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Lunacy Random Thoughts

I have been on water only (no food) for a week here too @Vitolo, had man-flu (had Corona twice that was nowhere near as bad as now). I have not had a vape since last Sunday...upside is I have lost almost 6kg (13lbs). :thumbsup:
I managed some scrambled eggs yesterday and the shakes have stopped so I am thinking I may try the Peak Pro later today...I am sick of putting up with pain on top of the flu.
If you have teenage kids.
If you’re always arguing with them about not eating in their room, returning dirty dishes to the kitchen.
If you threatened that they're going to end up with mice in their room ... And you’re tired of singing the same song and decide to teach them a lesson.
Go to Whole Foods, purchase some black rice and sprinkle it in their closet, under their bed, even add a few under their covers.
It looks like mice droppings and it will scare the crap out of them.
Needless to say- you won’t have that room cleaning issue any more
If you have teenage kids.
If you’re always arguing with them about not eating in their room, returning dirty dishes to the kitchen.
If you threatened that they're going to end up with mice in their room ... And you’re tired of singing the same song and decide to teach them a lesson.
Go to Whole Foods, purchase some black rice and sprinkle it in their closet, under their bed, even add a few under their covers.
It looks like mice droppings and it will scare the crap out of them.
Needless to say- you won’t have that room cleaning issue any more
View attachment 48619
LOL... that could have even gone in the 'What Would Mom Do?' thread. Cause I would totally do that! :lol:

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