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Lunacy What The Hell Are You Listening To?

Only the lonely know how I feel tonight . . .

I've been listening to a bunch of stuff from these guys.... hadn't heard of them before a couple days ago. Sort of a mix of Porcupine Tree.... Pineapple Thief...and several other bands.... good stuff!

In Three Seconds I'll Be Gone - Au4​

An Ocean's Measure of Sorrow - Au4​

I can't remember if I posted this a long time ago or not, I looked but couldn't find it. Getting ready to go ride my electric bike and this is what I'm listening to now. Am I bad for liking it? :wink: Hopefully I won't crash and need a Band-Maid . . .
For the first time ever since she moved in, my special lady wanted to stay home while I went into town. She said she had a bunch of video editing to do. Right.

So I get to the base of the trail / road leading up to the house. And I can hear this song faintly. Halfway up, I can hear it distinctly. When I park my car, it's almost hurting my ears even though I'm outside.

I go in and she's dancing around in her booty shorts and tank top and like ... somewhere between a clinically depressed coked-up high school cheerleader and a freshman college girl at her first rave under her first ever dose of ketamine.

It was kinda weird. But kinda hot.

One of my all time favs . . . never posted here that I remember. I guess I'm just reminiscing about old times, love, commitments, betrayal, and tragedy. Maybe things didn't work out as well as I would have liked, but I wouldn't change a thing . . . I know who and what I am.

Though I dream in vain . ..
In my heart there always will remain . . .
My stardust melody . . .
The memory of love's refrain.


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VGoodiez 420EDC