your mouth. I used a plastic syringe to fill the Carta glass and I believe it was on the order of 35ml to get it to a level that I liked…about half way up the inner tube. I think it’s very difficult to try to fill one of these AIO glass pieces straight from a faucet and highly recommend spending a few pennies on a syringe.

The banger shroud that protects you from burns fits on easily and is held on my four rare earth magnets.

Simply drop in the insert of your choice (SiC or Sapphire)…well, drop it in gently. J

The T-bucket banger comes out of the unit very easily for maintenance, if needed. Remove the flat coil cover from the bottom by taking on the retaining nut. Then loosen the hex set bolt accessible via a hole in the right side of the base unit which will allow the T-bucket/coil to be pulled forward and out.

The power cord is detachable from the base. Plug it into the base and into a wall socket and now your Tsunami is ready to go.

The Tsunami couldn’t be easier to operate. On the right side of the base unit is the main power rocker switch. This switch is lit at all times and I have suggested to NEWVAPE that a better implementation would be to light the switch when power is turned on. This is a function of the PID that they buy from a 3rd party so it’s probably not changeable. The rocker switch does have the standard O and – markings for off and on, respectively.

Then press the momentary action button on the back that is the switch for sending power to the coil. I rather like, but don’t consider to be essential, separate switches for main and coil power and the Tsunami is configured in that manner.

The PID has up down arrows for adjusting temperature set point. I won’t try to address any other PID functions like auto-tune or changing variable settings. NEWVAPE has a good video on auto-tuning and I suggest checking the manuals for variables and how to change them. Personally, I don’t know enough about PID to want to get into the guts that far.

The PID will display the actual coil thermocouple temperature as it increases. This PID is set up to be very responsive which also means it tends to overshoot a bit on initial heat up. But, it quickly settles back to the set point and my observations are that temperature throughout the dab remained very rock solid and steady.

Then simply wipe your dab over the very large 30mm insert surface, cap, and draw and Robert’s your mother’s brother. Haha

When I received the unit it was already set for 550F set point which is my general set point for my other bangers. It worked well but I did find with the Sapphire that I enjoyed it better bumping up 20 degrees F to 570 for thicker vapor. I may well have liked to do similar for the SiC dish but ran out of time and needed to return the unit.

This was easy. Clean the glass like you do any other glass. I like Powdered Brewer’s Wash and the Carta glass came out sparkling.

The only thing a bit tricky to clean was the air path through the base unit to the glass. With the glass removed, you can see the air patch tunnel which is a few inches in length, max.

I used a flexible bottle brush, pipe cleaners, and ISO to clean this out. It really was pretty simple. By the by, these flexible brushes are quite handy. The one I have looks like this:

View attachment 17027

I cleaned the inserts as I would inserts in any other banger. In this case, and as I was returning it to NEWVAPE and wanted it to be pristine clean, I put them in some concentrated Simple Green on a candle warmer (this is Shane of 710coils.com technique) and in a few hours when I took them out they were like new.

Alternatively, I do tend to clean inserts right in the banger on my Liger. I set the temp to about 190F, add a drop or two of distilled water, add one drop of ISO, and then jump in with a qtip as the ISO lowers the boiling point of the water so you need to be a bit lively about it. Works perfectly, IME.

And that’s about it for cleaning and I don’t know of any other maintenance that is required.

What I Liked
I’m surprised at how much I liked the neatness of an AIO. I have not bought a Carta or Peak and generally use my old Liger 20mm, V2 banger or some 710coils.com quartz bangers in a more traditional enail/rig set up.

But I like that its…well, all in one and not a lot of pieces to put together for a session (yes, in my situation I prefer to not leave vape stuff out on the table)

And, I like that there is no coil cable laying around. Nice and neat and no hazard to trip over or catch on your sleeve although there still is a main power cord.

Also, the base unit is quick hefty and will not move easily. It is very stable, particularly compared to some of my 14mm dab rigs. This is excellent for safety.

I liked the access to all parts for cleaning (more on this below).

I liked that I can easily see the entire insert from the vape position. I have 20mm and 25mm bangers but never have used a 30mm. Wow, it’s a lot of territory and easily facilitates wiping your dab thinly over a large surface. I know many like “terp balls” and similar but I just don’t see the need, but perhaps I do more modest size dabs than some others.

I liked the carb cap design. It easily went on the banger properly and was a good fit. The cap I received was a one-hole cap and I wouldn’t want any more airflow. Actually, I wouldn’t mind if the one hole was a bit smaller as I’m a big fan of boiling point depression with lowered pressure which is our objective with carb caps.

