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Discontinued The Triton Oil System from UP Tech

Vapes no longer in production


Well-Known Member
It was an honor to be called upon to help unveil the Triton Oil System after over four years of development.

I don’t work for UP Tech any more, but I do have a lot of praise for this device. Many “weak points” have been addressed including the elimination of all silicone and PTFE grommets, nickel non-resistive leads and their crimps, and the all too common problem of internal leakage and sticky heating coil threads.

G and I spent over an hour discussing the device live on YouTube today and you can watch a recording of the unboxing session below.

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@SamuraiSam thanks for sharing this here. :biggrin:

In the vid, you mention links that you put up regarding the dangers of lead in the coils of some of these types of vapes; made by other manufacturers that don't disclose the safety ratings of their materials. I haven't been able to locate them on reddit... would you be willing to share those as well? I'm all about vape safety and that is important information to get out there.
It was an honor to be called upon to help unveil the Triton Oil System after over four years of development.

I don’t work for UP Tech any more, but I do have a lot of praise for this device. Many “weak points” have been addressed including the elimination of all silicone and PTFE grommets, nickel non-resistive leads and their crimps, and the all too common problem of internal leakage and sticky heating coil threads.

G and I spent over an hour discussing the device live on YouTube today and you can watch a recording of the unboxing session below.

Thanks Sam....looking forward to see this atomizer when its released.
@SamuraiSam thanks for sharing this here. :biggrin:

In the vid, you mention links that you put up regarding the dangers of lead in the coils of some of these types of vapes; made by other manufacturers that don't disclose the safety ratings of their materials. I haven't been able to locate them on reddit... would you be willing to share those as well? I'm all about vape safety and that is important information to get out there.

I sure would, sorry for not sharing it here at the Asylum earlier.

Thanks for sharing all of the content in this thread here brother. I've stopped using dab pens for a year or more now. I've always felt like with every dab pen I've used, that I'm compromising the experience in some way (flavor, cleanability, reusability, materials safety are all common compromises in this regard vs other options such as some portable flower vapes).

Pens never taste as good as dabbing on a SiC or Sapphire enail (I haven't dabbed on quartz since 2014 or something, so that is a moot comparison for my purposes). I find that a number of portable flower vapes do a better job of vaporizing concentrates than pens where flavor is concerned, some can even compete on quick and large cloud production, but not necessarily battery life. Metals can get red hot in a lot of pens during normal use (although not necessarily with the right TC setup) and I refuse to breathe off of metals that are able to get red hot if I ride the button a little too long. Cleaning a lot of pens is a fucking nightmare - too many nooks for debris and residues to get stuck in, too many flimsy components that simply won't stand up to rigorous cleaning. The use of polymers including PTFE and Silicone in pens is frequently questionable. A lot of pens are poorly assembled and frankly, of such shit quality that even without materials safety concerns, are IME not reliable enough to be worthy of a purchase - this has been my experience with the Source pens for example. Multiple and repeated failures of a variety of their components IME.

Uptech have to their credit always tried to improve materials safety of their pens, G has typically had the safest pens available at any given time and despite my general dislike of most pen designs, deserves credit for this. For a very long time, I've said that if you have to use a pen, that uptech are one of very few companies to look at.

The triton cartridges look like something that may finally bring me back to using pens again. Tell me, do you think that any of these carts might work out for portable full melt use? I'm especially interested in the nail-like carts. That 1701 w/ quartz dish and titanium wicks seems like it could be quite well-suited for my purposes!
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It was an honor to be called upon to help unveil the Triton Oil System after over four years of development.

I don’t work for UP Tech any more, but I do have a lot of praise for this device. Many “weak points” have been addressed including the elimination of all silicone and PTFE grommets, nickel non-resistive leads and their crimps, and the all too common problem of internal leakage and sticky heating coil threads.

G and I spent over an hour discussing the device live on YouTube today and you can watch a recording of the unboxing session below.

I have KIEF & ROSIN + E JUICE to load into my PEN from DELTA 9 W9 TECH = power cloud 8.125 is my level of CIVILIZATION.
THE attachment looks like a tool 4 session's of MEDICATING?

Been using a RBA lately when R da new attacthment AVAIABLE?

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VGoodiez 420EDC