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PSA regarding: Sticky Brick Labs

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Early Patient of the VaporAsylum
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to publicly say I am no longer associated with Sticky Brick Labs; I have chosen to walk away from the company. That means I can no longer accept msgs or emails regarding sales, warranty, ect.

Thank you for the last 2 years everyone; it's been an experience for sure.

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to publicly say I am no longer associated with Sticky Brick Labs; I have chosen to walk away from the company. That means I can no longer accept msgs or emails regarding sales, warranty, ect.

Thank you for the last 2 years everyone; it's been an experience for sure.

Well, Slowdraw....sorry to lose you as a company rep but best of luck....oh, and stick around as a member, yeah? :biggrin:
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