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Lunacy The Beats

Knowing how much you loved singing along with Goldie Looking Chain @momofthegoons I found this other gem from the UK music scene which you may find just as catchy.
This has put me 'on one', humming it around the supermarket and eventually being told by MrsPP that it's wearing a little thin.
Actually painted a picture of Mr Skinner for MrsPP's brother.

Even if you turn the sound down zone out and watch this.

What psychedelics was Mother Nature on they day she decided Seahorses would be a good idea.
@phattpiggie just saw this and thought of you in the grocery store with your wife.... :lol:


Peace all!

Goes nice with rosin on a lazy Saturday...

Holy freaking shit I'm high...

Peace everyone!

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Word Crimes

Jim's Big Ego - Stress

The Avalanches - 'Frontier Psychiatrist'

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