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Lunacy Random Thoughts

Sorry for the double post
Want to clarify something
I had an order from planet of the vapes that was ordered Wednesday which came today also
The order that never showed up was from a separate order placed a month ago with a different retailer
Not planet of the vapes or Linx
Well then.... I would 'assume' from that (which is always a risky thing :lol: ) that planet of the vapes is now affiliated with a larger group. Perhaps Greenlane?
Well then.... I would 'assume' from that (which is always a risky thing :lol: ) that planet of the vapes is now affiliated with a larger group. Perhaps Greenlane?

Actually its planet of the vapes or cream city vapes or some kind of dairy themed name
I actually have that many orders out
I bought accessories to make my already top of the line vapes better

Playing with my linx Apollo
Was not getting anything and then you get that just right sequence and bang
Using medium high on the temp but can lower it
Gave the rosin a burnt taste from hitting the boost too long
Some reviews knocked the vape cloud but that's not a problem I had once I figured it out
It makes some experimenting but I'm ripped right now

Gonna try the bubbler again now that I have it down
Set your temp, hold down the button for a boost and give it several seconds then hit it with a medium draw
Nice cloud and instant arrival at gate 420

Finally, my portable rosin vape
Bubbler top is a nice design too
Fuck I'm ripped
B movie night
I was going down a Youtube rabbit hole this morning and found this. I've never seen it before. Thought about putting it in one of the music threads as a joke... but it is soooo random that I thought it fit best here :lol: I would appear Paul McCartney wanted no part in this and I can hardly blame him. And did George hit her back? :uhh:

Helen Shapiro & The Beatles 1963​


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VGoodiez 420EDC