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Lunacy Social Media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram........

Is Your Child Buying Drugs on Social Media Apps?

https://cybersafetycop.com › is-your-child-buying-drug

Fentanyl has been killing children online. They think they r getting oxy and it’s laced with fentanyl . A major problem. Parents need to have access to the app their child is using on their device.
Fentanyl coming across the border is a huge problem that's not going away anytime soon. That shit is pouring across the border. The seizures are daily now, it's unbelievable the amounts getting through. Folks have been known to think they're doing a rail of blow and it's cut with Fentanyl. And people are dropping right and left after smoking it. Fake Percocet killed a family member of mine . China is responsible for the recent surge. They supply the precursors to Mexico. There it's manufactured and smuggled across. The border is open to smugglers. What needs to be addressed is getting China to stop supplying Mexico . Then getting rid of the cartels once and for all. What happens to the narco economy of Mexico ? Does it just move somewhere else ? IDK ? Have you ever just looked online and seen what's being sold ? Holy shit :yikes: .


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VGoodiez 420EDC