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Lunacy The Beats

@CarolKing , @momofthegoons , @ataxian , @Killick , et al - saw in the paper today that PBS is running Carole King - Tapestry Live from Hyde Park, London, concert video tonight.

Ms King was one of the most talented song writers of her generation....the whole Tin Pan Alley thing....she was there. And I did see her, as a young man of maybe 19, tour the Tapestry album. Saw her at the Marriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, MD. It was an OUTSTANDING show and one I will never forget.

So, if its on in your area tonight, my recommendation is to set the DVR up and capture it. :thumbsup::headbang::smoke:
Seal's "Its a Man's World" is the best version of this great song since of James Brown. Oh, and its live in front of an audience. :headbang:


Love Kawehi...:love:

This song reminds me my American road trip this year... it was played much within the few 1000 miles of driving....
Anyone can sing this...
Badly maybe, but still, it seems to make people sing... and that's good..
Iv been liking this lately...

And this....

Music saves me...

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