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Lunacy Poetry and Prose by Vaporists

On Growing Older

What Do You Do When The Music Stops?
What do you do when the music stops?,

And the sun no longer shines through the pane(pain?),

The thin eggshell of your existence POPS,

And instead of sunshine you’re touched by the


Reality lashes it’s long sharp tongue,

As naked you stand...You can no longer hide,

Searching for friends to stand among,

Just to have that tongue shove you aside.

There’s no hiding behind your youth anymore,

For youth, like yon eggshell , teeters and drops...

Like Humpty Dumpty -- impossible

to restore!

What do YOU do when the music stops?
by Vitolo
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About Life after Traumatic Brain Injury

One brick at a time... one day at a time.. I build the new me.

Spilling cement, desperately needed to patch the gaps I leave between the bricks.

I catch what cement I can, and smooth it in.

Yeah- my wall has leaks... yes the weather gets in, and I get chilled...

But I built this ... it is mine. I will live in it.

I wont compare this new shell, with the prefabricated ones I dwelled in before.

I will stay here, and be happy here.

This is mine...

only mine.
by Vitolo
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About Life after Traumatic Brain Injury

One brick at a time... one day at a time.. I build the new me.

Spilling cement, desperately needed to patch the gaps I leave between the bricks.

I catch what cement I can, and smooth it in.

Yeah- my wall has leaks... yes the weather gets in, and I get chilled...

But I built this ... it is mine. I will live in it.

I wont compare this new shell, with the prefabricated ones I dwelled in before.

I will stay here, and be happy here.

This is mine...

only mine.
by Vitolo

Chaep and Simple it can be if your EGO is not in the way?
Little Miss Muffet
sat on her tuffit
eating her curds and way.

Along came a spider
who sat down beside her
and said
"Eh, what's in the bowl, bitch?"

Ok, @Vitolo , probably not what you had in mind! LOL
Ok, @Vitolo , probably not what you had in mind! LOL
Please join me in expressing what is in your heart.
What a wonderful way to know one another!
Oh... I don't know.....
You wrote borrowed the verse (including your "landsman's" end)
You expressed yourself Silverstein(typed...and then touched "send")
And... we got to know each other (quite a proper blend)
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You wrote the verse (or at least re-wrote the end)

Nah...I stole it from Andrew 'Dice' Clay....whose real last name is Silverstein. He's my landsman; which for some reason I find hilarious.
Nah...I stole it from Andrew 'Dice' Clay....whose real last name is Silverstein. He's my landsman; which for some reason I find hilarious.
I've changed my prose to meet your new revelation,
It was a pleasure to make this quick alteration!
... and it was done with minimal devastation.
I've changed my prose to meet your new revelation,
It was a pleasure to make this quick alteration!
... and it was done with minimal devastation.

We all have some contributing talent or think we might to contribute to CIVILIZATION.

We can't all be MUSICIAN'S however we need some.
We can't all be TRADESMAN however we need them.
We can't all be DOCTORS however they are needed.
We can't all be POLITICALLY driven however we need some.
We can't all be PHILOSOPHER'S however they say cool stuff.
We can't all be TEACHER'S however we can learn.
We can't all be VAPORIST however we can laugh.
We can all be
CIVILIZED if we all come together.

@Kellya86 watch MOSQUITO COAST with HARRISON FORD (I think of you when I watch it.)


Why is all my bud gone,
So tasty it never lasts that long,

Luckily it grows on trees!
Unlucky for me there are legalities,

Why is all my bud gone,
I'm sitting here with an empty bong,

My grinders got some specks left,
But not enough to treat my stress,

I'm going to have to get some more,
I wish we had special bud stores,

Why is all my bud gone,
Time to get my hunt on.

Why is all my bud gone,
So tasty it never lasts that long,

Luckily it grows on trees!
Unlucky for me there are legalities,

Why is all my bud gone,
I'm sitting here with an empty bong,

My grinders got some specks left,
But not enough to treat my stress,

I'm going to have to get some more,
I wish we had special bud stores,

Why is all my bud gone,
Time to get my hunt on.
It's OK to be POLITICAL?
CANNABIS is safer than MILK?
The lies of HOMO-SAPIENS?
EASY to grow?
EASY to move were it's accepted!
NOT EASY to fight ignorance.
Baudelaire certainly was "experienced"...

Charles Baudelaire – L’Albatros (English/French)​

The Albatross

Often, to amuse themselves, the men of a crew
Catch albatrosses, those vast
sea birds
That indolently follow a ship
As it glides over the deep, briny sea.
Scarcely have they placed them on the deck
Than these kings of the sky, clumsy, ashamed,
Pathetically let their great white wings
Drag beside them like oars.
That winged voyager, how weak and gauche he is,
So beautiful before, now comic and ugly!
One man worries his beak with a stubby clay pipe;
Another limps, mimics the cripple who once flew!
The poet resembles this prince of cloud and sky
Who frequents the tempest and laughs at the
When exiled on the earth, the butt of hoots and jeers,
His giant wings prevent him from walking.
— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)


Souvent, pour s’amuser, les hommes d’équipage
Prennent des albatros, vastes oiseaux des mers,
Qui suivent, indolents compagnons de voyage,
Le navire glissant sur les gouffres amers.
À peine les ont-ils déposés sur les planches,
Que ces rois de l’azur, maladroits et honteux,
Laissent piteusement leurs grandes ailes blanches
Comme des avirons traîner à côté d’eux.
Ce voyageur ailé, comme il est gauche et veule!
Lui, naguère si beau, qu’il est comique et laid!
L’un agace son bec avec un brûle-gueule,
L’autre mime, en boitant, l’infirme qui volait!
Le Poète est semblable au prince des nuées
Qui hante la tempête et se rit de l’archer;
Exilé sur le sol au milieu des huées,
Ses ailes de géant l’empêchent de marcher.
— Charles Baudelaire
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I was in FRANCE, VERSAILLES 1990 - 1994 amazing CIVILIZED spot to be?
The exposure was amazing ?
Bias to western USA , however Europe taught one about CIVILIZATION!
Thank U 4 posting decent tune’s!
EXPERIENCE? (Hendrick’s album?)

Thank you @ataxian pour vos bons mots!
Are You Experienced ? is indeed the song I was alluding to.
All the best.
Thank you @ataxian pour vos bons mots!
Are You Experienced ? is indeed the song I was alluding to.
All the best.
I love sound!
Not worthy to even talk about it!
Some human friend’s are in band’s!
Philosophical study on the Pale Blue Dot in a far corner of the known universe!
Cannabis growing while listening 2 tune’s can be a blissful endeavor if climate is your friend? (Outdoor)
When we had our yearly golf outing the courses were top shelf!
We had 2 tee off early in the day to beat the heat. (Tucson)
Along the pacific it did not effect the start time? (Newport , ca)

The study in progress is about CIVILIZATION during the ice age era.
Some can not study stoned but it help’s some as well?
When R COLAS coming to the legal dispensaries or one need’s 2 grow it?
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VGoodiez 420EDC