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Safety Silicone Safety

Out of curiosity how long do you use a silicone piece and how often do you clean it. For myself I am still using pieces I bought 17 months ago and clean with ISO & water after every use.
My biggest concern with using silicone hose is avoiding stress cracks and unnecessary kinking. So I came up with a custom solution. :science:
The 'gooseneck' :cool: Pics below. If you want to try this project.
Get 2 hoses where the I.D. of the outer hose - the support matches the O.D. of the inner hose - the airpath.

For reasons involving physics that I won't go into. You are only going to be able to push the inner hose in so far. I use the running water of a faucet to push the outer tubes over the inside tube. You can use soap and water I suppose. But you get the idea.

Get all the segments over the inner tube like in the pic. Over lap at the joints. notice I rolled them over 1 inch before placing them on the inner tube. Like the segment on the right suggests.

Now you can control the arc and the bend by how you have these overlaps flip over the other connecting segment. Like in the second pic. I place the inner end inside the glass socket of choice and flip the outer over the socket. Stretch a little here pinch a little there. Turn the socket to align with what ever you plan to connect with.

The third pic is the custom one I made for my EQ and my "Q". Notice the airpath. No kinks or sharp bends. Less stress and goodbye kinky hose.

CF's 'Gooseneck' 2x silicone adapter hose / project.


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Should I assume any concentrate squished or stored on parchment paper will have silicone contaminants?
Depends on how they did the press in the first place. I can tell you that I have certainly seen parchment delaminate into rosin in the past. Trying to apply pressure too quickly, putting too much bud into too small of a piece of parchment and a few other mistakes in process can lead to the nug tearing through the parchment which can cause parchment particulates to get into the oil. If the parchment is not cut clean with scissors, tears at the edges of your parchment used to store rosin collections will also be possible sources of parchment contaminating the oil.

It is quite noticeable when there are particulates of parchment in oil under a microscope. I believe that Johnny B has put out a video outlining this discovery too!
Any concerns about concentrates in silicone containers?

I've been switching my personal rosin stash to glass dab jars. Not all that thrilled with the switch though. Glass seems a lot more messy, and it's hard to empty the container.

I've read about the possibility of mold growing in silicone dab containers, but here in MI it's ussually not all that humid, so I'm not sure if the mold thing is region specific or not.

So are silicone containers safe? Is there something easier to use than glass?
Any concerns about concentrates in silicone containers?

I've been switching my personal rosin stash to glass dab jars. Not all that thrilled with the switch though. Glass seems a lot more messy, and it's hard to empty the container.

I've read about the possibility of mold growing in silicone dab containers, but here in MI it's ussually not all that humid, so I'm not sure if the mold thing is region specific or not.

So are silicone containers safe? Is there something easier to use than glass?
I read a while back that the silicone isn't always safe for concentrates. It could contain fillers and the fillers are what makes it unsafe Here is one article post from reddit; made a few years back about it. According to that post and it's substantiating links, platinum cured silicone is the only one safe to use. To test if your silicone contains the fillers that make the containers unsafe you just have to "pinch and twist a flat surface on the item. If white shows through, the product contains filler. Pure silicone does not change color when twisted."

I agree that glass containers are a pita. I can never get all my product out just scraping. I have been known to take a q-tip soaked in ISO to clean it out. Then I let the alcohol evaporate out of the cotton and put the cotton in the stem of a log vape. But that's only if I'm desperate. And I haven't, luckily, been desperate for a long time.
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I agree that glass containers are a pita. I can never get all my product out just scraping. I have been known to take a q-tip soaked in ISO to clean it out. Then I let the alcohol evaporate out of the cotton and put the cotton in the stem of a log vape. But that's only if I'm desperate. And I haven't, luckily, been desperate for a long time.

I use glass only... when it gets to un-salvageable amounts, I just warm it up, mop it up with a small nug, then straight in the vapcap...
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I've been using the same long hunk of tube that came with the Sticky Brick HydroMaxx that I cut into three dif sizes for a few years now... I love 'em! best tubing I've ever used BY FAR (I'm sure you can get the exact same shit cheaper anywhere). They've discolored a bit, probably cuz I didn't care for them as well when I first got 'em.. Quick reams with a long bottle-brush, plant-based fragrance-free dish soap and boiling water usually works fine, but they also get chucked into the ultrasonic cleaner, too, along with almost everything else when I feel like dealing with that.

I don't like the black whip tubing that came with the Goo Roo Designs Single Hose Hookah... it LOOKS cool, sure, and I kinda like that it hides grime, but it's slightly too restrictive for me and convection flower vaping... little pieces w/dabbing can be ok, but it still bugs me a lil...

All my concentrates and flower are pretty much always in glass.
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