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Lunacy The Beats

Yeah, Highly Suspect has crazy energy. :headbang:

Alberta Cross; Started out in Sweden, moved to London, and settled in New York. The big Swede (Petter Ericson Stakee) is a great songwriter and musician.

Alberta Cross - ATX

Alberta Cross - Old Man Chicago

Yeah, Highly Suspect has crazy energy. :headbang:

Alberta Cross; Started out in Sweden, moved to London, and settled in New York. The big Swede (Petter Ericson Stakee) is a great songwriter and musician.

Alberta Cross - ATX

Alberta Cross - Old Man Chicago

We had parties every week at the beach and house's close by!
Music was a big part of the PARTY SCENCE.
Their style of music was very popular!

Singer's were few and far between! (my oldest son sing's well)
Go out with 28 gram's & have none left? (at the end of night)
In those dayz that was the aim!

I had so much fun in LONDON. (great music)
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I'm a big Jen Cloher fan. She's an Australian singer-songwriter and her girlfriend is Courtney Barnett. Owner of Milk! Records.

Courtney Barnett - Depreston

Anton Karas Performs "Harry Lime Theme" on Zither from The Third Man (1949)

Jacques Tati - Soundtrack Music from 'Mon Oncle'

Zorba The Greek - Sirtaki (HQ Music)
Dave Apollon - Sweet Sue

Stephane Grappelli & David Grisman - Shine

Jerry Garcia and David Grisman - Shady Grove
From Amsterdam, Netherlands; Pete Philly and Perquisite.

The video for Insomnia was filmed inside the Vapor Asylum.



A song came on today that I have not heard for years & it immediately reminded me of @ataxian. Still remembered every lyric too & it felt like I was 15 again :smile:.

I was down on the sand, watching the swell, Board in my hand I said what the hell, Wax up my stick and I zip on my skin, I find a good spot and I jump in,

The sea is the place where you can live like a king, Don't need to have money you can jump right in, All you need is a friend and beach to be free, talk about the tubes that you missed in the sea


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VGoodiez 420EDC