I liked the dab tool that was attached to the cap because it’s rather thin and therefore my dabs melted off quickly. This is a good thing and it’s not so thin as to be flimsy (and it is titanium after all)

I liked the Sapphire because I liked that it was clear and I could easily see what was left in the banger for clean-up. But, I didn’t notice any particular difference in taste with Sapphire dab surface that some others have noted. Now, I have old taste buds that have been through a lot so maybe I’m not the best judge of this. But to me, the SiC tasted the same, performed the same, and is less money.

I found the vapor to be very smooth and effective with either insert.

What I Didn’t Like
Aside from my suggestion on lighting of the main power switch, the only improvement that I recommended to NewVape was lengthening the dab tool that is screwed on to the carb cap.

The issue isn’t that my hand got hot or burnt from being too close to the banger. Rather, on dabs after the first one, when the chuck of Ti that is the carb cap is hot, when I went to flip the cap/dabber around to cap I hit my fingers on the hot Ti. No blisters but certainly an “ow” moment.

I suggest that they make the dabber and wood insulator an inch longer. One of NewVape’s concerns was the dab tool poking someone in the eye if it was longer. I never felt any real proximity of the dab tool to my eye and think an additional inch would not cause any issues while at the same time reducing the burn potential.

Where Does This Fit Into The Market
So, it’s no secret that this thing is expensive. The price is shown on NewVape’s website so its not like I’m spilling any secrets. It’s pricey, no doubt.

So yes, people willing to spend…say a $1,000 on a Sublimator may well not blink at the price of this extraordinarily well-made dab device.

But who else. Well, to my mind this is a wonderful device for the safety conscious. Whether its pets and children underfoot or a medically disabled person, this device is to my mind much safer than an exposed coil traditional dab rig hanging from a drop down hanging, in turn, from a glass rig.

I view it as safer for three reasons I touched upon above: 1) its heavy and is NOT going to tip over or be easily knocked asunder; 2) no exposed coil cable; 3) and no exposed hot banger.

On this last point, I would like to mention that the banger shroud is very effective. I had the Tsunami on for at least four hours and could still touch the shroud without issue and I’m very temperature sensitive (about the only thing about which I can be called sensitive! Haha). It was warm but no more than that.

And there may be ways to bring the price down. Volume is one thing. If this catches on and sales go up (and it is selling) then perhaps component costs can come down from economies of scale. But there may be other ways that NewVape can squeeze some cost out.

For example, the heat shroud is milled out of a solid billet of aluminum. I’m not a machinist or mechanical engineer but this is a part that seems very suitable for being stamped out of sheet metal rather than costly milling of billets.

The last thing I will say about cost is that there really are no comparables in terms of build quality or robustness that I’m aware of. But, there are AIO dab rigs such as the Puffco Peak for $379 which, to my mind, is a whack for a battery powered, pen type atomizer, device with a minimal confusing light as its only display.

I’m not taking shots at Puffco but I am trying to give some comparative insights.

I Want One
No more for me to say than that. But, I will have to budget for it…but I do want one. Edwyn, my birthday is 9 Oct (hint, hint, hint LOL)
Nice review
Makes me want one a little - except for that price range!!!
Holy cow @Baron23 ! Excellent and thorough review! I echo your thoughts and have some of my own.....

I 100% agree with you on the safety aspect. I regularly get little owies from these heavies but this is by far the safest hardware on the desk. No cords to get tangled. No exposed coil including hot metal hanging off glass with a cord wanting to tip everything over if you aren't careful.

I REALLY appreciate the fine quality of the NewVape hardware as well! The heat cover is really genius and effective. I remember the first couple days with my Tsunami. I was running it hard and all day long. I was testing out all sorts of temps (BTW I've settled in the mid 500 range with a good heatsoaking but yeah up it by 20 early session) and I kept holding the heat cover in amazement of how it protected you are from the burn of the hot banger. In fact I got so comfortable that I decided it was a good idea to relocate the Tsunami by pulling it from the bottom underneath the guard. Owie! Yeah don't do that! :rofl:So yeah maybe it's not exactly safe but to your point it's safer than typical exposed coils on a traditional enail setup. Now I leave it on a NewVape moodmat and slide it around the desk to get it where I need it. I don't even touch the Tsunami unless I'm physically taking it off the desk.

Speaking of taking it off the desk, I also really like that you can quickly and easily transfer this thing around and do it safely even when it's warm and operating elsewhere. Just unplug it, move it to where you want and plug it back in. Boom, back in business at the kitchen island or perhaps the patio out back or basically anywhere you can get electricity. I heard someone on Reddit say it looks like a blender. Well whatever the case I'm glad it moves like a blender. I have not tried it with a battery pack but if it pulls under 100w you are set up for the ultimate torchless camping rig! Or better yet, torchless poolside rig! Not just torchless rig, but premium enail/banger system.

