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Meds Sobering up headaches


Where am I?
So this has been something that's been plaguing me for a while now and I wanted to write this to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences.

So if I start up in the morning with a few tokes I'm good, but if I go for more than a few hours without another one I will start to get a headache. If I gradually vape throughout the day every few hours I really don't get any headaches.

Now the funny thing is that if I don't vape at all throughout the day, I won't get a headache, but if I start anywhere in the day it seems that I have to keep going through the rest of the day to avoid getting a headache.

I was wondering if this is something that happens to you guys and gals too or if I'm just crazy?
I don't think you're crazy.... I'm just wondering why it happens.

I can't say I've had that type of headache since I stopped combusting. I would get a headache after smoking too many joints. And I'll get a headache sometimes coming down off an edible. But not usually from vaping.

I wonder if it's a hydration thing. Do you get enough liquids during the day? Or could it be a pressure thing with your eyes?

Forgive me. I'm way too buzzed to even address this. But I've been thinking about it ever since you posted. :ko:
I don't think you're crazy.... I'm just wondering why it happens.

I can't say I've had that type of headache since I stopped combusting. I would get a headache after smoking too many joints. And I'll get a headache sometimes coming down off an edible. But not usually from vaping.

I wonder if it's a hydration thing. Do you get enough liquids during the day? Or could it be a pressure thing with your eyes?

Forgive me. I'm way too buzzed to even address this. But I've been thinking about it ever since you posted. :ko:
This is very relevant. I used to get headaches just like Mom after smoking too many joints!

These days, I get headaches the next morning sometimes after I've vaped a lot of flower, especially at higher temps (or with a lot of use with a convection session vape, those are a rapid way to dehydrate yourself!). I don't tend to get headaches from my normal day to day usage though, since I exclusively use concentrates most of the time in order to minimize the clouds I'm inhaling during the day and hence minimize dehydration and oral health risk factors. I frequently do not partake until mid-late afternoon on many days of the week. and never experience headaches during that period, which seems similar to the period of cessation it takes for our friend @Sixstringsmash to get the abovementioned headaches.

Vaporizing flower (especially a lot of it, or a long session, especially a hot long session with a large load!) can involve breathing in a lot of hot air. That is a very efficient way to dehydrate all of your body's relevant internal surfaces as you inhale.

I definitely find that when I vaporize, that I should drink more fluids. I sometimes still notice a very dry mouth when I wake up in the morning until I've taken sufficient fluids that day. I don't get this shit perfect all the time by any stretch!

BTW, the hydration should wherever possible be done without sugary fluids! Aside from headaches, we need to remember that cannabis vaporists are necessarily subjecting their mouths to extra health risks from vaporization because of the route of administration.

We need to work to keep our mouths sufficiently hydrated and moist to prevent as much of these risk factors as possible. Visit the dentist more often for regular cleaning/maintenance than you would if you were not a vaporist. Understand that cannabis resin recondenses over surfaces in your mouth when you vape and if you've ever handled dabs, you can surely imagine what kind of a plaque could form from enough accumulated condensation of cannabis resin! :dog:

BONUS BENEFIT OF INCREASED ORAL CARE - Cannabis vaporists who are concerned about oral swab based drug testing should especially heed the above advice. This is because in every review I've ever read on the efficacy of cannabis oral testing; it is noted that the better the oral hygiene of the cannabis-using individual, the less likely the test is to return a positive reading. Be mindful that cleaning of the tongue and mouthwash rinsing/attention to cleaning the surrounding soft tissue in the mouth is especially important for this benefit to be fully realized. Many oral swab test procedures involve wiping your tongue and the sides of your mouth and if there has been no attention to ridding these surfaces of THC, you're gonna have a bad time! Obviously this all only applies to oral swab drug tests.

Many are not aware that inhaling cannabis vapor is demonstrably a risk factor for dental and periodontal issues, because aside from the heat of the vapor, many cannabinoids/terps serve to chemically dry the mouth, which can promote decay and other problems - this doesn't mean that your teeth will have problems for certain, but it sets the stage for future dental problems which we all know are best avoided! This is one of the few known dangers of vaporization. Extra preventative maintenance is required, especially for longer term cannabis vaporists.

Whoa, I guess this turned into less of a headache discussion by the time I finished typing. Apologies for any derail, but I'm hopeful that some folks will find this useful. Take care people!
Sorry I haven't replied here in the past day or two!

Thanks for all the posts. It does seem like we suffer from the same thing @herbivore21 and I definitely don't mind any derail, your posts are always informative and interesting. I guess I'll have to try to chug some more water throughout the day and see if that does the trick!

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