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Meds Stress Response and Cortisol Levels In Cronic Cannabis Users

Latest Headlines
updated 12:26pm EDT

Muted Stress Response Linked to Long-Term Cannabis Use
July 31, 2017 — A new study reveals a dampened physiological response to stress in chronic cannabis users. This is the first study to examine the effects of acute stress on salivary cortisol levels in chronic ... read more
Personally, being a somewhat excitable boy (Warren Zevon "H'e just an excitable boy") I enjoy the calming effects and do NOT miss the caustic feeling of tons of adrenaline and cortisol coursing through my veins.

My cousin has Cushing's Disease which is determined by elevated levels of cortisol (from one of a few possible root causes) and that stuff tore her up, physically and mentally, until they got it under control.

I also think we live in a world that is orders of magnitude more stressful than say 100 years ago. I personally can use more calm than seemingly provided to me by nature. LOL
I hear you @Baron23 im naturally a stressful type person. It started when I was a child I remember when I had to transition from an elementary country type school to one in town. I worried for months and it effected my sleep and eating habits. I was a nervous wreck. I did better once in middle school but thinking about it beforehand was much worse for me. In the beginning I threw up every morning for about a month. My mom was worried because I lost weight and she had noticed I hadn't been eating.

I need the what ifs, to stop in my head and cannabis helps me with that. I've dealt with on going anxiety a long time. I think worriers are used to worrying about things - I hate it. Im working on living in the here and now.
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I hear you @Baron23 im naturally a stressful type person. It started when I was a child I remember when I had to transition from an elementary country type school to one in town. I worried for months and it effected my sleep and eating habits. I was a nervous wreck. I did better once in middle school but thinking about it beforehand was much worse for me. In the beginning I threw up every morning for about a month. My mom was worried because I lost weight and she had noticed I hadn't been eating.

I need the what ifs, to stop in my head and cannabis helps me with that. I've dealt with on going anxiety a long time. I think worriers are used to worrying about things - I hate it. Im working on living in the here and now.
I like...and and try to remind myself of....a phrase from a friend of mine: "Worrying must work because 99% of the stuff I worry about never happens". LOL And its so true.

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