Taste- yes I know this is highly subjective but I have a little experience with different methods. This thing is pretty on point with the saphire or the sic. I definitely like the saphire better but the sic is great too. The unit really shines for low temp dabs imo. I haven't pushed it to see how effective it is at higher temps because I generally like my dabs on the lower end.

Add on's: I like the universal dabber cap as well. It seems to provide a bit more heat for thicker vapor or maybe it's in my head? :thinker:. Someone told me to try another directional 30mm carb cap so I did. It works well too so I go back and forth now just to mix things up.

With the 30mm dish I also decided to throw in some terp pearls. I believe they are 5mm. I'm am not sure they are helping but I am confident are not hurting so i leave them in there. I'm pretty sure I do larger dabs than you @Baron23 ! :ko:

This is my first 30mm dish system (or any dish system for that matter) and I do like that you can spread the dab evenly across. It makes for nice even melts with very low residue at the end of the dab (which I also like a hell of a lot).

I have been playing around with the attachments. I have a chandelier Peak top that I have been using.

It works much better than the standard Peak top and I suspect better than the standard Carta top although I have never actually used the Carta. I am lining up a vendor to make some custom Carta/Peak tops but that said I tend to use it in other ways. It does however provide the best vision of the cup but requires a standing position where as sometimes I just want to be last at the desk.

I bought the whip attachment and have used it as a whip and also modified it to suit my personal needs.

First the whip configuration...

While this isn't the exact whip that came with the attachment, some of the parts do and newvape sells the whip and parts separately which is what I have pieced together. I told Edwyn that I like this black tubing better so we will see if others provide similar feedback and he makes the switch. Anyway this setup gives you quick options to connect any glass you want. The adapters are either male or female but both are universal 14/19mm.

I modified the whip system head too.

I just took a bit of whip tubing, slipped it over the male whip nub and then dropped a reducer on top! Which also not only mates well with those whip connections but more importantly to me, it allows for this!

Wahoo! I have another device to utilize with my Hydrotube collection! And boy does that OG VXL Honeycomb really smooth things out!

But I've also used it with other glass including just jamming the whip tubing in a 10mm female joint. It all works fine. Point here being, there are versatile connection options. And Edwyn is keen on feedback. He has already taken one of my ideas and is putting it in action which is pretty damn cool!

Lastly, yes no disrespect to Peak/Carta or any of the other 150 e rigs coming out daily but this is not comparable. In fact I kinda put the Tsunami in a whole league of its own! There is nothing out there that is comparable. The only gripe I can see (outside of the obvious pricey tag, but I agree warranted at this stage of the game) is not wanting to run it through the whip. And I am going to discuss some options to tackle that with a new friend I am having make some other quality glass and accessories (one of my own design).

And if you do have or like the Peak/Carta tops, there are many American artists making quality pieces and some are surprising affordable. So this is a great option to keep that glass connection.

So yeah I'm glad I got one too. And a buddy of mine picked one up as well and he is flipping his D Cup because he likes this better. So there's that for anyone considering if this is worth the upgrade. There'd be at least one person out there to be there with ya! Right @JakeTheGrimVaporist ! :headbang:
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I was talking to @Baron23 in PM and he eluded to a Hydrotube being too tall to use the Tsunami in the sitting position.

In certain circumstances I would agree. For example my peak tube has a mouthpiece that comes from the top. I'm a little over 6 feet tall and I have to stand up to get a good view of the cup and draw on it comfortably.

But with sidecar Hydrotubes (which is the majority style of hydrotubes out there whether American or Import.

With the sidecar I can not only get a good view of the dish but it's at the perfect height for sitting at a desk. My chin is about two inches taller than the top of the mouthpiece so this should be pretty comfortable sitting down no matter which height you are.

I also went back to universal carb cap.

I like how there is a little shelf next to the dish where you can just set the cap when not in use. Just wipe the shelf and bottom of the cap periodically with a qtip and iso to keep things tighty.

As far as the size of the cap, I think its the right height, I just think it needs an inch more wood for a comfortable grip. I like the height because I can just pinch it with my thumb and index finger to use the dabber side and remove some pressure and spin it to the cap without the dabber side hitting my hand.

And if anyone was wondering, if you make sure you have a good seal and vacuum on the cap you can make the terp pearls spin with a good enough rip. You can't see them but you can hear them spinning and see them slow down as you lift the cap. Very little leftover residue at the end. Gotta love it!
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