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The DDave Bumper Sticker GiveAway!

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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Sup Inmates? (That is what one is called when they reside in an Asylum, right?)

While I anxiously await receipt of V3 pieces (EQ will arrive first, a while before Milaana pieces do), I'm looking to give away a few bumper stickers...

So, no contest... No Haiku or Rap needed, but always appreciated.

First 10 respondents will get one mailed out asap!
Respondent will post in this thread, but PM mailing address info.

Open globally!

Vape On!
Sup Inmates? (That is what one is called when they reside in an Asylum, right?)

While I anxiously await receipt of V3 pieces (EQ will arrive first, a while before Milaana pieces do), I'm looking to give away a few bumper stickers...

So, no contest... No Haiku or Rap needed, but always appreciated.

First 10 respondents will get one mailed out asap!
Respondent will post in this thread, but PM mailing address info.

Open globally!

Vape On!

DDave Rocks Vapor
Accessories That Tailor
Devices Better
DDave Rocks Vapor
Accessories That Tailor
Devices Better

@GreenHopper So, time for another Battle of the MeMes? :hambre: <--- Not a fork and a knife, but rather a Pitch Fork and Stiletto! IT'S ON!
Ddave ROCKS!!! :headbang:

Thanks dude!
Thanks! Get me that address so I can get one out to you asap!!

:peace:Hey DDave! Wishing mucho peace. Waaayy too beyond Haiku-ing (is that a word? Am I talking to myself? Oh shit!) at this point. :peace:
Hey Friend!

Peace back at ya!

Talking to yourself is cool....

Sorry Idol fans! I draw the line at talking to myself!!!

Many hands make light work,

unless its a rub and tug

then its just weird

no happy ending

Listen DM, you multi-handed %$#@!

PM me that mailing address.

I expect to see random shots on the internet of some dude taking long walks on the beach in the rain whilst writing poetry & reducing his carbon footprint by hopping a lot with a DDave Sticker proudly displayed, uh, s-o-m-e-w-h-e-r-e? :uhoh:

Always a winner with you @ddave !!
Thanks @ddave
Sticker has arrived, but I will not waste this beauty on a bumper... This goes on the wall in the Vape room!
I've always believed that by accepting the gift, we honor the giver. So I thank you first for that.

But to be given space and display in your vape room...an honor so high, I fail to feel it deserved. Thanks Friend!
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VGoodiez 420EDC