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Accessories upright holding stand for non hands-free whips


Well-Known Member
As an avid Silver Surfer enthusiast I've often pondered about how nice it would be to be able to rest the wand upright in between hits rather than holding it or wrapping it around the unit. I envision something along the lines of an old fashioned pipe holder that's "front loading" rather than "top loading."

Any suggestions for a make-shift solution? I'm kind of surprised this accessory has not been made available; I think any whip based vaporizer user would value the convenience of a "whip station" so to speak.

EDIT - someone on Ebay has or had the same idea and offered this but not currently available -
Hey @jeffp :smile:

I love my Silver Surfer as well. And I would think that one of our woodworkers could do a slam bang job of making something like that. Although I'd prefer something that doesn't put quite as much crimp in the hose.... and maybe something in a burl... or snakewood... or....bocote... or.....

Calling @phattpiggie and @Aezhenn and @Ed's TnT .... anyone interested? :biggrin:
One cheap & simple solution is to use a test tube clamp or better yet two. Cut a couple of silicone pads from a whip & loop it around like below. Not pretty but it does work.

Hey @jeffp :smile:

I love my Silver Surfer as well. And I would think that one of our woodworkers could do a slam bang job of making something like that. Although I'd prefer something that doesn't put quite as much crimp in the hose.... and maybe something in a burl... or snakewood... or....bocote... or.....

Calling @phattpiggie and @Aezhenn and @Ed's TnT .... anyone interested? :biggrin:

Get this, you know maybe that I make that 18mm bowl/whip adapter for the EQ right, I also make a 14mm WP/whip adapter for the opposite end of the tubing. I just ordered a couple pieces of tubing to get a look and see what others think. It doesn't have to be for the EQ it could be used with any 18mm female joint. I'll post some pics next week when I have the parts in. Keep an eye out see if that interests you as I don't know anything bout the SS.
This issue is my biggest problem with whips. I don't mind them a bit, except for putting one down, and hoping it doesn't suddenly uncoil like a snake, not knowing where to rest the hot end, and keep mouthpiece clean, etc. Fortunately, I'm usually high when this is an issue, and while it might make a solution tricky to figure out, I don't worry too much in that state.

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VGoodiez 420EDC